• 2 months ago
The brand new Glen Sannox ferry was finally in service on the operator’s busiest route
It’s finally here. The ferry that had been under construction for what seemed like forever was on Monday carrying passengers at last - and was bright, comfortable and spacious with it.

I boarded the first official sailing of the Glen Sannox that left Troon harbour shortly before 7am for Brodick on Arran in an event so low key you’d imagine it was just a regular service.

Although CalMac had sneaked in an unannounced first sailing on Sunday, this debut scheduled run came with no fanfare, speeches or celebration, the operator apparently just keen to get down to business after being kept waiting for nearly seven years for a ferry that some thought would never turn up.

But while the construction fiasco at the Ferguson Marine shipyard has made images of the huge vessel commonplace, Monday’s crossing was the first chance to sample what CalMac’s chief executive Duncan Mackison has hailed as among the best ferry interiors in Europe.

Forget the notorious painted-on windows from the ship’s premature launch in 2017 - the ferry’s lounges now have views in all directions, along with from various vantage points on the two open decks.

There’s a memento of that infamous event, in the form of a plaque above one of the staircases that records that Nicola Sturgeon, the then First Minister, did the honours.

Inside Glen Sannox, there is both a sense of space - you can see 75 metres all the way along the main passenger deck - but also one of intimacy with a range of smaller, more private areas to sit.

These include several rows of comfortable semi-reclined seats above the bows to an enclosed room to one side with a sliding glass door.

Glen Sannox’s extra power and maneuverability came into own immediately, able to operate in the “fresh southerly wind” conditions, as it was described by the crew, which had grounded the route’s other vessel, the catamaran Alfred.

The ferry seemed to cope well with the slight swell that made some on board feel queasy - amid reports of several people reaching for the sickbags.

At times, you had to keep a hand on the nearest rail to steady yourself while moving around.

But the ship remained very quiet as it ploughed through the darkness, the only discernible creaking I heard coming from a ceiling panel in the entrance vestibule.

After all the construction delays at the Ferguson Marine shipyard and last-minute problems which forced the cancellation of a preview sailing, it all seems to have come right in the end - unless something else goes wrong.

I’m told all those late glitches, such as to the sewage system and mezzanine vehicle deck, have been fixed.

A CalMac ferry has probably never come under such scrutiny. Passenger service launches used to be routine - and the company will no doubt hope they will be once more, with three other large vessels due to join the fleet this year.


