• 2 months ago
My Vampire System Ep 46 - 50
| English Movies , English Drama, Chinese Drama,Short Drama
00:00:00It landed and pierced Berg, but he couldn't complain long, as pillars of fire were already
00:00:07rising from the ground.
00:00:09"'He has your ice abilities as well,' Layla said.
00:00:12"'That's three abilities.
00:00:14Just how strong is Vorden, really?'
00:00:16While using one hand to cast pillars of fire, the other hand would continue to throw ice
00:00:21Berg could only dodge these two attacks for so long.
00:00:25"'Come on, he has to be running out of MC soon,' Berg said."
00:00:30Inside the black room, Raytan was busy laughing.
00:00:33"'I bet you this guy thinks he can win the match as long as he waits for Syl to tire
00:00:38Right now, Vorden contained three abilities.
00:00:41Whenever he copied a person's ability, he also copied the amount of MC points in their
00:00:46Vorden's ability and cells were unique.
00:00:49As long as he had copied an ability, he would be able to change any of the MC cells into
00:00:54whatever type he wanted.
00:00:56This meant he had a huge amount of MC points to use."
00:01:01As the fight continued, Berg could tell that Vorden wasn't tiring out.
00:01:05He needed to act fast.
00:01:07Berg crouched into a fetal position and started to let the fire build up inside him.
00:01:12Then when the attacks were right by his side, he expanded his limbs and out came a sphere
00:01:16of fire, getting rid of all of the attacks.
00:01:19But now, Berg was panting and sweating hard.
00:01:22It was a last-ditch effort to protect himself, but he really didn't know what to do after
00:01:27"'Where is Quinn?'
00:01:30Syl asked as he walked over.
00:01:32Layla and Aaron were too far to hear any of the words Vorden had spoken, but were worried
00:01:37that he might do something drastic.
00:01:38"'Crazy boy, I beg you don't do something crazy,' Layla said.
00:01:45Vorden shouted.
00:01:46'Raytan was lying.
00:01:47Quinn is safe.
00:01:48He's somewhere else.
00:01:49Let me take over and I can show you.'
00:01:51"'You damn rat, Vorden!'
00:01:52Raytan shouted back.
00:01:53'Now I'm going to get my ass handed to me.'
00:01:55"'I'm tired,' Syl said."
00:01:59Now Vorden had finally reached where Berg was standing.
00:02:02"'I don't want to make an enemy of you, but you attacked us first,' Vorden said.
00:02:07"'I'm from the Blade family.
00:02:09It's probably best if our two families don't get into a confrontation with each other.'
00:02:14As soon as Berg had heard Vorden's second name, he finally understood.
00:02:18The Blade family weren't as big as the Big Four, but that was because they chose not
00:02:22to be.
00:02:23They were a secretive family that didn't choose to have much influence in the world.
00:02:27Because of this, not many knew about them.
00:02:29Berg didn't really understand why, but his father had always said if he was to meet someone
00:02:34from the Blades, to show absolute respect.
00:02:37Berg placed his head in the ground and started to apologize.
00:02:40"'I'm sorry.
00:02:42It's my fault that this all has happened.
00:02:44Is there anything I can do for you?'
00:02:46Vorden thought about it for a while.
00:02:48"'It's okay, but I'm going to have to have you hand over your crystals you got today,
00:02:52and yesterday, over to us,' Vorden said smiling.
00:02:56"'Of course!'
00:02:57While Aaron, Layla, and the others watched this scene, they couldn't believe what was
00:03:02They knew Vorden wasn't original, they even knew of his family name, but they had never
00:03:06heard of the Blade family before.
00:03:08But for some reason, someone from the Big Four was bowing down to him, apologizing,
00:03:13and even handing over their crystals.
00:03:16"'Just who are you, Vorden?'
00:03:19Layla thought.
00:03:20Berg and his group handed over the crystals they had obtained inside a bag.
00:03:24Vorden now had a big grin on his face.
