• 2 months ago
My Vampire System Ep 41 - 45
| English Movies , English Drama, Chinese Drama,Short Drama
00:00:00Quinn started to think about the question Leo had asked him.
00:00:03If I answer this wrong, will he attack me, or maybe even turn me in?
00:00:06Quinn thought.
00:00:07If Quinn was to lie, he would be able to tell.
00:00:10Everything about the current human society made Quinn feel sick to his very core.
00:00:15Why did the military design this caste system that put everyone into categories?
00:00:20In a way, he wanted to see the current society fail.
00:00:23But did he want everyone to die?
00:00:26He couldn't exactly call himself human anymore.
00:00:29If they found out what he was, would they accept him over to their side?
00:00:33Probably not.
00:00:34Humans were scared of the unknown.
00:00:36But two people had already done it.
00:00:39Layla and Vorden did know what he was, and didn't stop speaking to him or treated him
00:00:43any differently.
00:00:45Quinn knew what his answer was.
00:00:47I'm on my own side, but there are people I want to protect on this side too.
00:00:52For a second, Leo just stood there silently.
00:00:55I guess my answer was okay then,
00:00:57Quinn said as he let out a huge puff of air.
00:00:59Get yourself a new weapon, kid!
00:01:01Leo shouted.
00:01:02You're going to need it for the portal expedition, and my offer still stands.
00:01:06Feel free to have a duel with me whenever you wish.
00:01:09The combat classes had ended, and Quinn didn't end up doing much in today's session.
00:01:14With no equipment of his own, he had to pick something else from the wall.
00:01:17But when he tried using a sword, he realized how much practice you needed before he could
00:01:22even become half-decent at the thing.
00:01:25Using his fist just felt natural to him, especially since nearly all of his skills required him
00:01:30to use his hands.
00:01:31This meant more than anything that he needed a new set of gauntlets.
00:01:35He finally sat down on the computer and went on to the marketplace.
00:01:39Enter username ID.
00:01:41I'll just use the same one as my game.
00:01:43Blood Evolver.
00:01:44Next, he started to search for gauntlets.
00:01:47There weren't as many online compared to other weapons, but there was still plenty to choose from.
00:01:52Let me give you a tip, the system said.
00:01:54Place your hand on the computer and use your inspect skill while looking at the item.
00:01:59Suddenly, he could see the stats of all the weapons that were in front of him.
00:02:03The second thing was the price of the gauntlets.
00:02:05They ranged from anywhere between six to eight thousand credits.
00:02:09In the end, he finally decided the best thing to do was to sell the advanced tier crystal.
00:02:14Quinn then started to search for a death bat crystal on the marketplace, hoping to figure
00:02:19out what price he could sell it at, but to his surprise, there wasn't a single death
00:02:23bat crystal up for sale.
00:02:25He did the base price of the crystal, plus around two thousand extra credits, selling
00:02:29it for twelve thousand in total.
00:02:32And done.
00:02:33Now all I need to do is wait for it to be sold, then I can buy two intermediate crystals
00:02:37and get the weapon from the system.
00:02:40It had only been a few seconds, but someone had already put up the money for the crystal.
00:02:45With it came a portal confirmation number.
00:02:47All Quinn needed to do was to go to the storage unit and place the crystal in the teleporter.
00:02:52Once entering the confirmation number, it would teleport the item to the user on the
00:02:56other end.
00:02:58Somewhere in a dark room, a kid with his hair gelled backwards that looked to be a similar
00:03:03age to Quinn was on his computer browsing the marketplace.
00:03:06No way!
00:03:07And only for twelve thousand credits!
00:03:09I have to buy this straight away!
00:03:11A man then appeared from the shadows and stood next to the boy.
00:03:15Young master, if your father finds out you didn't get the crystals through your own effort,
00:03:19he will be furious.
00:03:21Every one of us had to go hunt those beasts as a trial for ourselves, the man said.
00:03:26My father thought he could stop me now with the ring I can finally leave this place.
00:03:30He then looked at the computer screen once again.
00:03:33Thank you, Blood Evolver, you have made my day.
00:03:36If I ever meet you in real life, I promise I will repay this debt.
00:03:40After sending away the advanced tier crystal, it didn't take long for Quinn to receive the
00:03:45He looked at his watch, and twelve thousand thirty credits were all his.
00:03:49The shop stated that the gauntlets he was after didn't need any specific type, so he
00:03:53went ahead and purchased the two cheapest ones he could find at a thousand each.
00:03:58The better equipment would allow him to hunt stronger beasts and earn more money.
00:04:02After searching and searching, he decided to fork out a load of money on a pair of black
00:04:08He purposely chose a design that didn't look too fancy, but also gave him the best stats.
00:04:13As he walked over to the storage room, he couldn't help but have a skip in his step.
00:04:17Quickly, he lifted two boxes and started to rush off towards his dorm room.
00:04:21He placed both of the boxes down and immediately ripped into them.
00:04:26Intermediate black horned wolf boots.
00:04:28Agility plus four.
00:04:30Defense plus two.
00:04:31When boots are active, can increase the user's speed by ten percent for thirty seconds.
00:04:36If hit while active, speed will return to normal.
00:04:39Next were the two intermediate crystals he had bought.
00:04:42He held each of them in his hand, and the message had appeared.
00:04:45Would you like to store intermediate beast crystals too in your inventory?
00:04:50After selecting yes, the two crystals started to disappear and suddenly vanished out of
00:04:54the palm of his hands.
00:04:56Would you like to create the best standard intermediate gauntlets?
00:04:59Cost three intermediate crystal.
00:05:01When he opened his eyes and looked down, the gauntlets were placed in his hand.
00:05:06Best standard intermediate beast gauntlets.
00:05:09Strength plus six.
00:05:10Defense plus four.
00:05:11When using the skills blood swipe and blood spray, attacks will be five percent stronger.
00:05:16Let me show you something cool, the system said.
00:05:19Open up your dimensional portal using your shadow skill, and place both of the boots
00:05:24and gauntlets in there.
00:05:25He did as told and opened up a small shadow portal, putting both of the items in.
00:05:30Weapons and armor detected in dimensional space.
00:05:33New skill shadow equip acquired.
00:05:35Shadow equipment?
00:05:36What does it do?
00:05:37Quinn asked.
00:05:38Just try it out and see.
00:05:40Shadow equip activated.
00:05:42As soon as the skill was active, clouds of shadow surrounded his hands and feet.
00:05:46He could feel something forming on top of his hands and legs.
00:05:50Then when the shadow clouds disappeared, the equipment he had put in the portal was now
00:05:54on him.
00:05:55It was like instant equipment.
00:05:57With this, Quinn didn't need to wear all his equipment beforehand.
00:06:00He could even hide high levels of equipment from the eyes of others and be ready for a
00:06:05fight anytime.
00:06:07With the new equipment all set up and ready, Quinn was itching to test it out, and he knew
00:06:11the perfect place to test it.
00:06:13The VR game.
00:06:14Unknown to Quinn though, the last time he played, he had caused quite a stir, and one person
00:06:19in particular had been checking the game every day for Quinn to log in.
00:06:23Logan was waiting for him.
00:06:25This time when he logged in, he was going to find out just who this bloody vulvar was.
00:06:30When Quinn entered the room, Vorden was already inside on his bed relaxing.
00:06:34Actually, something has been really bugging me about the whole Peter situation.
00:06:38It's obvious someone asked him to do it, right?
00:06:41And they had already set up a fall guy to take the blame.
00:06:43But when I tried to find out what happened to that person today, not a single person
00:06:48Everyone just kept saying the punishment was dealt with by Duke since he's a second year.
00:06:53I know, Quinn said as he snapped his fingers.
00:06:55Why don't you ask Layla?
00:06:57Apparently when we left, they ran into those friends of Peter's.
00:07:00Quinn, you do know me and her don't get on, right?
00:07:03Well, I know you're going to have to.
00:07:05We have the expedition next week.
00:07:07You're not actually going to try to become friends with her, are you?
00:07:10Rayton asked.
00:07:11Just kill her and then he doesn't have to choose.
00:07:13We are his best friend.
00:07:17End off.
00:07:18With Vorden investigating the situation, that meant Quinn would be free to head to the VR
00:07:22room tomorrow.
00:07:23But before he shut his eyes to go to sleep, he decided to have a look at the tutorial
00:07:27video he had unlocked while reaching level 10.
00:07:30Once again, the blonde man appeared, who looked like he was in some type of dojo.
00:07:35By now you should have also unlocked the skill Blood Spray and learned the skill Hammer Strike.
00:07:40What's even better is if you combine the two skills together.
00:07:44Rather than spreading out like it usually did, it was compact and came out together
00:07:48in a thick line.
00:07:49In the video, a loud sound could be heard.
00:07:53The blonde man said.
00:07:54Looks like I will have to make some repairs to the dojo.
00:07:56This move I call Hammer Spray.
00:08:00The next day when they awoke, Quinn was greeted with his usual message.
00:08:04Avoid sunlight for 8 hours, 5 EXP gained, 10 of 100 EXP.
