• 2 months ago
00:00You see, this is a cover-up they are trying to do of what Amish has, how he has insulted
00:25our national icon, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
00:28You see, BJP is basically against the constitution, they are against the Dalits in this country
00:33and they are against the backward classes in this country.
00:36That is well established now because, you see, even then RSS and BJP have always opposed
00:43the constitution.
00:44So, they are trying to cover up because now the people of this country have realized that
00:50BJP is anti-poor, it is anti-Dalit and anti-backward class.
00:54Is there any faction fight happening in Congress?
00:56There is nothing, there is no faction at all.
00:57No, nothing.
00:58There is nothing like that.
00:59Sir, what was the discussion today?
01:00No, no, this is only regarding, no, no, this is only regarding the Belgum preparation,
01:06this meeting was regarding the Belgum preparation and building the Congress offices in, across
01:11the states.
01:13Sir, I have a question.
01:14Actually, intact issue.
01:15Please, see.
01:16I don't know why BJP makes such statements, I really don't know, because they keep making
01:25allegations, so there is a diversion always.
01:28The always, the BJP has got a game plan, last 10 years they have been executing very perfectly
01:33rather than talking the real issues today.
01:35Okay, they are in power, right?
01:36Who is in power in Central?
01:38They are in power and largely they have ruled this country most of the time is 18 to 19
01:43states are only ruling.
01:44What is that they have done for ACST?
01:46Have they done anything else?
01:48See, if there is anything they have done in last 11 years of regime of Modi Saab or let
01:52us take even in Gujarat, he was there 11 years, now he is 11th year as a Prime Minister
01:56and he was 15 years as Chief Minister and wherever the BJP ruled states are there, what
02:01is that they have done for ACST programs?
02:03If he is able to come up with some sort of a programs, then we can discuss.
02:07Such allegations are baseless and why do you have, in what way we are supposed to answer
02:12Is there any, because the kind of dinner meetings which are happening in Congress parties, they
02:16are questioning saying that the faction fight is clear in Congress party.
02:21We are not talking, but now Chalwadi Narayan Swamiji has made an allegation on saying that
02:26that we are the party which has down looked upon ACST.
02:28This is what your question was, right?
02:30So, I am asking the same question to him.
02:32We are the state, we have implemented that out of the budget, 24% has to be spent on
02:36them only.
02:37This is unique in this country, in the whole world.
02:39So, what is the better program they have done?
02:41Why they are not able to do it in other states?
02:43Come on, tell them to implement.
02:45Tell them to implement, then let us talk.
02:47And so, they are saying the faction fight in Congress party is…
02:50That is two different things.
02:51One is on the ACST, I have cleared.
02:53This is a different issue.
02:55They are saying the faction fight in Congress party is intact.
02:58The BJP is alleging because there are kind of dinner meetings which happened in Congress
03:03Some leaders called for dinners and it is being speculated that there are faction fights
03:08between Sidhram Nayyar versus Deepak Chopra.
03:10No, there is nothing like that.
03:11You are a senior minister.
03:12No, what has happened there, that was trying to give more speculation.
03:16So, that is why they have told not to hold such dinner meetings.
03:19That is why the high command has in principle told not to do such things.
03:23So, everybody is avoiding it.
03:24So, in what way there is a difference of opinion?
03:26There is nothing like that.
03:27Power fight, power sharing…
03:29There is nothing as such.
03:31In case if it is there, it will be taken care by high command only.
03:33Lastly, we have to go there only, right?
03:34So, in case anything.
03:35As of…
03:36If you ask me personally, no.
03:37There is nothing such thing like that.
03:38What about…
03:39Is there any some calmness meetings are happening so that your high command is asking leaders
03:44to not to speak against the party leaders?
03:46No, no, absolutely not.
03:47Why will…
03:48See, it is in essence of…
03:49You know, there is a dissent of essence of democracy.
03:51So, we are the only party where we have got liberal to speak about whatever we want to
03:56Not like BGP.
03:57So, yes, there would be a difference of opinion.
03:59It does not mean that we have got difference of ideology or difference in the party.
04:03Difference of opinion does not mean that we are against each other, right?
04:06Opinion could be different.
04:07So, that way that liberty is there in the party.
04:09So, what is wrong in it?
04:10They are saying that the CME is not ready to leave the CM post.
04:14Yesterday, the CM seat is not vacant.
04:17To draw a line, it is not their problem, no?
04:19To draw a line, it is our problem.
04:21If it is our problem, we will resolve it.
04:23What is BJP's problem?
04:24Is this the BJP's problem?
04:26Who has to become the Chief Minister of Karnataka Congress?
04:29Is that their problem?
04:30It is our problem, internal problem.
04:31If it is there also, we will resolve it.
04:33What is bothering them?
04:34Sir, yesterday, there was a program in the press club.
04:36There, the CM repeated the same thing.
04:38He is repeating it again and again.
04:41He is saying that the CM will change.
04:43But the CM seat is not vacant.
04:45No, if the CM has given the clarification,
04:48I cannot say anything on that.
04:50So, the question you have asked for him,
04:52he has given the answer.
04:54So, for that answer, if you ask me a question,
04:56that will be my answer also.
04:57BJP is continuously saying that this is a faction fight.