• 2 months ago
राजगढ़ में पुलिस ने चोरों का जूलूस निकाला. गिरफ्तार आरोपियों के पास से लाखों रुपए नकद सहित सोना-चांदी जब्त किया गया.


00:00It is a sin to steal, it is a sin to steal
00:12The best thing that can happen is that you keep the CCTV cameras around your house working
00:20There is a lot of open space
00:23It may be a little difficult for us to be present everywhere for 24 hours
00:28We try our best to be present
00:30As you can see, most of the CCTV cameras are fogged
00:33When there is no visibility in the front, the visibility in the cameras is very low
00:37One of our biggest problems was that most of the CCTV cameras were fogged around 4 in the morning
00:44So the visibility was not very clear
00:46So we will try to do more
00:49We will try to take action against the criminals who have committed such crimes
00:59Once a gang is caught, it is normal
01:03Because a gang stays in an area until it is caught