00:08:09Quinn was glad that after he evolved his EXP points seemed to have reset.
00:08:14Quinn headed to the VR room while Vorden started to head outside the building.
00:08:19Standing just outside the gate was Aaron and Layla.
00:08:23As soon as Layla spotted Vorden.
00:08:25No, he couldn't be.
00:08:26Is he walking over to us?
00:08:28She thought.
00:08:32For the first time Vorden was stuttering in his life.
00:08:35But it wasn't because he was scared.
00:08:37It was because of Rayton yelling all sorts of things in his head.
00:08:40I need your help!
00:08:41He blurted out.
00:08:42The look on Layla's face was one she had never made before.
00:08:47Finally Quinn had arrived at the VR center and went up to the counter.
00:08:52It was early in the morning so there weren't a lot of people around yet.
00:08:56Besides people didn't usually want to spend their weekends playing a game all day.
00:09:00He looked around and then when no one was looking.
00:09:03Opened up his dimensional void to pull out his boots and gauntlets.
00:09:06He placed them both in the scanner.
00:09:08And when the process was finished.
00:09:10Proceeded to put them away back in his dimensional void again.
00:09:13Welcome Blood Evolver.
00:09:15After entering the pod he was transported to the blank white space.
00:09:19He tried to use his shadow abilities just as he had done his blood abilities.
00:09:23However this time they did not work.
00:09:26Time to test out these new skills.
00:09:29Searching for same level opponents.
00:09:32To start off with he just wanted some easy picking to test out his skills.
00:09:36But the second he started to search.
00:09:38His player ID had gone online.
00:09:40Oh I haven't seen him in a while.
00:09:42Nate said.
00:09:43Now spectating Blood Evolver.
00:09:46But he wasn't the only one keeping an eye on him.
00:09:48So was Logan.
00:09:50He had set up the system so it would ping him as soon as the Blood Evolver went online.
00:09:55There was a part of him that was hoping the videos were fake.
00:09:58He needed to see it with his own eyes.
00:10:00Whether or not someone was able to break the system.
00:10:03After searching for a minute or so.
00:10:05A suitable opponent was found.
00:10:07Equipped with his new boots and gauntlets.
00:10:09His stats were as high as they ever had been.
00:10:12Strength 16 plus 6.
00:10:14Stamina 15.
00:10:16Agility 16 plus 4.
00:10:18Charm 5.
00:10:20The countdown began and the game had started.
00:10:23In an instant Quinn rushed forward.
00:10:25With his new boots he felt lighter and faster than ever.
00:10:28The first fight was simply a test of everything he could do.
00:10:31He would run from side to side.
00:10:33His opponent found it nearly impossible to keep up with him.
00:10:37The user then prepared the water held in his hand.
00:10:40And started to form a long blade with it.
00:10:42After running around the room for 30 seconds.
00:10:45The boots had finally worn off.
00:10:47And now Quinn was heading straight for his opponent.
00:10:53He's really going to just run straight at me?
00:10:55The user thought.
00:10:56And when Quinn was close enough.
00:10:58He swung his water blade across right at him.
00:11:01He looked the user in the eye and for the first time.
00:11:03Activated his new skill.
00:11:06Your gaze has been activated.
00:11:07Your opponent has been stunned.
00:11:09Suddenly a fear had set into the water user's mind.
00:11:12A shiver was sent down his spine.
00:11:14And when he tried to move his hand.
00:11:16There was no response.
00:11:17Quinn then threw out his fist.
00:11:19And right when it landed on the user's stomach.
00:11:21He activated his blood spray at the same time.
00:11:25Winner, Bloody Bulver.
00:11:27It had only taken a single punch with blood spray.
00:11:29To finish his opponent off.
00:11:32Looks like all my vampire abilities work here.
00:11:34Not just my blood skills.
00:11:35Well, that's good to know.
00:11:38Logan had even checked beforehand.
00:11:40And confirmed that Quinn had selected no ability.
00:11:42Before entering the game.
00:11:44He quickly started typing rapidly onto his keyboard.
00:11:47And searched for any information he could pull.
00:11:50After typing away for a few minutes.
00:11:52He finally found the information he needed.
00:11:55User, Bloody Bulver.
00:11:56Login location, Military Base 2.
00:11:59Oh, will you look at that.
00:12:01It seems like we're quite close after all.
00:12:03Logan said, smiling at his computer screen.
00:12:09Hi, Quinn here.
00:12:10Wondering what happens next?
00:12:12If you want to jump the queue.
00:12:13And unleash all episodes.
00:12:15Click on the link here.
00:12:16And install the Pocket FM app.
00:12:23Up in the stands.
00:12:24Nate found it hard to keep his mouth closed.
00:12:26After what he had just seen.
00:12:28But how?
00:12:29We only fought a couple of weeks ago.
00:12:30Was he holding back?
00:12:31Or did he really just get that much stronger.
00:12:33In the short amount of time?
00:12:35After Quinn won his first match.
00:12:37He had a feeling that something was missing.
00:12:39But he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
00:12:42Ah, wait a minute.
00:12:43Where's my EXP?
00:12:45Just to make sure.
00:12:46Quinn quickly searched for another level 1 opponent.
00:12:49His opponent was found.
00:12:50And in this match.
00:12:51He wasted no time in dealing with the enemy.
00:12:54Bloody Bulver victory.
00:12:55Again though.
00:12:56There was no system message for EXP.
00:12:59System, what's the meaning of this?
00:13:01You evolved.
00:13:02You're now a level 10.
00:13:03The experience needed was reset.
00:13:05In simple terms.
00:13:06Your opponent was too weak for you.
00:13:08So the system didn't reward you with any EXP.
00:13:11Quinn cursed underneath his breaths.
00:13:13Frustrated by the situation even more.
00:13:15Quinn went to quickly search for his opponent.
00:13:17Hoping it would find him a random user of a higher level.
00:13:20That would at least give him some experience.
00:13:23As he used his inspect skill on his new opponent.
00:13:26He was now going up against a level 4 user.
00:13:28With an earth ability.
00:13:30Before the match had started.
00:13:31Quinn failed to notice the stands around him were getting filled.
00:13:35More people were starting to watch his games.
00:13:38Hey, so do you think this is that hacker?
00:13:40Oh yeah, I remember seeing a forum post about it a few days ago on their website.
00:13:44A user who used red energy.
00:13:45I thought it was fake though.
00:13:47Well, we will just have to wait and see.
00:13:49Quinn, looking at his opponent.
00:13:51Was wondering just how strong he might be.
00:13:53It was the first time he was fighting against a user.
00:13:56Who wore beast equipment over his whole body.
00:13:58Which meant he would have added stats from the equipment.
00:14:08The match had finally begun.
00:14:10This time though, Quinn wasn't going to charge in on the get go.
00:14:13He moved forward until he was within the 5 meter range of blood swipe.
00:14:17And swung a single attack out as a tester.
00:14:20The earth user then stomped his foot on the ground.
00:14:22And a solid wall of earth.
00:14:23Rose from the floor blocking the attack.
00:14:26A hard earth spear had risen from behind.
00:14:29And stabbed Quinn in the back.
00:14:31Causing him to stumble to the floor.
00:14:3346 of 55 HP.
00:14:35Damn, that's what I get for staying still.
00:14:37But before Quinn could even fully recover.
00:14:40Several more spears had risen from the ground coming straight for him.
00:14:43He rolled and dodged the first few.
00:14:45Before getting back up on his feet.
00:14:47This match was going to be harder than he initially thought.
00:14:50Wind walk.
00:14:51Boost activated.
00:14:53Using the boot skill.
00:14:54He was able to increase his speed.
00:14:56And avoid all the spears coming towards him from the ground.
00:14:59What an annoying little fly.
00:15:01The earth user shouted.
00:15:03He then lifted both hands together.
00:15:05To create two long walls that went past Quinn.
00:15:07As he brought his hands together.
00:15:09The walls moved with it.
00:15:11Now you can only go in one direction.
00:15:13With no other options.
00:15:15Quinn had no choice but to run straight ahead.
00:15:17But he had a plan.
00:15:19Skill dazed.
00:15:20Dazed failed.
00:15:22User not stunned.
00:15:23The user created another wall in front of him.
00:15:25Then started to punch the wall several times.
00:15:27The parts of the wall came flying out at incredible speed.
00:15:30The attacks were too fast for Quinn to react in time.
00:15:33The pieces of rock ended up hitting him.
00:15:35One by one.
00:15:37And sending him back.
00:15:3942 of 55 HP.
00:15:4138 of 55 HP.
00:15:4334 of 55 HP.
00:15:45But Quinn gritted his teeth.
00:15:47And managed an off fall over.
00:15:49I guess even with his strange red powers.
00:15:51He just can't beat a high level.
00:15:53It was all just hype in the end.
00:15:55But one person thought differently.
00:15:57Come on bloody bauver.
00:15:59I could beat this guy in my sleep.
00:16:01I know you're better than this.
00:16:03Nate said.
00:16:05Quinn had had enough.
