• 2 months ago
Sekretaris Jenderal PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto irit bicara usai pemeriksaan oleh Penyidik KPK, Senin (13/1).
00:00Back off, back off.
00:02Hasto Cristianto's PDI Segjen Perjuangan
00:05has been investigated by the KPK Corruption Reduction Commission
00:09as a suspect on January 13.
00:12Hasto arrived at the KPK at around 9.32 am
00:15accompanied by the head of the PDIP DPP
00:17in the field of reformation of the National Law System, Ronita Lapesi,
00:21the legal authority, Magdir Ismail,
00:22and finished at 13.30 am.
00:25Hasto did not answer what was asked by the KPK investigators.
00:29On the other hand, the legal authority of Hasto Cristianto, Magdir Ismail,
00:32said that the further legal process will be delivered by the KPK investigators.
00:39Next, it will be done according to the needs of the investigators.
00:47For other things, especially related to the case,
00:51I would like to ask the investigators,
00:54because this is our agreement with the investigators,
00:57that we only convey,
01:00Mr. Hasto is being investigated for two cases today,
01:05namely the corruption case,
01:08and the second is the case of obstructing the investigation.
01:14It is known that Hasto was not directly detained by the KPK.
01:17Hasto left the KPK's red and white building with the legal authority
01:20and returned home by bus with his group.
01:23Previously, Hasto was detained as a suspect
01:26in the case of obstructing the investigation
01:28between the time of the KPK members of the DPR RI 2019-2024
01:32and the Harun Masiku investigation.
01:35From Jakarta, Asfar Muhammad, Anggah,
