• 2 months ago
Triple H has done some brilliant work as head of WWE creative, but not for these guys!
00:00This lot just can't seem to get ahead in Hunter's WWE.
00:04Some have experienced incredible highs before slinking back into the shadows, but most fans
00:09would agree they've hardly been used well consistently.
00:12Time to play the game?
00:13Nuh-uh, time to take the blame.
00:16So I'm Gareth, this is WhatCulture Wrestling, and here are 10 WWE Stars Triple H Will Never
00:21Use Properly.
00:23Hit Row's Remaining Members
00:25Note the wording there.
00:26Remaining members suggests that Hit Row still has a future post-top-dollar release.
00:31The much-maligned faction surely doesn't, and it's not like anyone will shed a tear
00:35if it vanishes anyway.
00:36Hit Row's comeback was retrospectively one of Triple H's worst decisions back in 2022.
00:412023 wasn't kind to the group either, but what's next?
00:45B-Fab has been hanging around with Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits, so perhaps you'll
00:49get some mileage out of that alliance in the short term.
00:52Then there's poor Ashanti Theodonis.
00:54He's gone AWOL from screens, and will probably require a complete repackage job if he's
00:59going to survive.
01:00Maybe these guys are just doomed.
01:02Nobody wants to hear that, because it sounds so negative, obviously.
01:05But it could be true.
01:06Triple H might have put a red pen through B-Fab and Adonis heading into 2024.
01:10So either they get used to WWE catering, or they possibly try their luck elsewhere.
01:16Cameron Grimes
01:17This is such a curious one.
01:19Cameron Grimes was a hot commodity on the NXT roster.
01:22He crafted a memorable, likeable character that successfully turned him from middle-of-the-pack
01:26heel into surprise breakout babyface, and everyone had high hopes for the man once he
01:31landed on the main roster.
01:33Grimes' run on Smackdown has been the pits thus far.
01:36Creative outright failed to present him properly from the off.
01:39His start-up mini-feud opposite Baron Corbin went nowhere.
01:42Baron headed back to NXT without settling his differences with Cam.
01:45Then Grimes entered a dreaded chapter in any developmental call-up's career.
01:49Borderline enhancement talent work.
01:51Yeah, that's what Cameron has been doing on and off recently on Friday night, and it
01:55sucks to see.
01:56He's far too talented for this crud, man.
01:58And with all this in mind, I've got a question for you.
02:01Who has been your favourite NXT call-up of all time?
02:04It's probably not Grimes, but you let me know who it is in the comments section down
02:10Apollo Crews
02:11Arguably, this isn't just a Triple H issue, it's a wider WWE issue.
02:15But Hunter is currently the head of Creative, so he's gonna take the hit.
02:18Apollo Crews once threatened to break out when the promotion cast him as a descendant
02:22of Nigerian royalty.
02:24He was in the Intercontinental title hunt back then.
02:26Those days feel like ancient history now.
02:29Today, Apollo has returned to playing the same generic smiley babyface role that bored
02:33people to tears when he first landed on the main roster.
02:36Remember Michael Cole desperately reaching by using words like dynamic, exciting and
02:40energetic to describe Crews?
02:42That was in lieu of any actual personality, and it didn't work.
02:46Apollo is living some sort of WWE-style Groundhog Day in terms of characterisation, and that
02:51ain't gonna change in 2024.
02:54Triple H isn't gonna suddenly wake up one day and think, hey, I need to book Apollo
02:57Crews as a top guy, is he?
03:00Dexter Lumis
03:01Chips just doesn't really get the Dexter Lumis gimmick, does he?
03:04If he did, then Dex would've had a better shot at success on Raw beyond his rivalry
03:08versus The Miz.
03:09That was a bit of an unsatisfying mid-card experience, and it failed to elevate Lumis
03:13in the slightest.
03:15So yeah, maybe Hunter just can't get on board with what Dexter is all about.
03:18And that's fair enough, really, but it doesn't really bode well for the spooky ex-NXT star.
03:24Put simply, Lumis would need to seemingly radically alter his character to have a hope
03:28in hell of thriving under the game in 2024.
03:33At time of recording, High Flyer Ricochet has worked nine bouts on WWE television since
03:38losing to Logan Paul back at SummerSlam in August.
03:41Can you name any of them?
03:43The point is that ol' Rico hasn't been up to much since ending his beef with LP.
03:48There was zero follow-up from Triple H and his creative staff for Ricochet.
03:51His on-screen character didn't continue to develop, and he's only worked a few fun-in-the-moment
03:56but ultimately forgettable matches versus guys like Shinsuke Nakamura since.