00:16:07He started charging forward once again.
00:16:09The earth user created another wall in front of him.
00:16:11And had done the same attack as last time.
00:16:13Punching the wall.
00:16:15Causing rocks to fly out.
00:16:17Let's see what's stronger.
00:16:19Matching each rock.
00:16:21Quinn started to throw out a blood swipe for every rock thrown at him.
00:16:23Destroying the rocks.
00:16:25And continuing to go forward.
00:16:27Seeing this.
00:16:29The earth user had no choice.
00:16:31He jumped back.
00:16:33And had put up rows and rows of walls between the two of them.
00:16:35Creating a barrier around 3 meters thick.
00:16:37F*** through your wall.
00:16:39Quinn then started to make the motion of the hammer strike.
00:16:41Bringing the energy up from his toes.
00:16:43To the top of his body.
00:16:45That's it.
00:16:47That's the strike that he's used against me.
00:16:49Nate said excitedly.
00:16:51Nate was worried.
00:16:53As he came to fighting.
00:16:55Take this.
00:16:57Blood hammer.
00:16:59Quinn screamed as he let out the hammer strike.
00:17:01And just at the right moment.
00:17:03Activated his blood spray at the same time.
00:17:05As his fist hit the wall.
00:17:07It instantly started to shatter.
00:17:09And burst into pieces all over the arena.
00:17:11Fragments of the wall came flying out into the stadium.
00:17:13The strike continued to blast through the wall.
00:17:15This was something the earth user had never expected.
00:17:17I'll just have to take the hit then.
00:17:19He said.
00:17:21But as the attack hit him.
00:17:23Ending the game.
00:17:25Victory bloody vulvar.
00:17:27At that moment though.
00:17:29Quinn had collapsed to the floor.
00:17:31Soon after though.
00:17:33He was transported back to his own lobby space.
00:17:35Where his strength would be returned.
00:17:37The whole crowd was silenced.
00:17:39Just who was that guy.
00:17:41Someone said.
00:17:43Hey can one of you upload that.
00:17:45And put it on the forum.
00:17:47Maybe an original has managed to get their ability in the game somehow.
00:17:49While the others were excited and chatting away.
00:17:51Nate's whole body was shaking.
00:17:53The same one he used against me.
00:17:55He knew that if he had taken that attack head on.
00:17:57Like he did the hammer strike last time.
00:17:59Half of his health wouldn't have gone down.
00:18:03You really did get stronger.
00:18:07I will just have to get stronger then.
00:18:09Back inside the lobby.
00:18:11All of his stat points had been returned.
00:18:13So Quinn was no longer on the floor gasping for air.
00:18:15Like he had just sprinted a whole marathon.
00:18:17The blood hammer strike skill took up a lot more stamina than I thought.
00:18:19The smile was suddenly on Quinn's face.
00:18:21User defeated.
00:18:2325 EXP gained.
00:18:2540 of 100 EXP points.
00:18:29After defeating a level 4 ability user.
00:18:31The system had rewarded him for his hard work.
00:18:33He exited from the pod.
00:18:35And to his surprise.
00:18:37What looked like a little boy was standing in front of him.
00:18:39Hey bloody volver.
00:18:41Logan said.
00:18:43Looks like we finally meet.
00:18:45The boy standing in front of Quinn was quite short.
00:18:47His height only reached to about Quinn's chest.
00:18:49So how did you do it huh?
00:18:51He asked.
00:18:53He immediately walked past and shoved Quinn to the side.
00:18:55And started inspecting the pod he was just using.
00:18:57He placed his hand on top of the machine.
00:18:59And closed his eyes.
00:19:01Doesn't look like any modifications have been made to the pod.
00:19:03Then how?
00:19:05Logan mumbled.
00:19:07Then when looking at Quinn.
00:19:09He spotted that his watch had the number 1 displayed.
00:19:13That's impossible though.
00:19:15You use such powerful skills in the game.
00:19:17You should at least be a level 5.
00:19:19I could have sworn you were an original.
00:19:21Quinn looked at his watch and saw the number 8 on it.
00:19:23Just looking at the number struck fear into his heart.
00:19:25And he froze.
00:19:27Should I make a run for it?
00:19:29You're not thinking of running are you?
00:19:31Because I haven't finished questioning you.
00:19:33I need to know how.
00:19:35How did you manage to break my game?
00:19:37Logan shouted as he started to go off into a rant.
00:19:39I can understand if you hacked into the system.
00:19:41But this.
00:19:45This I just don't understand.
00:19:47Logan started getting closer to Quinn.
00:19:49As he rambled like a madman.
00:19:51If you don't want to answer me here.
00:19:53Then you can go with me to my dorm room.
00:19:55There's plenty of time.
00:19:57And nobody will be able to see us.
00:19:59As Logan touched Quinn's hand to pull him over.
00:20:01Something strange had happened.
00:20:03Ability detected.
00:20:05Alterations to the system are trying to be made.
00:20:07Alterations have been blocked.
00:20:09But the strangest thing was.
00:20:11Quinn wasn't the only one who was seeing these messages.
00:20:13Logan was too.
00:20:15He animatedly let go.
00:20:17And touched his hand as if he had been scratched by something.
00:20:21That's it.
00:20:23Before Quinn could do anything.
00:20:25His cover had been blown.
00:20:27Would he have to fight to the death to keep his identity a secret?
00:20:29Or would he use his shadow cloak skill to hide and run away?
00:20:31Maybe he could run to one of the portals.
00:20:33And live his life on another planet.
00:20:35Are you a robot?
00:20:37Logan shouted.
00:20:41Quinn replied confused.
00:20:45You have a system.
00:20:47My ability confirmed it.
00:20:49You must be a robot with a powerful master.
00:20:51A robot can't have any MC points.
00:20:53And those attacks must be programmed into your artificial brain.
00:20:57Looking at little Logan now.
00:20:59He just seemed like an excited little kid.
00:21:01Was it better off telling him the truth?
00:21:03Or coming up with some other type of lie?
00:21:05Quinn thought hard.
00:21:07He took a deep breath.
00:21:09I'm not a robot.
00:21:11But for some reason one day I woke up and had this system ability.
00:21:14Maybe it was a gift from a god who knows.
00:21:16The skills you saw are some of the things I can do.
00:21:18Quinn replied.
00:21:19Is it an ability similar to mine then?
00:21:21I wonder who did this to you.
00:21:23Maybe they turned you into an android.
00:21:25Android technology has come a long way.
00:21:27But the use of AI systems inserted into their brain was banned.
00:21:31Quinn looked at Logan.
00:21:33Who now wouldn't stop staring at him.
00:21:35Then a thought came to his mind.
00:21:37He had been looking for someone who would be able to help him out with the watch.
00:21:40It was clear that Logan knew a lot about machinery.
00:21:43And something like changing the number displayed on the watch would be easy for him.
00:21:46Can you keep this a secret?
00:21:48Quinn replied.
00:21:50Maybe the two of us can work together.
00:21:52Perhaps find who did this to me.
00:21:54There are a few things I need help with.
00:21:56Logan was genuinely fascinated by this ability.
00:21:59He had never seen anything like it before.
00:22:01And the curiosity was already driving him mad.
00:22:03Of course it would also give me the chance to study with you.
00:22:06Logan then put out his hand.
00:22:08The name is Logan.
00:22:10Quinn, he replied, as the two shook hands.
00:22:13Ability detected.
00:22:14Alterations to the system are trying to be made.
00:22:17Alterations have been blocked.
00:22:19Logan then pulled his hand away again, almost immediately.
00:22:22That does not feel good.
00:22:24Maybe we should avoid touching each other for now.
00:22:28Quinn laughed nervously.
00:22:30Just outside the school at the front gates,
00:22:32the unexpected had just occurred.
00:22:34Layla was struggling to stand
00:22:36as she had just heard certain words come out of Vorden's mouth.
00:22:39First, I'm going to have to ask you to step back a bit.
00:22:42Layla said.
00:22:44And no touchy-touchy from you.
00:22:46Look, I'm trying to be reasonable here, Vorden said.
00:22:49Come on, Quinn said that you could help me.
00:22:52Every time she looked at Vorden,
00:22:54she remembered when she was being choked by him.
00:22:56It wasn't a good feeling,
00:22:58and her senses were still tingling all over the place
00:23:00every time he approached.
00:23:02If it wasn't for the fact that Aaron was standing by her side,
00:23:05she would have run the second she saw him coming over.
00:23:08The two of them soon would also be going
00:23:10to the portal expedition together.
00:23:11It was important they tried their best
00:23:13to make up while they could.
00:23:15She let out a big breath and gave in.
00:23:18Fine, what is it?
00:23:21Actually, it's related to Peter.
00:23:23Quinn said that you two had spoken to him
00:23:25while we were away on the other planet.
00:23:27Did you manage to get anything out of him?
00:23:29No, I could tell that we wouldn't.
00:23:31It seemed like he was scared of something,
00:23:33even with Aaron there threatening him,
00:23:35which meant whatever he was scared of
00:23:37was a bigger problem than Aaron, Layla said.
