• 2 months ago
00:30have in the media and then you are coming with one of the most violent films.
00:51I will not say the film is violent, but the narrative is so strong that as an actor
00:58I have been missing it for so many years. I always used to think that the films that
01:02are made in India, people say that why don't we have an action like the foreign films.
01:06Why don't we have an action like the foreign films, we should make an action like that.
01:11So it was always in my mind, but as an actor I have been missing it in so many films.
01:15But when you become a director yourself, you start writing that action.
01:29I have only been doing action, which was written that there is an action sequence
01:34of 10 days, you do the action and leave. But the story of that action was not written.
01:38So I wrote the story of Fateh's action, that what will happen with each thing,
01:42he will hit with a plate, he will hit with a spoon, he will hit with a pen, he will hit
01:45with a drill. So the punches that were written, I think he is showing that action so well.
01:51Today when people are talking about Fateh's action in the whole country, I feel that
01:56they are doing it because there was a lot of work on it, one single shot, we worked
02:00on it for two and a half months, where 60 to 70 people were called from foreign countries.
02:04So I feel that when an effort is made, people appreciate it and then no one can stop
02:09Fateh from becoming Fateh.
02:12Sir, this is your debut directorial movie and of course it takes a lot of hard work,
02:17especially when it is your first time. So sir, do you think that there will be a moment
02:23in this movie, which the audience should feel that Sonu Sood has really done something
02:29See, when I started writing this story, I started writing it because it is a common
02:33story, common people were committing frauds, you know, deep fakes, incident loan apps,
02:39people have committed suicide, whom I am connected to. So I felt that it is important
02:44to tell this. There is a very amazing line in it, which I had talked about. In it, it
02:50was that when a poor man's pocket money comes out of his pocket, it is not 2000,
02:57it is his children's future. So it means that all these cyber frauds, day and night,
03:03they loot crores of people's hard earned money, their life savings. So it is very
03:08important to tell that. We keep our mobile phones in our hands all day, but has anyone
03:12ever thought that how dangerous an instrument it is, where all your information is, and
03:16if it gets mirrored somewhere, then how big a loss it can be. So that is why I think
03:20film is such a medium, through which if you tell, then people get information, but
03:26to tell, you have to wrap it in the world of entertainment, so that when people see
03:30it, they say, yes, this is really such a world from where one should escape. So I think
03:35Fateh is not just a film, it is a message, it is a medium of entertainment, where not
03:40only will you enjoy, but whatever you spend on your ticket, that too will be useful to
03:45change someone's life.
03:47Sir, how has this movie impacted you personally?
03:50I think that what I have learnt in 20-22 years, I have put it in this. So this is not
03:55a film for me, I have lived this film, not directed it. So I think that this film is
04:00a new journey for me as an actor, director, which I have learnt. I have learnt Fateh further,
04:06I will put it in Fateh 2 or in some other film. So I think this is the beginning, and I
04:11believe that Fateh ki Fateh will happen.
04:15Sir, in the last two years, you have made a lot of action films. So this movie, how
04:21does it take it one notch higher?
04:23I think this film also gives a message of a common man. So this film is made for a common
04:28man, it is a story of a common man, and it will benefit a common man. So I think it is
04:33very important in today's world, when you make a film, it should inspire filmmakers
04:38to make a film like that. It should inspire actors to be a part of it. It should inspire
04:42writers to be a part of it. So this is the first attempt, where people say that when
04:48films are made in India, the action is not less than foreign films, it is equal. So today
04:53people are talking about this, when people talk about critics, everyone says that Fateh's
04:58action is exactly like Hollywood.
