• 2 months ago
00:00I did a lot of propaganda. I will clean Delhi. I will eradicate corruption. I will make it Paris.
00:14Now see what happened.
00:18You see, you can't go out. There is such pollution. You can't go out. Half the people are sick. Cancer is increasing. Pollution is increasing. Expenses are increasing.
00:38And he said that Arvind Kejriwal will eradicate corruption. Now tell me, did Arvind Kejriwal eradicate corruption in Delhi?
00:54It is over. So the way Narendra Modi does propaganda for the media, fake promises, one after another fake promises, in the same way Kejriwal's strategy is the same.
01:14There is no difference. This is the truth. And you know what I said in the beginning.
01:26If any Indian, whether he is of any religion or caste, if anyone commits violence against him, then you will find Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party there.
01:46There is a difference between us and them. See, there is a difference between them and us. When we are needed, when there is violence against you, we will be there with you.
02:06And I am not saying this just like that. This is our record. We said that we will fight against BJP's ideology. And we have travelled 4000 kms from Kanyakumari to Kashmir.
02:28And we gave a slogan, the people of the country gave a slogan, we have to open a shop of love in the market of hatred. And we did not tell you that the shop of love will open only when you vote for us.
02:48We told you that no matter what happens, this is a fight for ideology. We are against RSS and BJP. We are today, we were before and we will be forever.
03:08And we travelled 4000 kms and changed the atmosphere of the country. We brought a new type of politics. And on one side, violence and hatred, and on the other side, a shop of love. This is the truth.
03:35So, I have come to give you the assurance of two or three things. First of all, India belongs to everyone. It belongs to the poor. India does not belong to 10-15 billionaires.
03:50Secondly, constitution is the most important thing in India. We have protected it. You must have seen, earlier Narendra Modi was talking about 400 crores. He spread his arms and said 400 crores.
04:09And after the elections, he did this to the constitution. He put it on his head. Congress Party has done this. Congress Party has clearly told them, look, everything else is fine. If you attack the constitution, then India will not forgive you. The country will not forgive you.
04:33So, I want to tell you, here, support the Congress Party. Make the Congress Party win. And what we used to develop, what the whole world knows, what Srila Dixit did, when the Congress Party was formed.