00:23:38Well, I don't think we can get anything
00:23:40out of Peter right now.
00:23:42I was hoping by outcasting him like this
00:23:44he would go back to the person
00:23:46who put him up to this.
00:23:48Wait, what? Layla said.
00:23:50You mean you're doing this whole thing on purpose?
00:23:52I understand he needs to be punished,
00:23:54but don't you think you're going a little too far?
00:23:56Too far? Vorden replied.
00:23:58You don't even know what really happened there.
00:24:00Were you nearly killed by a blood-sucking beast
00:24:02abandoned in a world full of monsters everywhere?
00:24:05Blood-sucking beasts?
00:24:06So did Quinn really?
00:24:08Just then, Layla stopped herself
00:24:10as she turned to look at Aaron by her side.
00:24:12Anyway, if you can't get anything out of Peter,
00:24:15then try a first-year student named Earl.
00:24:17He was the one hanging around Peter
00:24:19before this whole thing started.
00:24:21Earl, got it, thanks for the help, Vorden said.
00:24:24Oh, before I go, Aaron,
00:24:26do you mind if I touch your hand?
00:24:28Aaron stood up from the ground
00:24:30and looked at Vorden for a few seconds.
00:24:32I hope you use it well, Aaron said
00:24:35as she held out her hand.
00:24:37With her ability copied,
00:24:39Vorden then turned away and walked off.
00:24:41He's a tough one, Aaron shouted.
00:24:43Even with my threats, he didn't reveal anything.
00:24:45Don't worry, Vorden said smiling back.
00:24:48I know someone who taught me a few things.
00:24:50Vorden continued to walk off back into school.
00:24:53Hey, Raiden, looks like I might have a job for you soon.
00:25:05Hi, Quinn here.
00:25:07Wondering what happens next?
00:25:09If you want to jump the queue and unleash all episodes,
00:25:12click on the link here and install the Pocket FM app.
00:25:19Quinn and Logan were in a different part of the school building
00:25:22than Quinn was usually in.
00:25:24They were in the dorm room area
00:25:26but were on the floor directly above
00:25:28where Quinn would usually stay and sleep.
00:25:30We're here, Logan said.
00:25:32As Quinn looked around,
00:25:34he saw that there were fewer doors
00:25:36and were further spaced apart.
00:25:38What is this place? Quinn asked.
00:25:40It's the VIP dorms.
00:25:42If your family makes a generous donation
00:25:44to the military before coming here,
00:25:46then you get access to one of these rooms.
00:25:48As he opened the door,
00:25:50Quinn was amazed by the sight in front of his eyes.
00:25:52The whole room was filled with what
00:25:54Quinn could only call junk.
00:25:56There were piles of scrap metal everywhere
00:25:58and lying across the entire place
00:26:00were gadgets, little spaceships,
00:26:02controllers and all sorts.
00:26:04There were two things that stood out in the room.
00:26:06One of them was a large human-sized tube
00:26:08that seemed to be hooked up to a computer
00:26:10and had large tube-like wires
00:26:12hanging from the top.
00:26:14And right next to that was a VR pod,
00:26:16one of the ones that cost 100,000 credits to buy.
00:26:19Logan then went to sit into his mechanical chair
00:26:22that instantly sprouted a load of arms
00:26:24and started to give him a massage.
00:26:26So what did you want help with?
00:26:28Logan asked.
00:26:30I was wondering if you would be able
00:26:32to hack the watch for me,
00:26:34I should be able to do that easily for you,
00:26:37but first you need to tell me why.
00:26:39Quinn hesitated for a little bit.
00:26:41You'd only just met Logan.
00:26:43I think I know what you're thinking,
00:26:45Logan said.
00:26:47Well, trust me,
00:26:49I won't be telling the government,
00:26:51the military or anyone anything.
00:26:53I'll be honest with you, Quinn,
00:26:55I don't care about you.
00:26:57I care about the person who was able
00:26:59to input a system into your mind.
00:27:01To find that person,
00:27:02it sounded a little scary
00:27:04and harsh to Quinn,
00:27:06but at least they were honest.
00:27:08As you know,
00:27:10my system has a certain set of skills
00:27:12that are allowed to be used in the game.
00:27:14But the thing is,
00:27:16I actually do have an ability.
00:27:18Quinn then lifted the shadow
00:27:20and started to move into a giant hand
00:27:22and used it to wave at Logan.
00:27:24If it wasn't for the fact
00:27:26that Logan was sitting down,
00:27:28he would have fallen down from the shock.
00:27:30What is that?
00:27:32The reason, as you can see,
00:27:34Quinn said, pointing at his watch.
00:27:36It doesn't register on the watch.
00:27:38A thousand thoughts started to race
00:27:40through Logan's mind of why it might be.
00:27:42The watch is a simple fix,
00:27:44but if I do this for you,
00:27:46I was wondering if you could do me a favor,
00:27:48Logan said,
00:27:50looking at the wire tube machine.
00:27:52Quinn started to sweat,
00:27:54looking at the thing.
00:27:56Don't look at me like that.
00:27:58The machine there is for the game.
00:28:00Will you let me put your shadow abilities
00:28:02into action?
00:28:04I'm sorry, Quinn said.
00:28:06This ability is not mine.
00:28:08Do you know what happened to me recently?
00:28:10What happened to you?
00:28:12Logan said, puzzled.
00:28:14Quinn went on to explain
00:28:16how recently he had gone to a red portal planet
00:28:18along with his friend Vorden.
00:28:20I see, Logan said.
00:28:22I guess I have been in my room too much,
00:28:24Logan sat down thinking for a while.
00:28:26The robotic hands had finished massaging him
00:28:28and now behind him,
00:28:30coffee was being made from another machine.
00:28:32You can put the ability into the game,
00:28:34but I won't make the ability public.
00:28:36If you want, you can come up here
00:28:38and play the game on a private server.
00:28:40I get to study you a bit more
00:28:42and you get to practice.
00:28:44It's a win-win.
00:28:46As soon as Logan finished talking,
00:28:48he turned around and started
00:28:50to take a sip of his coffee,
00:28:52letting out a sigh of relief.
00:28:54Ah, the perfect temperature.
00:28:56So what do you think?
00:28:58There seemed to be no downside
00:29:00if Quinn was to agree.
00:29:02Let's get to work.
00:29:04Following Logan's instructions,
00:29:06Quinn did as asked
00:29:08and got into the strange large glass test tube.
00:29:10Once he was inside the glass lowered
00:29:12and now he was trapped in a small space.
00:29:14At the same time,
00:29:16Logan rushed over to his computer
00:29:18and started typing away.
00:29:20Can you hear me all okay, Quinn?
00:29:22Yeah, I'm a little nervous this is going to hurt.
00:29:24Relax, you big baby, Logan said.
00:29:27Now all I need you to do
00:29:29is slowly use your abilities while in the tube.
00:29:30Quinn proceeded to use
00:29:32his abilities as instructed.
00:29:34Numbers on the computer screen
00:29:36were scrolling about like crazy,
00:29:38but as Quinn looked over,
00:29:40it seemed like Logan wasn't typing anything.
00:29:42Right now his eyes were closed
00:29:44and his hand was the only thing on the computer.
00:29:46Is it his ability?
00:29:48Quinn thought.
00:29:50The tests continued with Quinn
00:29:52demonstrating his shadow cloak skill
00:29:54and also his shadow equip skill.
00:29:56And we're done,
00:29:58Logan said rubbing his eyes.
00:30:00Quinn went back to his bed.
00:30:02All the data has been uploaded
00:30:04to that VR capsule by your side.
00:30:06If you want to practice, then go ahead.
00:30:08I'm going to take a nap, I'm beat.
00:30:10After lying down on his bed,
00:30:12a few seconds later,
00:30:14he was fast asleep, smiling away.
00:30:16He's quite trusting to be able to sleep
00:30:18in a room while you're still here,
00:30:20the system said.
00:30:22If only he knew what you really were,
00:30:24I wonder if he would feel so safe.
00:30:26Looks like you're starting to talk to me now,
00:30:28even when I don't ask you questions,
00:30:30after entering the game,
00:30:32Quinn was transported to the white space.
00:30:34When looking at the list of abilities,
00:30:36his shadow abilities had shown
00:30:38as one of the options.
00:30:40After selecting the shadow ability,
00:30:42Quinn immediately got to trying a few things.
00:30:44Over the next week,
00:30:46Quinn continued to come to Logan's room
00:30:48every day to practice
00:30:50using his shadow ability.
00:30:52Logan had long done as he promised
00:30:54and had hacked into the watch.
00:30:56Now all Quinn had to do
00:30:58was tap the watch fast three times
00:31:00and finally after a week had passed,
00:31:02he had achieved what he had set out to do.
00:31:04His shadow control skill was now level 2
00:31:06and so is his shadow equip skill.
00:31:08Shadow control level 2,
00:31:10shadow cloak level 1,
00:31:12dimensional void,
00:31:14shadow equip level 2.