00:03:27Quinn had asked him to try to get as many winged lizard beast crystals as possible,
00:03:31saying he needed them for some reason, and right now, in the bag, there were thirty-nine
00:03:35winged lizard crystals in total.
00:03:38Walking over with a skip in his step, Vorden was over the moon about his haul.
00:03:42As Layla peeked inside the bag, she couldn't believe her eyes.
00:03:48I don't understand,' Layla said.
00:03:51"'Don't worry about that.
00:03:52I think it's best if we head back and hand these crystals in to be counted towards our
00:03:56"'But aren't those crystals useless?'
00:03:58Layla asked.
00:03:59"'Most of them have already been counted.'
00:04:01Each crystal inside had a unique pattern to it.
00:04:04When the crystals are counted, they are placed into a machine that assigns a certain code
00:04:08to each crystal.
00:04:09These unique codes are then added to the team's scoreboard.
00:04:13The whole shelter was under strict instructions to not sell any beast crystals to any students.
00:04:18This was to avoid a group from buying crystals and registering them under their points.
00:04:23But there was a reason why these unique codes were assigned to each team's codes.
00:04:27"'Oh, I guess you guys don't know,' Vorden said.
00:04:30"'My brother did the same thing two years ago, so I have a little bit of insider information,
00:04:34I guess.
00:04:35Although the same crystals can no longer be registered for points, if the crystals belong
00:04:39to another team, the unique codes from their score will go into ours.'
00:04:44This information was purposely kept from the students, but was told to a select few.
00:04:49Either originals like Vorden knew of it, or those who had already registered with the
00:04:53"'Well, I hate to say it, but you did a really good job this time,' Layla said while pouting.
00:04:59"'Well, while we're ahead, why don't we keep on hunting?'
00:05:02Aaron asked.
00:05:03"'The truth is, I'm worried about Peter.
00:05:06Because of this, he might be targeted,' Vorden said.
00:05:08"'If you knew about this, then why didn't we leave him at the shelter?'
00:05:12Aaron asked.
00:05:13"'If we did, it would just be the same result.
00:05:15Perhaps even more so.
00:05:16People would attack him as soon as they saw him on the street.'
00:05:19There was a second reason why Vorden and Quinn wanted to bring Peter along.
00:05:23They were hoping to draw out whoever Peter was afraid of.
00:05:26"'No one would attack a fellow student like that.
00:05:29Are you crazy?'
00:05:30Aaron said.
00:05:31"'Even if it meant getting their crystals, no human being would just attack another because
00:05:35of the test, and even so, people would rush over to help him.'
00:05:39At that point, Vorden and Layla looked at each other, and both of them had the same
00:05:44"'Aaron, you do know that Peter is a level one, right?'
00:05:47Vorden asked.
00:05:48"'What does that have to do with anything?'
00:05:50She replied.
00:05:51It was as the two had thought.
00:05:53Aaron was unaware of the treatment that lower levels received compared to everyone else.
00:05:58Aaron herself never mistreated lower levels, but just never paid them any attention either.
00:06:03She had one goal, and getting to know them wouldn't allow her to achieve anything.'
00:06:08As the three of them started to head back to where the well was, the two of them began
00:06:12to explain to Aaron just what happened at the school.
00:06:15"'But the strong would never steal from the weak,' Aaron said.
00:06:19"'Just what does that prove?
00:06:20We already know we are stronger than them.'
00:06:23Aaron just couldn't comprehend why certain people would choose to do such things.
00:06:27"'Every person is different,' Vorden replied.
00:06:30"'Honestly, if we knew all the answers to why people acted a certain way, then perhaps
00:06:34we wouldn't be in the situation we are in right now.'
00:06:38At that very moment, Vorden's fear was becoming a reality, as Ben and his group had just spotted
00:06:44Peter inside one of the buildings.
00:06:50As Peter heard the footsteps enter the small little building he was in, he quickly realized
00:06:55that he had no way of escape.
00:06:56"'Now this can be nice and easy for you,' Ben said.
