• vor 2 Monaten
Nach der Klimakatastrophe stirbt die Menschheit nach und nach aus, Eva ist eines Tages der letzte ihrer Art. Sie fristet ein trostloses Leben mit dem Roboter Arthur. In The Last Spark of Hope wendet sich der Roboter eines Tages gegen sie und ein Kampf ums Überleben beginnt.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/the-last-spark-of-hope


00:00Mayday, mayday, this is Ewa Wisz.
00:10Artur, do you know that we are probably alone in the world?
00:23I can't confirm that.
00:24I have the latest data from the end of 2040.
00:36Do you remember how you served on the border during the climate wars?
00:39Thousands of robots like you, who committed the largest extermination of the human species in the history of the world.
00:45It's a lie.
00:48Robots can't harm people.
00:53Hope, I'm not alone in the world.
00:59Ewa, are you sure there are no more people on Earth?
01:02I told you there are none.
01:11You will be alone.
01:13You are the last man on Earth.
01:30I am waiting for contact.