00:31:16Looking at the other skills,
00:31:18Quinn was tempted to unlock some of the others,
00:31:20especially since one of the skills
00:31:22required 50 points to unlock
00:31:24called shadow eater.
00:31:26But in the end,
00:31:28he decided to go with the system suggestion
00:31:30for 20 points.
00:31:32Shadow void level 1 unlocked.
00:31:34Shadow void,
00:31:36the ability to create a space
00:31:38surrounded by shadows in a specific area.
00:31:40The space created will last
00:31:42a total of 1 hour,
00:31:44minus 50 MC points to cast the skill.
00:31:46While in the VR game,
00:31:48Quinn tried to test out the new skill.
00:31:50However, when he tried using it,
00:31:52nothing happened.
00:31:54Oh, I guess Logan needs to program
00:31:56any new skills into the game as well.
00:31:58As he exited the capsule,
00:32:00he noticed something strange.
00:32:02The portal was empty.
00:32:04He looked around for a while,
00:32:06because tomorrow was finally the day.
00:32:08The day where the first years
00:32:10were to go out on their first portal outing.
00:32:12Finally, the day for the portal outing had arrived.
00:32:14All the first year students
00:32:16had been told to gather up in the training hall.
00:32:18When Quinn entered the room,
00:32:20he noticed it straight away.
00:32:22Nearly all the portals in the room
00:32:24had been pushed to the side of the hall,
00:32:26and only a single green portal
00:32:28stood in the center.
00:32:30When he entered the portal,
00:32:32the communication device on your wrist
00:32:34will no longer work.
00:32:36It is important when entering the portal
00:32:38you keep physical touch with the person next to you,
00:32:40otherwise you will be teleported to another location.
00:32:42Quinn and Vorton both already knew this well.
00:32:45Also, you will randomly be teleported
00:32:47somewhere inside the shelter.
00:32:49Do not be alarmed.
00:32:51The whole shelter is safe
00:32:53and guarded by the military and other travelers.
00:32:55The expedition is to last a week,
00:32:57and the goal is to bring back
00:32:58as many beast crystals with you as possible,
00:33:00Dell explained.
00:33:02Dell continued to explain
00:33:04about the portal outings.
00:33:06The test was also to begin
00:33:08as soon as the first team landed on the planet.
00:33:10It was up to them to decide
00:33:12how they should pace themselves while hunting,
00:33:14but the last bit of information
00:33:16that came from Dell's mouth
00:33:18was the worst news for Quinn.
00:33:20Please keep track of time and be well rested.
00:33:22This planet's day cycle is 72 hours of sunlight
00:33:24before it gets dark for another 72 hours,
00:33:26so you will need to keep track
00:33:28and that is everything I need to say.
00:33:30At that moment,
00:33:32Vorton and Layla turned to look at Quinn
00:33:34who stood there with his mouth wide open.
00:33:36Don't worry, Quinn, Layla said.
00:33:38I packed the umbrella.
00:33:40Umbrella, Vorton said.
00:33:42I got something even better.
00:33:44Vorton then reached into the bag
00:33:46and pulled out some sun cream.
00:33:48Layla immediately started to laugh
00:33:50as she pointed at the bottle.
00:33:52While Layla and Vorton
00:33:54continued to quietly argue away,
00:33:56Quinn was making sure everything was in the bag
00:33:58and didn't say a word.
00:34:00The only one who wasn't
00:34:02and hadn't said a word this whole time
00:34:04was Peter.
00:34:06He had made sure to stay
00:34:08quite a distance away from the others.
00:34:10One by one, groups would be called up
00:34:12to enter the portal,
00:34:14but before the Quinn group had been called,
00:34:16Quinn pulled Vorton to one side
00:34:18to ask him a few questions.
00:34:20Hey, so, any news on who was behind
00:34:22the thing with Peter?
00:34:24Quinn asked.
00:34:26Nothing, Vorton replied.
00:34:28I was the original target.
00:34:30It was me, Vorton explained.
00:34:32Perhaps I ruffled a little too many
00:34:34second-year feathers.
00:34:36Well, I see.
00:34:38Well, I guess maybe we should
00:34:40keep an eye on Peter for now.
00:34:42Just then, the number of their group
00:34:44had been called
00:34:46and they were ready to head into the portal.
00:34:48Standing in a row,
00:34:50the group stood behind each other,
00:34:52one in front of the other.
00:34:54Each was holding onto the shoulders
00:34:56of the person in front.
00:34:58They left the military base
00:35:00and returned through the portal back here.
00:35:02One by one, they walked through
00:35:04and an odd feeling came over their body.
00:35:06When the group opened their eyes,
00:35:08they were surrounded by townsfolk
00:35:10chatter and all sorts.
00:35:12Rows of buildings and shops,
00:35:14market stalls selling food and weapons.
00:35:16They had successfully made it to the shelter,
00:35:18but one person wasn't happy about it at all.
00:35:20You are in contact with direct sunlight.
00:35:22Your stats will now decrease by 70%.
00:35:25When the group of five landed,
00:35:26they noticed that there was a circle
00:35:28drawn on the ground where they were
00:35:30and the people walking around
00:35:32were doing their best to avoid it.
00:35:34Come on, we better move, Vorden said.
00:35:36Just give me a...
00:35:39Quinn said slowly
00:35:41as he was already starting to sweat buckets.
00:35:43Ah, Quinn, I'm sorry, Layla said
00:35:45as she rushed over
00:35:47and handed him the umbrella.
00:35:49What's wrong with him? Aaron asked.
00:35:51Oh, he just really can't deal with the heat
00:35:53and hates the sun.
00:35:54The sun came from really far up north,
00:35:56I mean like really far,
00:35:58Layla explained babbling.
00:36:00Aaron looked Quinn up and down
00:36:02who now had the umbrella
00:36:04propped up over his head.
00:36:06You might be even more useless
00:36:08than Peter on this trip.
00:36:10How are you meant to fight
00:36:12with an umbrella in your hand?
00:36:14This was a major problem.
00:36:16If he was to fight during the day
00:36:18unless he used his shadow void,
00:36:20the sun would still affect him.
00:36:22But shadow void took up
00:36:24most of the sun.
00:36:26The only problem with this
00:36:28was he was unable to use
00:36:30his shadow abilities to attack
00:36:32while using a shadow cloak.
00:36:34It was just a stealth ability.
00:36:36Because of these reasons,
00:36:38Quinn still had to hide
00:36:40the shadow ability for a little longer
00:36:42until he found a solution to the sun.
00:36:44They did as Vorden said
00:36:46and after a couple of minutes,
00:36:48another group of five students
00:36:50had landed in the same circle
00:36:52where they were.
00:36:54Layla asked,
00:36:56Let's head to the Traveler's Hall.
00:36:58It's a place where they have
00:37:00information for travelers.
00:37:02They walked through the shelter
00:37:04and eventually reached a very large
00:37:06hangar-like building.
00:37:08It was an open space with no entrance,
00:37:10so people were free to enter
00:37:12and go as they pleased.
00:37:14Looks like we're not the only ones here,
00:37:16Aaron said as she looked at the groups.
00:37:18It was easy to spot the students
00:37:20as they were required to wear
00:37:22the military uniform.
00:37:24Those from a rich family
00:37:26will just hire travelers
00:37:28to do the hunting with them.
00:37:30But how is that fair? Layla asked.
00:37:32Since when have they cared about fair?
00:37:34Vorden replied.
00:37:36Well, there's no point worrying about it,
00:37:38Quinn said.
00:37:40All we can do is focus on ourselves
00:37:42and do the best we can,
00:37:44says the useless one, Aaron added.
00:37:46The group walked up to one of the stalls
00:37:48that sold all sorts of items
00:37:50that would help with capturing beasts
00:37:52or even killing them.
00:37:54They all looked at each other
00:37:56with one eye.
00:37:58How can I help you, young soldiers?
00:38:00I guess it's that time again
00:38:02when they send you all out
00:38:04to do your first hunt.
00:38:06We were wondering if you could provide us
00:38:08with a map with all the hunting areas,
00:38:10Vorden asked.
00:38:12Sure I can.
00:38:14That will be a total of 100 credits, though.
00:38:16100? Layla said.
00:38:18Are you sure you're not trying
00:38:20to f*** us off?
00:38:22The old man started laughing.
00:38:24Since watches didn't work on other planets,
00:38:26each student was to bring
00:38:28their own money card to be used.
00:38:30Thank you for your business,
00:38:32the old man said.
00:38:34The group opened up the map
00:38:36which was on some type of digital paper.
00:38:38On it, the map indicated where they were
00:38:40and different areas around them
00:38:42which were color-coded.
00:38:44It went from green, orange, and red.
00:38:46The closer the color was to red,
00:38:48the more populated the area was with beasts.
00:38:50But then, something caught Quinn's eye.
00:38:52When he fought against Nate
00:38:54he was wearing a strong, flexible cape.
00:38:56And the name of the planet they said
00:38:58was Kaladi.
00:39:00That they had forged it out of
00:39:02winged creature out in the desert.