00:06:59"'All we want are those crystals in your bag.'
00:07:02As soon as Ben stepped forward, Peter lifted the earth pole towards Ben's face, and then
00:07:06using his ability, transformed the end of it into a sharp tip.
00:07:10"'Please,' Peter said, "'let's not do this.
00:07:13I can't.
00:07:14If you take the crystals away, they'll hit me even more.'
00:07:18Tears were now visibly running down his face and falling to the ground.
00:07:22Peter stood firmly, not allowing the spear to move.
00:07:25He was pointed at Ben.
00:07:26"'Look, it's Peter, right?'
00:07:28Ben said.
00:07:29Suddenly, Peter's face changed a little when he heard his name.
00:07:32"'Do you know why I know your name?
00:07:34We're part of the military, too.
00:07:36In fact, Duke was the one who gave us all the information.
00:07:39I promise you that Duke will reward you if you hand those crystals over to us.'
00:07:44Seeing the change in Peter's eyes, Ben thought his words were a success, but when he stepped
00:07:48forward again, Peter decided to go in for a stab.
00:07:52"'I said I'm not letting anyone take them!' he shouted.
00:07:55As the spear was thrust forward, one of Ben's friends from the side lifted his hand, and
00:07:59with it, an earth wall was placed between the two of them.
00:08:03The wall managed to catch the spear in the center and snap it in half.
00:08:06A few seconds later, a huge club had been swung and smashed the wall into pieces, also
00:08:12hitting Peter and sending him flying back.
00:08:15The blow was so powerful that Peter didn't just crash into the wall, but caused it to
00:08:19collapse and was now outside covered in rubble.
00:08:22"'What a useless struggle.
00:08:24I would have thought someone like you would have been broken in by now,' Ben said as he
00:08:28walked through the hole in the wall and stared at Peter on the ground.
00:08:32Peter was barely conscious.
00:08:34A small trail of blood was appearing from his mouth, and his whole face and hair were
00:08:38covered in debris from the wall.
00:08:40"'Please don't hate me,' Peter said.
00:08:44"'I'm sorry, Peter.
00:08:46This is just how the world is.'
00:08:47At that moment, Peter passed out.
00:08:50Ben went through Peter's bag and took the fifteen crystals that were obtained in yesterday's
00:08:56They then also took Peter's money card.
00:08:58They decided to leave everything else intact—the food pills, the water purifiers, and the first
00:09:03aid supplies.
00:09:04Ben and his friend had decided they would head to the shelter together, but before heading
00:09:08back they would make a stop at the oasis to hunt some more teeth worms.
00:09:13As they were walking, one of them spotted something large and black in the sky coming
00:09:17toward them in their direction.
00:09:18"'What is that?' one of them asked.
00:09:20"'I don't know.
00:09:21I think it's a spaceship, but I've never seen one designed like that before,' Ben replied.
00:09:26The black object drew closer, and it was roughly the same size as a large car.
00:09:31Then finally, just in front of them in the sandy desert, the ship had crashed.
00:09:35"'Get out of the way!'
00:09:37Ben shouted.
00:09:38"'Do you think they're okay?'
00:09:39"'They're lucky the ship didn't blow up,' he said.
00:09:40"'I wonder what happened?'
00:09:42But while Ben's friend had no clue what it was, Ben was visibly shaking with fear.
00:09:47He had seen images of one of these before.
00:09:51Run now!'
00:09:52Ben shouted.
00:09:53The sphere-like shape opened up and out stepped what was known as a Dalki.
00:09:58Out on the sandy desert where the area was mostly covered with rocks and sand, one area
00:10:03looked different today.
00:10:04From the outside, it looked like a dark cloud that was continuously moving and shifting,
00:10:09creating a large dome-shaped space.
00:10:11"'What is this?'
00:10:12one of the men said.
00:10:13The three from Ben's group were now surrounded by moving shadows.
00:10:17"'Did you see his watch?'
00:10:18another one said.
