• 2 months ago
उत्तराखंड में निकाय चुनाव का प्रचार अपने चरम पर पहुंच गया है. वहीं कांग्रेस नेताओं ने प्रत्याशियों के पक्ष में प्रचार तेज कर दिया है.


00:00I said, don't worry, we'll be there.
00:02Because, what does the government do?
00:04We have seen Nanganaaz in the Haridwar Panchayat elections.
00:07After that, I thank all the journalists
00:10who covered the Mangalore elections and showed
00:14that Karan Mehra, Yashpal Arya, Harish Rawat, Pritam Singh could not go in.
00:18But Haryana's cars were in the entire Mangalore elections.
00:21And how people were prevented from voting.
00:24Bullets were fired, sticks were fired, people's blood was taken out.
00:28And after that, under the pressure of the media, we were able to win that election.
00:32If the media hadn't shown it, maybe the election would have changed.
00:35If BJP doesn't do that kind of Nanganaaz in these Nikaay Panchayat elections,
00:40then definitely Congress is going to win this election with a lot of pressure.
00:43Many people are leaving Congress.
00:45See, such people who ran away at the time of need,
00:49I don't want to comment on them.
00:52But I will definitely ask them this question.
00:54Congress helped you whenever it got the chance.
00:56It helped you move forward.
00:58It made you capable of being recognized by other parties.
01:00You have betrayed Congress.
01:02And you have not betrayed Congress, you have betrayed yourself.
01:04This is what I want to say.