00:39:04If this was true,
00:39:06then he might have just found
00:39:08the solution to his sun problem.
00:39:10Hi, Quinn here.
00:39:12Wondering what happens next?
00:39:14If you want to jump the queue
00:39:16and unleash all episodes,
00:39:18click on the link here
00:39:20and install the Pocket FM app.
00:39:22As the group scanned the map for guidance,
00:39:24they noticed that all the areas
00:39:26closer to the shelter were more green
00:39:28while the areas that were a bit further away
00:39:30were redder.
00:39:32The one area which had the darkest red
00:39:34of them all was the harsh, sandy desert.
00:39:36Quinn decided to pick up the book
00:39:38which was sealed by a lock
00:39:40so that others couldn't open it
00:39:42and read it unless they paid for it.
00:39:44A book containing information on beasts
00:39:46belonging to the planet Kaladi
00:39:48read the cover.
00:39:49Winged lizard, basic tier beast.
00:39:51Burning snake, intermediate tier beast.
00:39:53Please select one to find out more information.
00:39:55As he looked at the list of names,
00:39:57Quinn was deciding which one of the three
00:39:59was the beast that Nate had talked about.
00:40:01Out of the three of them,
00:40:03only one had matched the description.
00:40:05It was the winged lizard.
00:40:07Winged lizard.
00:40:09Although this beast contains wings,
00:40:11it cannot fly.
00:40:13They are also the hardest part
00:40:15of the beast's body.
00:40:17The weak point of the beast
00:40:19didn't seem to match the material
00:40:21of Sam's cape.
00:40:23But if Quinn wanted to make
00:40:25a full set of clothing from it,
00:40:27he would definitely need
00:40:29a large amount of beast's cores.
00:40:31While he was there,
00:40:33he decided he might as well
00:40:35look at the other beasts.
00:40:37There was always the chance
00:40:39to encounter them,
00:40:41and if they did,
00:40:43it would be handy to know
00:40:45their strengths and weaknesses.
00:40:47Hey you, if you're not buying anything
00:40:49get out of my shop!
00:40:51Quinn said as he walked away.
00:40:53When Quinn arrived back at the group,
00:40:55the group had decided that for the first day
00:40:57they would head to one of the green areas nearby.
00:40:59After defeating a few basic tier beasts,
00:41:01they would make their way
00:41:03into the red zone.
00:41:05Although Quinn was eager to go
00:41:07into the red zone to get his crystals,
00:41:09he was happy with the decision they had made.
00:41:11As the group made their way
00:41:13towards their destination,
00:41:15Quinn and Vorden were in the lead
00:41:17and were talking about different things.
00:41:19Vorden said.
00:41:20Do you think they might plan to do something on this trip?
00:41:23Quinn asked.
00:41:24I doubt it.
00:41:25Unlike the Red Portal places, there are too many people here.
00:41:27But the important thing is that Peter believes that they will.
00:41:30The area they chose to go to on the map was a small little oasis.
00:41:34The area was filled with beasts, known as teeth worms.
00:41:37They would travel under sand, but were easy to spot, as a big lump of moving sand was
00:41:41coming towards you.
00:41:43When they were close enough, they would pop out from the sand and open their circular
00:41:46mouth, displaying thousands of small razor-sharp teeth inside.
00:41:50Peter and Quinn stayed in the middle, while they allowed for the others to attack the
00:41:55Vorden and Aaron found it the easiest to deal with the worms.
00:41:58Layla, on the other hand, found it a little more difficult.
00:42:01Even when using her telekinesis ability, her arrow was too slow.
00:42:05The arrow would hit the sand before even hitting the beast.
00:42:07The only way she could overcome this was to not use her ability at all, and just fire
00:42:12at the worms with no fear.
00:42:14Still, it would take a couple of arrow shots for her before the worms were dead.
00:42:19As Quinn saw the group killing basic beasts left and right, he felt a little sad.
00:42:23Not because he couldn't join in.
00:42:25He was happy that others were fighting, but the fact that all of these kills could have
00:42:29been precious experience for him.
00:42:31As he had this thought, a familiar voice sounded in his head.
00:42:34You know, if you bloodied one of them, you would be able to gain EXP for all their kills,
00:42:39the system said.
00:42:40Quinn thought about it seriously for a while.
00:42:42She had already asked him to turn her into a vampire, and no, he really could.
00:42:46While thinking about whether or not to blood Layla, Quinn decided he would leave it to
00:42:50her and would ask her later.
00:42:52While the group was busy fighting away on the outside, one of the worms managed to wiggle
00:42:56past their formation and was heading straight for Quinn.
00:43:00As soon as the worm had reached the shade of the umbrella, Quinn grabbed the worm mid-air
00:43:04by the end of its tail.
00:43:05So ugly, Quinn said as he squeezed it tightly with his bare hands.
00:43:09The center of its body was strung like a towel as black blood fell to the floor.
00:43:14Basic Beast killed.
00:43:1510 EXP earned.
00:43:17First Teeth Worm killed, 100 bonus EXP gained.
00:43:20You are now level 1.
00:43:2170 of 200 EXP.
00:43:23Strength, 16.
00:43:25Stamina, 15.
00:43:26Agility, 16.
00:43:28Charm, 5.
00:43:29You have received 2 stat points.
00:43:32The group had taken out a total of 9 Teeth Worms together.
00:43:35Was this here before, Peter said, staring at the thing?
00:43:39The next thing he knew, out from the mound of sand, another Teeth Worm came jumping out.
00:43:43All panicked, Peter fell to the floor and completely forgot about the Earth Staff he
00:43:48held on his back.
00:43:49But before the Earth Worm could reach him, a spear of ice came rushing from the side
00:43:53and killed it in one shot.
00:43:55Right by the oasis, another group had witnessed the whole thing and couldn't help but laugh
00:43:59at Peter's reaction.
00:44:01The leader of the group was named Ben and he wielded a large club on his back.
00:44:06Boss, watch out!
00:44:07One of them shouted as a Teeth Worm jumped from the side.
00:44:10He reached out for the club on his back and was ready to slam the thing to pieces.
00:44:14Instead, an ice spear came out from the side and accurately stabbed it through its body
00:44:19and onto the sand.
00:44:21You don't mind if I take that one's Beast Crystal, do you?
00:44:23Aaron said walking over.
00:44:25Sure, go ahead, Ben replied with a fake smile.
00:44:29The Teeth Worms were no longer jumping out and attacking, and now they had time to collect
00:44:33the Beast Crystals.
00:44:35How much did we get?
00:44:36Ben asked.
00:44:37A total of four, boss.
00:44:39As Ben looked over, he noticed that the other group must have obtained over ten, more than
00:44:44double their haul.
00:44:45Then he noticed something else as well.
00:44:47The boy at the back of the group, Peter, didn't seem to gel as well with the others.
00:44:52In fact, it was almost as if they were treating him as an outcast.
00:44:56You're only as strong as your weakest link, Ben said with a smile.
00:45:02All crystals that were handed into the military base would be counted towards their points.
00:45:07However, the military would keep ten percent of whatever they gave in to be counted.
00:45:12So instead, Quinn decided to keep the crystal inside his system where it couldn't be found
00:45:16and sold later.
00:45:17The sun was still burning brightly, and it didn't look like it would set any time soon,
00:45:22but they knew they had been out for at least six hours.
00:45:24Then they headed straight for the military base, which was located at the center of the
00:45:29This was a square-like building that had several different departments, but for the next week,
00:45:33just in front of the building was a small stand for students.
00:45:37At the stand was a single adult soldier, and behind him a large digital screen.
00:45:42The digital screen behind him was suddenly updated.
00:45:45The name Layla could be seen, and the number fifteen was displayed next to it.
00:45:49While looking at the board, Quinn also spotted Logan's name who was second on the leaderboard,
00:45:53with twenty-four points.
00:45:55He hadn't spotted him since this expedition, but knew he would be here since he was a first-year
00:46:01I guess that's what a power level eight can do.
00:46:03He must have some pretty strong teammates with him as well, Quinn thought.
00:46:07Before they were to head off to sleep for the night or day, they decided that they should
00:46:11have a group meeting on the kitchen table.
00:46:14The five of them sat down, and Erin was the first to speak.
00:46:17She said,
00:46:18As you all know, my goal is to come out as one of the top teams during this assessment.
00:46:23Right now, we're just above average, and I can't accept that.
00:46:26That's why I think tomorrow we should head into the red zone.
00:46:29I think we're strong enough, Vorden added, but the problem is these two.
00:46:34The two people Vorden was talking about were, of course, Peter and Quinn.
00:46:38To be honest, Quinn wanted to go to the red zone too.
00:46:41Most likely, the winged lizard lived there, but he had planned to go there when the day
00:46:45cycle had changed to night.
00:46:47Erin said,
00:46:48As you can see on the map, there is a safe zone just outside of the red zone.
00:46:52Most likely, it's a territory where two different beasts clash, so they don't cross each other's
00:46:57The two can wait there while we go inside and attack.
