• 2 months ago
00:00There was a Fair Fixation Committee, who gave their report.
00:04Under that report, the rent of Delhi metro had to increase in two installments.
00:11One in April 2017, and the other in October.
00:17So I came in September.
00:19So Mr. Kedriwal tells me, you do one thing, free the metro.
00:25I said, it's a very tempting idea.
00:27So I said, Mr. Kedriwal, the loan of 28,000 crores that you have taken from the Asian Development Bank, or from anywhere, who will repay that?
00:40No, you understand, it will be free, and pollution will also be reduced.
00:44So anyway, better sense prevailed.
00:47Some of our brothers also said, buy the metro for free.
00:50So I said, it will be closed the next day.
00:52Delhi Transport Undertaking has 11,000 buses.
00:54Ask them, how many of them run?
00:57It will be 3,000, I don't know.
01:02I am not an inspector of DTC.
01:05But who is giving the new buses?
01:07Modi Ji is giving them to you, because of the Central Scheme.
01:10So I said to him, Mr. Kedriwal, do you want to make Delhi Metro, Delhi Transport Undertaking,
01:15or do you want to make Delhi Transport Undertaking a metro?
01:19Because today we have the world's, one of the world's best urban transport metro system,
01:25and any day the ridership is what, 70 lakhs on a good day?
01:29If it wasn't a metro, then 70 lakhs would have come on two-wheelers or four-wheelers.
01:35So the record of Mr. Kedriwal, on unauthorized colonies, where there is a will, there is a way,
01:43I am giving you a little overview today.
01:47In the coming days, we will take up each of these topics separately,
01:51and I will tell you where he gave which guarantee, and what he is doing here.
01:55Let me come to education, the world-class schools he has.
02:01They promised they would build 500 schools.
02:05As I said, by the end of 2022, there were 65.
02:10And in 2023 and 2024, even after combining everything, they did not reach 100.
02:20They wanted to build 500, and now they did not reach 100.
02:24I am taking the figure of 2024.
02:26And why am I in doubt?
02:27Because you say, sir, you are telling, there are so many schools, you tell us, where are they?
02:31We do not know the counting methodology.
02:35Because what he said, now when he talked about his success, he said,
02:43we use the concept of classrooms and not schools.
02:49School is a physical, if you make a classroom in a school, so they are claiming.
02:55And later he claimed that we have built 20,000 rooms since we came to power.
03:02Now what happened after this, a report of the Central Vigilance Commission,
03:06which was given to the Delhi government in 2020,
03:09that those who were doing their counting, were considering toilets as classrooms.
03:19Okay, listen more, what does this CVC report say?
03:22Pratyush ji, this is very interesting.
03:254,027 classrooms were built, but they took a payment of 7,137.
03:35They did not build 20,000 classrooms, they built 4,027.
03:39And they took a payment of 7,137.
03:45They hid the report for two and a half years.
03:48Then when L.G. Mahadev seeked accountability, he asked why there is a delay in the findings of the report.
03:57Then they promised to make Delhi schools world class.
04:01Yet over 2 lakh children are still deprived of education.
04:05This is their world class education system.
04:10They did not hire any new or regular teacher in the last 10 years.
04:1743,000 permanent teachers and 13,000 guest teachers were present in Delhi schools,
04:22when there was a need for 62,000 teachers.
04:25A shortfall of 6,000 teachers.
04:30See, when I talk about education, world class education,
04:35I did not just take the physical infrastructure, number of schools, classrooms.
04:40I also hired teachers.
04:44They did not hire any new or regular teachers in the last 10 years.
04:49And if you add up the number of guest teachers and teachers,
04:53there is still a shortage of 6,000 teachers.