00:10:19"'He was actually level six.
00:10:21We need to get out of here!'
00:10:22Inside the shadow void, Quinn could feel a connection with the shadows.
00:10:26It was hard to explain, but it was as if it was created using a part of his own body.
00:10:31Quinn looked at his stats, and as the system had told him, everything was normal.
00:10:36There was no weakness in the sun.
00:10:38While Quinn was busy checking his stats, one of the men tried to make a break for it.
00:10:42He ran to the edge of the shadow void walls.
00:10:45Out of instinct as Quinn saw this, he lifted his arm and started to shift the wall of the
00:10:49shadow into some type of arm.
00:10:52When the man was close enough, he tried swinging his dagger at the arm, but when it made contact,
00:10:56his arms started to slow down.
00:10:58They felt like they were trapped.
00:11:00"'F*** this guy!'
00:11:01Mohawk said.
00:11:02"'You saw the number on his watch change, right?
00:11:04He's probably a fake, and besides, being a level six doesn't mean he has
00:11:07strong abilities.'"
00:11:09The other two, hearing Mohawk's words, gave them a bit of confidence.
00:11:13"'Yeah, you're right, and he doesn't even have any beast gear!'
00:11:16one of them said.
00:11:17"'Get him!'
00:11:18Mohawk shouted.
00:11:20The crossbow user pulled out his bow and started to firebolt after bolting toward Quinn.
00:11:26Shadow equipped.
00:11:27Shadows started to form around Quinn's arms and legs, and suddenly they were covered in
00:11:32beast gear.
00:11:33As the first bolt came towards him, he lifted his hand, deflecting the bolt onto the ground.
00:11:40But that was a beast arrow!
00:11:41It wasn't just made out of metal!' the crossbow user said.
00:11:44"'Just keep firing the thing!'
00:11:45Mohawk shouted.
00:11:46He did as ordered, and arrowbolts started to fire one after another.
00:11:51This time as they came forward, the other user who had remained still had gathered what
00:11:55looked like a small hurricane in his hands, and then at the right moment, he brought his
00:11:59hands forward, and a gust of wind came out with it.
00:12:02"'Let's see you deal with this!
00:12:05Blood spray!
00:12:0655 of 60 HP!'
00:12:08A spray of blood left the palm of his hands and knocked each of the arrows out of the
00:12:12air, causing them to break and fall to the ground.
00:12:15"'Now it's my turn!'
00:12:17Quinn activated his Wind Walk on his boots to further increase his speed.
00:12:22While doing so, he used the Inspect skill on each one of them.
00:12:25The crossbow user could duplicate items, although each item that was duplicated would only be
00:12:30half the strength of the original.
00:12:32The other student was a Wind ability user, and lastly, Mohawk was a level 4 Earth user.
00:12:38First the annoying one!
00:12:40With Quinn's added speed with the boots and his reflexes, it was nearly impossible for
00:12:44the crossbow user to hit him, and then when Quinn was close enough, he cast out four blood
00:12:49swipes, swinging out his arms.
00:12:52With no defense, the four attacks each hit him dead in the chest, causing large cut wounds
00:12:57across his chest, and to be thrown onto the floor.
00:13:0051 of 60 HP!
00:13:02Next was the Earth user who was by his side.
00:13:05One second Quinn was in his view.
00:13:07The next moment Quinn had performed a Flash Step, and at the same time, Hammer struck
00:13:11dealing a blow right on the chest.
00:13:13His chest piece started to crack, until it eventually broke away.
00:13:1746 of 60 HP!
00:13:19Suddenly a sharp pain was felt inside Quinn's back.
00:13:22As he turned around, he could see the Wind user holding the small little daggers in between
00:13:26his fingers.
00:13:27I got you! he said.
00:13:29He threw another dagger, and it came out too fast for him to react, hitting Quinn's stomach.
00:13:3442 of 60 HP!
00:13:36Quinn then looked at the dagger and pulled it out of his body.