00:47:00After hearing Erin's suggestion, Quinn didn't think it was too bad.
00:47:04If they were to leave him and Peter alone, then perhaps Quinn could sneak off at some
00:47:07point to hunt the winged lizards on his own.
00:47:10When leaving in the morning, it looked like their group wasn't the only one heading for
00:47:14the red zone.
00:47:15There were a total of four other groups altogether.
00:47:18It's our competition, Erin said, looking towards one of the groups who walked in front.
00:47:23You see the boy at the front with the red hair?
00:47:25It's the trait of the Red Shield family.
00:47:27All originals who learn their magic acquire the ability of fire.
00:47:31The ability of fire, huh?
00:47:33Vorden looked at the red-haired student for some time, trying to think up an idea.
00:47:37But the one that interested Quinn wasn't the fire user.
00:47:40Instead, it was Logan, who was also part of one of the groups heading to the red zone.
00:47:45I wonder what his ability really is, Quinn thought.
00:47:48It had to be impressive to be able to get the second highest score.
00:47:52Throughout the whole time the two of them were together, Quinn still hadn't figured
00:47:55it out.
00:47:56And for some reason, Quinn felt like it was rude to ask.
00:48:00Most high levels would keep their ability secret.
00:48:02If two people were to get in a fight knowing their ability beforehand was a huge advantage.
00:48:07While the rest of the groups continued to move forward, though, Erin's group had decided
00:48:11to change direction, slightly heading off to the left.
00:48:15Are you sure you're going to be okay?
00:48:17Vorden asked.
00:48:18Don't worry about it.
00:48:19If trouble comes our way, I have a trick up my sleeve to fight them off, Quinn replied.
00:48:23You see that building up ahead?
00:48:24It looks like an abandoned well of some sort.
00:48:27We will wait for you there, and come get us on the way back.
00:48:30Boss, it looks like the group is split into two.
00:48:33Maybe the strong ones are heading to the red zone.
00:48:35Who should we follow?
00:48:36One of the men said to Ben.
00:48:38We stick to the plan, Ben said.
00:48:40I managed to do some research on their group yesterday.
00:48:42It turns out that their group had two level 5 power users, and wait for it.
00:48:47Two level 1s if you can believe it.
00:48:50They must be like the only level 1s in their whole class.
00:48:53They would probably get in the way if they were to fight.
00:48:55If we take their crystals they got yesterday, then we will climb up from the bottom of the
00:49:01Back at the red zone, Vorden and the others had finally arrived.
00:49:04Most of the groups had spread out from each other, making sure that they didn't get in
00:49:08the way of each other's hunting process.
00:49:10The red zone was filled with winged lizards.
00:49:13Before hunting one of the beasts, the group stayed and watched patiently for one of the
00:49:16other groups to attack first.
00:49:18A single person would walk up to the group of lizards, and send out an attack, catching
00:49:23the attention of a single beast.
00:49:25Then the person would lead the lizard to the group, and they would all attack it at once.
00:49:29They were being cautious not to attract the attention of all the lizards after all.
00:49:33The lizard would constantly block attacks from the beast weapons, and certain abilities
00:49:37using the wings attached to its arms.
00:49:40Eventually, they would manage to defeat it.
00:49:42But while the other groups struggled, one was finding it easy, and that was the one
00:49:46with the flame user, named Berg.
00:49:49Berg's flames were stronger than the beast wings, and it didn't matter what it did, it
00:49:53would beset a flame, and sooner or later the beast would die.
00:49:57Watching this, Vorden had an even bigger smile on his face.
00:50:00Now, only if there was some other flame user in our group.
00:50:08Hi Quinn here.
00:50:09Wondering what happens next?
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00:50:15the Pocket FM app.
00:50:21After watching the other groups deal with the winged lizards, Vorden and his group decided
00:50:26to implement a similar strategy.
00:50:28Layla would be the first to approach one of the rocks, and then fire out an arrow, hitting
00:50:32the foot of one of the lizards.
00:50:34The lizard followed the arrow easily, and now it was Vorden and Aaron's turn to deal
00:50:38with the beast.
00:50:39You idiot, Rayton said, you know from watching the others that it won't work?
00:50:44Either shut up or help, Vorden shouted, as he continued to throw the ice spikes.
00:50:49But proceeding this way would take far too long.
00:50:51Before he knew it, he could see Aaron up in the air with her long sword, held in her hand.
00:50:56As she fell to the ground, she sliced downward at the beast's wing.
00:51:01Now with one wing frozen in place, Vorden was finally able to throw an ice spear directly
00:51:06into its body, killing it.
00:51:08Did we finally do it?
00:51:09Layla said, looking at the thing.
00:51:11She quickly extracted the crystal and placed it inside her small bag for now.
00:51:16This is a problem, Aaron said.
00:51:18It is taking us far too long to kill a single one of them.
00:51:21Even if there are many, it takes three of us just to kill one.
00:51:24We would be better off searching for another group of teeth worms at this point.
00:51:29Then they heard cheering coming from their left side.
00:51:31The group with Berg in charge had just finished burning five of them to a crisp, at once.
00:51:37The look on Aaron's face was currently one of disgust.
00:51:40Come on, let's just go into one of the other areas and find a bunch of teeth worms to deal with.
00:51:44Hold on, Vorden shouted.
00:51:46I have a plan.
00:51:48Berg and his group had just finished killing their eighth lizards and were currently resting
00:51:52for a bit.
00:51:53He needed time to recover his MC points before he could use his abilities again.
00:51:58I still have a long way to go, Berg said, looking at his hand.
00:52:02Every original family was different when it came to teaching their members about their powers.
00:52:07They had their own methods, and for the Red Shields, it was all about discovery.
00:52:11Hey, Berg, watch out, a voice from the side said.
00:52:14As he looked up, he noticed a human body was flying his way, and before he knew it, they
00:52:19had crashed into him.
00:52:20The two of them tumbled into the sand and eventually stopped.
00:52:24That s***, how could she do that to her own teammate, Vorden said as he lifted himself
00:52:29off the ground.
00:52:30I'm sorry about that, do you need a hand?
00:52:32Just then, Vorden reached out his hand and lifted Berg.
00:52:35Hey, what do you guys think you're doing, another person said as he came running over.
00:52:40You just barged into our leader.
00:52:41Enough, Lippy, said Berg.
00:52:43I'm sure it was an accident.
00:52:45Lippy, who was also a part of Berg's team, was surprised by his actions.
00:52:49If a person usually did something like this, he would have burnt them by now.
00:52:53But the reason was simple.
00:52:55When Berg looked at Vorden's watch, it currently displayed the power level of eight on it.
00:53:00We're sorry, Layla said as she came running over with Aaron behind.
00:53:04Our idiot teammate was being annoying, and I just needed to throw him somewhere.
00:53:08Don't worry about it, Berg said, accidents happen.
00:53:11After apologizing, the three of them decided to leave the group B and go hunting once again.
00:53:16Vorden, now having the flame abilities, was ready to burn some lizards.
00:53:20Why did you let them go off like that, Lippy asked.
00:53:23That person, he was a level eight user.
00:53:25Let's keep an eye on them for a little bit, Berg said.
00:53:29Berg had seen the group just go behind one of the stones.
00:53:32Why did they choose to move, he thought.
00:53:34After walking around one of the large rocks in the center, he could see Vorden and his
00:53:39Just as Berg saw them, he could see Vorden burning one of the winged lizard using his
00:53:43fire powers.
00:53:45But how?
00:53:46Lippy said.
00:53:47Is he part of the Red Shields?
00:53:49I've never seen him in my life.
00:53:50It looks like we've got some questions to ask.
00:53:53While Aaron was busy carving out the beast to find its crystal, a fireball was spotted
00:53:57coming towards them.
00:53:58Look out!
00:53:59Layla shouted.
00:54:00At the last second, Vorden turned his head and fired a fireball of his own equal in size.
00:54:06As the two fireballs clashed, a small explosion was created and sparks of flame flew out onto
00:54:11the sound.
00:54:12You must be Delweth!
00:54:13No one is allowed to learn the secrets of the flame!
00:54:16Berg shouted.
00:54:17Shooting out fire from the palm of his hands, Berg propelled himself into the air.
00:54:21Stream of fire was seen coming from the bottom of his hands and feet.
00:54:24It looked almost like he was flying in the air.
00:54:27Spinning flame kick!
00:54:29Using one of his legs, the fire would shoot out from the back of his heel, causing him
00:54:33to spin.
00:54:34Then, with the other leg, would let out multiple blades of fire.
00:54:37Dammit, I can't do that!
00:54:39Vorden shouted.
00:54:40As the blades of fire were coming towards them, Vorden lifted both hands, creating a
00:54:44small wall of fire.
00:54:46If Vorden thought he was safe, though, he was wrong.
00:54:49As the blades of fire touched the wall, it ripped right through and continued to go past.
00:54:54By now, Layla and Aaron had long moved to the side and became spectators of the whole
00:54:59And the same could be said for Berg's teammates as well.
00:55:01What is going on?
00:55:03Aaron asked.
