Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan is obsessed with Gujarati food and gorged on yummy delicacies such as “kadi and undhiyoo”. Kareena took to her Instagram stories section, where she shared the pictures of the delicacies sent in by her friend Poonam Damania. “Yar kadi and undhiyooo.. Everyone knows my obsession for Gujju food na... Thank you to my Poonie…,” she wrote as the caption.
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00:00Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is obsessed with Gujarati food and jodged on yummy delicacies
00:08such as curry and undhiyu.
00:10Everyone knows my obsession for Gujju food na.
00:13Thank you to my Pooni," she wrote as the caption.
00:16Last week, Kareena, who was seen holidaying in Switzerland with husband Saif Ali Khan
00:21and son Taimur Ali Khan and Jai Ali Khan, dropped a fresh string of pictures.
00:25While Kareena looked breathtaking in a shimmery dress with open hair and red heels, Saif challenged
00:31his inner Nawab in the black pantsuit with a matching bow.
00:35Twinning with his father, little Taimur also opted for the black suit.