• 2 months ago
केवलादेव उद्यान में दस वर्षों के बाद कॉमन शेल्डक पक्षी की वापसी हुई है. इसका कारण घना में पर्याप्त पानी को माना जा रहा है.


00:00Common Shredded Duck is a duck species which is mostly found in Europe and Eurasian region.
00:07It comes from around 3000-4000 km away from Bharatpur.
00:11It has been recorded in Bharatpur before but this time its direct sighting and camera photograph
00:16has come to us after almost 10 years.
00:19It is a very good thing that we got to see this duck which used to come to the European region earlier
00:25and we have also got a very good photograph of it.
00:28This is a migratory bird which spends most of its time in Europe
00:32and in winters it comes here in India and subcontinent regions.
00:37You must have heard the name Rudi Shredded Duck which is very common in Brahminy ducks.
00:42Larger family of ducks is the same but this is a common Shredded Duck which comes from Europe.