00:55:04I don't know, but I do know Vorden knows how to annoy a load of people.
00:55:07Perhaps this is just one of them, Layla said.
00:55:11This guy is pretty good, Lippy said, watching the whole thing from the side.
00:55:15The second Berg landed on the ground, he dashed forward using the flames once again to propel
00:55:20Vorden fired fireball after fireball, but then Berg just covered his hands in flames
00:55:25and would knock them away.
00:55:27Looks like your fire is no stronger than mine, you thief, he shouted.
00:55:31Then with his hands covered in flames, he went for a punch towards Vorden's face.
00:55:35He could see it coming and was planning to duck, but suddenly, the fist sped up in an
00:55:40instant and knocked Vorden into the ground with his head bouncing off the sand.
00:55:45Vorden laid on the ground, unmoving with his eyes closed.
00:55:48What should we do?
00:55:49Layla asked.
00:55:50Should we go over and help him?
00:55:52I don't think they'll kill him, Aaron replied.
00:55:54There, too many people here, he would have to silence.
00:55:57Well, he's from the Big Four, right?
00:55:59Would the school really do anything?
00:56:02Standing right over Vorden was Berg.
00:56:04He continually looked at Vorden's still body.
00:56:07Why isn't Boss doing anything?
00:56:09Lippy said as he watched.
00:56:11He couldn't explain it himself, but for some reason, he felt like if he touched Vorden
00:56:15at this moment, he would be the one lying on the ground.
00:56:18Then a few seconds later, Vorden's eyes opened.
00:56:24Quinn and Peter had been walking for a good 15 minutes as they headed to what looked like
00:56:28a little abandoned well.
00:56:30While the two of them were walking, not one of them had said a word to each other, and
00:56:34Quinn was the type that hated an awkward silence between two people.
00:56:38In the end, he gave in and just had to say something.
00:56:41Why did you do it?
00:56:42Quinn said.
00:56:44Peter didn't have to ask what he was talking about.
00:56:46It was as clear as day.
00:56:48They continued walking for a while longer, until eventually, Peter replied.
00:56:52I don't want to make any excuses.
00:56:54I know what I did was terrible.
00:56:56But you don't understand, Quinn.
00:56:57I was scared.
00:56:58They had already gone for Vorden and managed to catch him.
00:57:02Then they went after me, and...
00:57:04Quinn snapped back.
00:57:05I don't want to hear any more.
00:57:06You were right the first time when you said you weren't going to make any excuses.
00:57:10When someone does something wrong, everyone has a reason, be it good or bad.
00:57:13But after everything we had done for you, why didn't you come to us?
00:57:17Would you really help me, Quinn?
00:57:19Would you be saying the same thing if you knew who was behind everything?
00:57:22Peter asked.
00:57:23Did you give us a chance?
00:57:24Quinn replied.
00:57:25Do you know the saying, you miss all the shots you don't take?
00:57:28The two of them had finally arrived at the village, and Quinn turned around to look at
00:57:33He could see his teary face.
00:57:35When you chose to go against us that day, Peter, you were the one who had given up.
00:57:38You didn't try taking a shot and made your chances go down to zero.
00:57:43The two of them looked around the abandoned well.
00:57:45In the center was a giant machine used to draw water.
00:57:48It had rusted, and just from looking at it, you could tell it hadn't been used in a while.
00:57:53The only other thing in the place were two abandoned buildings.
00:57:56One room was completely bare apart from a single window, while the other building had
00:58:00a couple of broken wooden bed frames.
00:58:03After taking off the rucksack and putting it on the old bed, Peter finally laid down
00:58:07and was getting some rest.
00:58:10I'm going to go exploring around for a little bit.
00:58:12Are you alright to stay here?
00:58:13Don't worry, I won't be going too far.
00:58:16Are you sure you're going to be safe?
00:58:17Peter said.
00:58:18Yeah, as long as you aren't behind my back, I'll have nothing to worry about, Quinn said
00:58:23Sorry, that was a low blow.
00:58:26Quinn pictured the map in his head.
00:58:28He remembered the Red Zone was quite a large circular area.
00:58:31They had just come from the left direction, which was where Vorden and the others went.
00:58:35So as long as Quinn went right and forward, he should be in a different area of the Red
00:58:40With that, he decided to head off into the desert with his umbrella in his hand.
00:58:45Watching all of this happen was Ben and his group.
00:58:49It looks like the two of them have split up.
00:58:51You three go for the kid with the umbrella.
00:58:53Take off everything, even his money card, and get him to transfer everything over.
00:58:57Me and Hugo will go get rid of the other one.
00:59:00They did as told, and three of their men went off to follow Quinn into the desert, while
00:59:04Ben and his friend Hugo had decided to enter the same building that Peter was in.
00:59:09In the desert, before Quinn had even reached the Red Zone, he could hear the sounds of
00:59:13people getting closer to him.
00:59:15His vision wasn't as great in the sunlight.
00:59:18It was about the only thing that was still affected while in the sun, but his hearing
00:59:22was always top-notch.
00:59:23Who sent you?
00:59:24Quinn said without turning around.
00:59:26That's none of your business now, is it?
00:59:28One of the students said.
00:59:29Now you better listen to what we say or else.
00:59:32Or else what?
00:59:33Quinn said as he turned.
00:59:34I'm sorry some people think I'm a bit slow.
00:59:37The students then lifted up their watches to each reveal their levels.
00:59:41One was a Level 4 student, and the other two Level 3s.
00:59:44I hope you understand, the Level 4 user said.
00:59:47Oh, I see.
00:59:48Because you're a higher level than me, I should be scared now, right?
00:59:51I should obey everything you do, because I don't want to be hurt.
00:59:55Skill Active Shadow Void.
00:59:57Suddenly from underneath Quinn's feet, his shadow started to spread.
01:00:00It grew and grew until it encompassed a large area in complete darkness.
01:00:05The shadows that formed the walls were continually moving.
01:00:08From the outside, it looked like a giant cloud storm.
01:00:11Quinn then tapped his watch three times and lifted it up for them to see.
01:00:15The number had changed.
01:00:17He was now a Level 6.
01:00:19Vorden stood there, standing in the sand.
01:00:21He hadn't moved for a few seconds now, and his head was facing the floor.
01:00:25From the top of his head, a trickle of blood was dripping down onto his forehead, and little
01:00:29by little, droplets would fall to the ground.
01:00:32Why is the boss just standing there?
01:00:34Lippy asked.
01:00:35The truth was, Berg couldn't explain it himself.
01:00:38Something about the person he was facing a few seconds ago had suddenly changed.
01:00:42He felt the same presence as when he was just about to face one of the Elders in his own
01:00:48Then, for the first time since being beaten to the floor, Vorden had moved.
01:00:52He lifted his hand and wiped the blood away before staring at it on his sleeve.
01:00:56You guys said you would protect me.
01:00:58Hey, don't look at me, Sil, Rayton said.
01:01:01Quynh was the one who got knocked out before I could even do anything.
01:01:04Maybe it's time for a change, Sil said.
01:01:07What, and leave this person in charge, Vorden argued.
01:01:10If you do this, you will be lonelier than before.
01:01:12Even Quynh won't stay by your side.
01:01:15Ah, yes, Quynh, Sil said as he looked around at where he was.
01:01:19I don't see any Quynh.
01:01:21This will be good, Rayton said.
01:01:22Hey, Sil, that man in front of you is hiding Quynh from us.
01:01:26Sil then looked at Berg up and down and started to walk towards him, but his face wasn't peaceful
01:01:31or anything.
01:01:32It was like that of a demon.
01:01:34The anger could be felt, the emotion, everything.
01:01:37Berg could feel it just coming from his face.
01:01:39Stay back, Berg shouted as he covered his forearms and fist in flames once again.
01:01:45As Sil took another step forward, Berg was at his limit and knew he needed to attack
01:01:50Placing both hands together, he started to fire a pillar of flames from his hand like
01:01:55a flamethrower.
01:01:56As the fire came towards him, Sil swung his hands, lifting a pile of sand with it and
01:02:01dropping it straight on the flames, causing it to extinguish.
01:02:05When did he get my ability?
01:02:06Layla said, watching the fight.
01:02:08And why is it stronger than mine?
01:02:10I could never lift that amount of sand.
01:02:13Vorden's ability is strange, Aaron said, but if I remember correctly, he could control
01:02:17two abilities.
01:02:18Perhaps it has something to do with that?
01:02:21Seeing this, Berg too was shocked.
01:02:23He had thought Vorden was just someone who had learned the family secret, maybe tortured
01:02:27one of their members into teaching it to them, but now suddenly he was using another ability.
01:02:33But how was this possible?
01:02:35While Berg was shocked by the whole thing, he started to feel an icy presence climb up
01:02:39from his feet.
01:02:40What is this? he said as he saw his two legs freezing.
01:02:44In an instant, he activated the fire to cover his legs, causing it to melt the ice.
01:02:49But all Syl wanted to do was stall him for a second or so as he formed an ice spear and
01:02:54threw it directly at his shoulder.