00:00I'm Alistair Dalton, the Scotsman's Transport Correspondent aboard Glen Sannachs, the hugely
00:14late CalMac Ferry which has finally entered passenger service today between Troon and
00:21Six and a half years after it should have started carrying passengers, shortly before
00:27seven o'clock this morning, we left Troon in a fresh southerly wind, queasy for some
00:35passengers, making the one hour, 20 minutes crossing to Roddick.
00:41We're now on the return sailing to Troon.
00:45The last time I was standing here, I was aboard a partly built ship in the Ferguson Marine
00:51Shipyard in Port Glasgow, but now Glen Sannachs is finished.
00:57It's been through all its trials and finally carrying passengers, and I think those passengers
01:03will be impressed by the range of facilities in the main decks.
01:07There's lots of different places to sit, both looking up front and looking to the rear,
01:13small seating areas, a main cafe and a coffee cabin at the back, and then some nice cubby
01:20holes to the side.
01:22So, lots of different places to sit during the one hour, 20 minutes crossing.
01:31I'm proud of everyone involved.
01:32There's been a huge amount of effort within CalMac and partner agencies, CMAL, over the
01:37last few months, and it's just great to see it in action and see the crew really enjoying
01:43the vessel.
01:44As with any new build, there was a list of things to work through.
01:49The major ones that we were concerned about last week was the sewage system and also to
01:53do with the MES decks.
01:54Those have both now been fixed.
01:56They were fixed over the weekend, so we don't have those concerns anymore.
02:00There are one or two little issues which I would describe more as snagging than anything
02:04else, and there's a piece of work to do on the gypsy wheel to do with one of the anchors,
02:10which will be done in due course.
02:12But right now, she's more than capable of being in service, so we're really confident
02:17about the vessel.
02:19I think the main difference is the amount of space, the nature of the accommodation,
02:25the passenger accommodation.
02:26There's a variety of different spaces, quiet places, noisier places.
02:31If you're in a group, there's a good place for you to go, places to eat, or rooms like
02:35this which are a quiet area.
02:38So I think people will be able to find their own favorite place that suits who they're
02:42with or what they're doing on that day, and that's quite different to the older ferries.
02:47I think people are really pleased, they're relieved.
02:51This vessel's taken a long time to get here, as everyone knows, so they're just pleased
02:56to see this day coming, to be able to come and use the vessel and get a sense of what
03:02a positive and good vessel they've now got on their route.
03:08Expecting three other ferries this year.
03:09Obviously, we've got the sister ship to this one, Glen Rosa, hopefully later on this year.
03:13We've got two vessels coming in from Turkey, starting around the end of April.
03:17Obviously, there's pressures at play on all of those three vessels, but that will be a
03:23really material step forward, and if they're anything like as good as this, then that will
03:27be fantastic.
03:28And then, of course, in parallel with that, we've also got the other two vessels due from
03:33Turkey in due course, and we've got the procurement process underway now for the small vessel's
03:38replacement plan.
03:39So, for me, this marks a real turning point, and a look forward to a time over the next
03:46few years where we can expect to have approaching half the fleet as new vessels, which will
03:52be an amazing place to get to.
03:55If it proves to be as reliable as we hope, it'll be fantastic.
04:01The services are great, the capacity will be good, so it gives us a chance to rebuild
04:09the economy and the quality of life that we've become accustomed to before 2019.
04:15We've got to take our hats off to the crew on the Isle of Arran, they did a fantastic
04:19job serving us, but capacity was limited, you had to book well in advance, and with
04:27the Easterlies, the reliability, if you got off, could you get home?
04:32Would you get off?
04:34So, just the added stress.
04:36When the Rose is due later this year?
04:40What are you hearing about that?
04:42Well, according to the latest, it's going to be spring of 26.
04:46We believe there's another delay coming, but it hasn't been confirmed.
04:52So, for us, if we've got this one and the Calais Isle, and the Calais Isle operates
04:58from Ardrossan, that will give us good sailings with good capacity, but that's the next challenge.
05:07We need the Calais Isle back, operating from Ardrossan, and a commitment from government
05:14to upgrade the services at Ardrossan.
05:19It's exciting.
05:22Obviously, a new vessel, we're all still learning.
05:26Yes, we're in service now, but it's still a learning curve.
05:29So, there's a bit of nerves there as well, but nerves is good.
05:32Keeps you mind focused.
05:34I think it's a great, it's an honour as well.
05:36I mean, being, you know, Kalamata's got a big fleet of vessels.
05:39There's a lot of spotlights on this vessel right now, so to be given the chance to command
05:46it, for me personally, is a great feeling.
05:50I can tell that the vessel's got a lot more power than other vessels in the fleet.
05:53She's very manoeuvrable.
05:55I've been part of the trials for quite a bit, and managed to build up my confidence.
05:59I'm very confident in the vessel.
06:01Looking forward to working here and testing the vessel in stronger and stronger winds.
06:07Obviously, every vessel's slightly different in the setup for manoeuvring, but with regards
06:13to the machinery on here, we have got more available machinery, more power, more thrusters.
06:20So, most vessels in the fleet have got two thrusters.
06:23We have got three bow thrusters.
06:25We also have a stern thruster, which aids the main engines in manoeuvring the vessel.
06:30So, we do have that.
06:32The vessel's designed for higher wind speeds, which we do have the capability of.
06:36It's just a matter of learning the ship now.
06:38It's baby steps for us to learn the capability of the vessel, how she behaves, different
06:44directions of the wind, especially coming into Troon.
06:46We have to learn how the wind reacts on the vessel, depending on which direction it is,
06:52the sea state.
06:54So, whilst we've got a bit of confidence in the vessel, but we have to build that up slowly as well.
06:59So, it could end up with a more resilient...
07:02Oh, yeah. I'm confident of that.
07:04I'm confident of that.
07:05Coming in here, there was a good test for the vessel this morning and it came through really well.
