• 2 months ago
গঙ্গাসাগরে এসে বিস্ফোরক মন্তব্য করলেন পুরীর শঙ্করাচার্য নিশ্চলানন্দ সরস্বতী মহারাজ ৷ মোদি-যোগীকে কটাক্ষের পাশাপাশি দিঘায় জগন্নাথ মন্দির নিয়ে কী বললেন তিনি ?


00:00During the rule of the Taliban, four things happened.
00:06The Taliban took away everything.
00:09All the fake rulers, all the rulers,
00:13all of them had bad intentions. This is a threat.
00:17Now what happens is,
00:19the political parties have started doing the work of making Shankaracharya.
00:24I am not of any party. This is a threat to them.
00:26Narsimha Rao made a terrorist a Shankaracharya.
00:32The same terrorist was later made a Shankaracharya.
00:36The same terrorist was later made a fake Shankaracharya.
00:40Would there be a fake Prime Minister?
00:43Would there be a fake Chief Minister?
00:45If someone becomes a fake Prime Minister,
00:48will he go to jail or go mad?
00:51If Modi or Yogi makes a fake Shankaracharya,
00:54should he be sent to jail?
00:56Should he question the rule of the state?
00:58He is making a fake Shankaracharya.
01:00Just to make a fake Shankaracharya,
01:02Modi and Yogi are making a terrorist a Shankaracharya.
01:05I said, if there was a justice system in India,
01:08first of all, Modi and Yogi would be punished.
01:11This is the biggest sin.
01:13To make a fake Shankaracharya,
01:15you are making a terrorist a Shankaracharya.
01:17Listen, if I also become a Prime Minister and a Minister,
01:20and go mad,
01:22shouldn't they be declared mad?
01:25Are they mad?
01:27If I make someone a Prime Minister and a Minister,
01:31will they go mad?
01:33If Modi and Yogi don't make anyone a Shankaracharya,
01:36should they go mad?
01:38They should be locked up in a mental asylum.
01:41Just like there is a Jagannath Temple in Puri,
01:43in Digha also there is a Jagannath Temple.
01:45You are right,
01:47but your attempt to take a challenge is wrong.
01:50Puri is Puri.
01:56It won't work.
01:58Where emotions are not pure,
02:00it won't work.