04:00It's a real shame considering how well Rico was doing over the summer, because it looked
04:04like his stop-start pushes under McMahon were a thing of the past.
04:08Nope, he's still on that Not-So-Merry-Go-Rounder.
04:11Oh yeah, and just a quick one to say thank you for hopping on this video right today.
04:14And if you like what you see, then go and tap on that subscribe button down below.
04:19The Viking Raiders
04:23That chant should be booming throughout arenas as people toast yet another fabulous Viking
04:28Raiders tag effort.
04:29But it's simply a fantasy.
04:30Yes, injuries have robbed the Raiders of some time in 2023, but they weren't exactly smashing
04:35it on TV anyway.
04:37Or more accurately, they weren't being allowed to smash it.
04:39The duo had a proud reputation pre-WWE, War Machine earned rave reviews pretty much everywhere
04:45on the pro wrestling map, and they seem destined to become a surefire hit after putting pen
04:49to paper on contracts with the biggest promotion in the land.
04:53Too much treading water has led to creative rot setting in though.
04:56It's almost impossible to picture anything better for Eric, Ivar and Valhalla once they're
05:01all back together on telly again, and Triple H will probably lead the charge for everyone
05:05to focus on others.
05:07What a damn shame.
05:09Charlotte Flair You might be hearing this entry and thinking,
05:12er, Charlotte Flair is constantly in the title mix, she is definitely used properly.
05:16Wrestlers can be pushed hard and used wrongly at the same time, and most would agree that
05:20Charlotte's incredibly forced babyface run was visible evidence of that.
05:25She's way better as a heel, that's just the way it is.
05:28Interviews away from the ring reveal that Flair is a nice enough person, but her painted-on
05:32face, smile and love-me-love-me approach is pretty difficult to swallow on television.
05:36It's too put on, but Triple H has still persevered with Charlotte's face run throughout
05:40his tenure in charge of creative.
05:43This guy is beginning to wonder if he'll ever return Flair to the glory days of heeldom.
05:47You never know, maybe the Queen will get another shot at walking on the dark side once she
05:50returns from her terrible knee injury.
05:53Get well soon, Charlotte.
05:55Karrion Kross The 8th December 2023 episode of SmackDown
05:58marked Karrion Kross' first televised match on the blue brand since August.
06:02It was teased as a return to form for he and Scarlett, something Karrion put over on
06:07social media, but he wound up losing to Bobby Lashley without putting up enough of a fight.
06:11The sad truth is that Karrion's second WWE run has been a continuation of where he left
06:16off during the first.
06:17His NXT stuff wasn't for everyone, but it was a million miles better than anything he's
06:21done on the main roster.
06:23Right now, Kross is one rung above Enhancement Worker.
06:26Triple H has had over a full year to get it right with Karrion.
06:29Kross is worse off than he was when he bounced back into view as an antagonist for top names
06:33like Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns.
06:37Omos Vince McMahon surely grinned from ear to ear
06:39when he first clapped eyes on the towering Omos.
06:42A physically impressive monster like that was always McMahon's thing, but Triple H,
06:46as aforementioned, will have his own likes and dislikes when it comes to booking.
06:50And maybe Omos isn't his kind of worker.
06:52It'd certainly explain why the Giant went from being pushed like an unstoppable force,
06:57then dropping off the face of the Earth suddenly.
06:59WWE has barely used Omos at all since WrestleMania 39, and that could be a hunter call.
07:05Squash match pushes will only take someone so far.
07:07So, Trips might well be bored of the Omos experiment, and see WWE's previous obsession
07:12with Giants as just another trope that must be binned in the modern era.
07:17Shayna Baszler
07:18One Shayna Baszler would be forgiven for throwing up her hands, sighing and realising the WWE
07:23push she richly deserves will never ever come.
07:26Things looked like they might be headed in the right direction when Baszler aligned with
07:30Ronda Rousey, but that was another false dawn for her.
07:33Now Rousey is gone, and Shayna is right back where she started before that tag run.
07:37Triple H will try again with Shayna in 2024, but unfortunately things will go the way they
07:43always go.
07:44WWE will give her a few weeks, maybe a month tops to rack up some wins.
07:48Then they'll lose interest and it'll be like nothing ever happened.
07:51Rinse and frustrating repeat.
07:53Poor Shayna.
07:54Did you like this WWE Stars Triple H Will Never Use Properly video?
07:58Then why not check out this 9 Wrestlers WWE Will Sign In 2024 video too?
08:02It's a blast.
