• 2 months ago


00:00The people of this country need to be educated.
00:06And the poor people,
00:10it would be wrong to explain them in a religious way.
00:30There is a lot of hate for the British.
00:32There is a lot of hate for the Japanese.
00:34There is a lot of hate for the British.
00:36What is the situation?
00:39The incident that took place in Kannauj,
00:45if you and I look at the railway stations,
00:50the ones that were built during the British rule,
00:54they still look strong.
00:57Even today, nothing has gone wrong in them.
01:01If we restore those stations,
01:04as they are today,
01:09then our railway stations will look even better.
01:14The railway stations in Kannauj,
01:16or the shuttering,
01:18or the things that fell during the construction,
01:20which caused a lot of pressure on the workers,
01:23it is God's grace
01:25that no one has lost their lives yet.
01:29We hope that the government will get them treated.
01:33We have announced that we will help those families.
01:36We should do more.
01:38At the same time, the government should also look at
01:41who were involved in the contract.
01:45A new culture has started in Uttar Pradesh,
01:49where the contract is outsourced,
01:51and then outsourced,
01:53and then there is the pressure of the BJP leaders.
01:57So, where the contractor is compromising
02:00for his profit,
02:04and the workers,
02:05and the safety with which we should work,
02:09we are not even able to provide that safety to the workers
02:11because of which these incidents are taking place.
02:14The railway station that was built in Kannauj,
02:16and the one that fell,
02:18should be re-examined by a structural engineer
02:21from a large organization.
02:25And the work should be done under the supervision of a structural engineer.
02:30Because, I have heard that the quality of the cement,
02:33the quality of the concrete,
02:36the quality that should have been there,
02:38that is not there.
02:40It looks like a small contract,
02:42but if you add up all the work,
02:44then I don't know how big the contract was.
02:48To break the contract and make it smaller,
02:52to play with it,
02:54this is the new culture of the BJP.
02:59Corruption must have never happened
03:02as much as corruption is happening in their government.
03:05Secondly, the question asked about the Indian Union,
03:08the Indian Union is intact as it was.
03:12The Indian Union,
03:14from where it started in the initial period,
03:17the regional parties that can compete with the BJP,
03:22we have to support them,
03:24we have to stand with them.
03:27The Socialist Party,
03:29is still on the same path,
03:32to make the Indian Union stronger.
03:35The regional parties that can compete with the BJP,
03:38that are fighting,
03:40we have to stand with them.
03:47What are the preparations for the Milkypore elections?
03:50The preparations for the Milkypore elections are complete.
03:55The election of Ayodhya,
03:57the BJP will lose again.
04:02It will lose because many newspapers,
04:05TV channels,
04:07are saying that
04:09Samikar is on the side of the Socialist Party.
04:12When the TV channels and newspapers start talking,
04:15I will tell you also,
04:17not to run such news.
04:19That's why don't run such news.
04:21Because the BJP will call the police.
04:25I humbly request you,
04:27that they have looted seven elections.
04:31That's why the Supreme Court has also lost the case.
04:34And the Election Commission,
04:36has also stopped giving digital recordings.
04:40That's because,
04:42on the same machine,
04:44the police repeatedly pressed the button.
04:47If you remember,
04:49in the same hall,
04:51I had said that,
04:53if there is a forensic investigation,
04:55you will come to know that,
04:57only one person pressed the button.
04:59And you saw the video.
