79° volumen del universo de Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video, disfruten, subtitulado al ingles y español.subscríbanse y denle like para más contenido. Ayudaría mucho. (Nota: La serie se divide en eras, y el nombre de cada era depende de la persona o las personas que las dirigieron, esta era es conocida como la era Fukuda-Kawai.)
79th volume of the Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video universe, enjoy, subtitled in English and Spanish.Subscribe and give a like for more content. It would help a lot. (Nota: The series is divided into eras, and the name of each era depends on the person or people who directed them, this era is known as the Fukuda-Kawai era.)
79th volume of the Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video universe, enjoy, subtitled in English and Spanish.Subscribe and give a like for more content. It would help a lot. (Nota: The series is divided into eras, and the name of each era depends on the person or people who directed them, this era is known as the Fukuda-Kawai era.)
Short film