00:13:39As he did, the wound slowly started healing as the skin could be seen coming back together,
00:13:44until finally, there was nothing left apart from a hole in his military uniform.
00:13:49You monster! the student shouted.
00:13:51Continuously throwing blades, he managed to hit Quinn repeatedly, making sure to cover
00:13:56his face with his hands.
00:13:57Quinn rushed forward not caring for the small blades hitting his body.
00:14:0138 of 60 HP!
00:14:0334 of 60 HP!
00:14:05Without realizing it, the student was moving backwards out of fear.
00:14:09As he looked down around his waist, he could see the shadow wrapped around his body.
00:14:13Now tell me, who sent you, and why did you attack me?
00:14:17Quinn asked.
00:14:23Hi Quinn here!
00:14:25Wondering what happens next?
00:14:26If you want to jump the queue and unleash all episodes, click on the link here and install
00:14:31the Pocket FM app.
00:14:37I'm so sorry, the wind user said with a stutter.
00:14:42It was all Ben's idea.
00:14:44He said that we would be able to take care of your level 1s and take your crystals, added
00:14:48to our team's points.
00:14:50The wind user was deadly frightened.
00:14:52Not only had he never seen such a strange ability before, but he was also still trying
00:14:56to decide if the person in front of him was human.
00:15:00This Ben, does he work for anyone?
00:15:03Quinn asked.
00:15:04I mean, we all work for the military, but no one told us to do anything if that's what
00:15:08you're asking.
00:15:10Quinn couldn't be 100% sure if he were telling the truth or not, but judging by his reaction
00:15:15and how frightened he was, Quinn felt like his words were true.
00:15:20You know, if you increase your charm stat a bit more, you would be able to get these
00:15:23weak minded people to tell you anything, the system said.
00:15:27Are you kidding me?
00:15:28Quinn asked.
00:15:29No, there are certain skills in your system that will only unlock once you get enough
00:15:33stat points.
00:15:34One of them is a type of mind control for the charm stat.
00:15:37It's quite handy if their mind is weak, you can replace their memories, get them to spill
00:15:42the beans or even if it was high, you could even get the person to kill themselves.
00:15:46And of course, that would only be for the very top of vampire classes.
00:15:50Do you know how many points in charm I need to unlock this skill?
00:15:53Quinn asked.
00:15:5410 points are needed for the influence skill, 140 of 200 exp.
00:16:00Right now, Quinn had gained 20 exp for defeating the level 3 student and 40 exp points for
00:16:06defeating the level 4 student.
00:16:08Even if he did defeat the wind user in front of him, that would only bring his experience
00:16:12points up to 160.
00:16:14It wouldn't be enough to level up.
00:16:16The reason why Quinn was so adamant about unlocking this skill after hearing about it
00:16:20from the system was because he didn't know what to do.
00:16:23The three users here were from the same school as him and they had seen his ability.
00:16:28It would have been fine if it was just a shadow ability, but they had also seen his blood
00:16:32abilities as well and his incredible healing.
00:16:35If he could, he wanted to avoid killing his fellow students, but it was something that
00:16:39would have had to be done.
00:16:41Just then, from the corner of his eye, Quinn saw something forming from the ground.
00:16:45The sharp object shot out like a bullet, and Quinn managed to move his head and doge
00:16:49at the last second.
00:16:51Suddenly, heavy breathing sounds could be heard.
00:16:54When Quinn looked at the wind user in the shadow wall, he could see that an earth spike
00:16:59had impaled right through the wind user's neck.
00:17:02More spikes started to appear from the floor, and when Quinn looked ahead, he could see
00:17:06that the earth user had regained consciousness and was barely standing on his feet with his
00:17:10hand held out.
00:17:12Die, you bastard!" he shouted.
00:17:14Thinking about the spike, Quinn felt like he had just avoided death.
00:17:17You just tried to kill me!
00:17:19Quinn shouted.
00:17:20When I was just thinking about sparing your lives!
00:17:23Humans are truly disgusting, Quinn thought.
00:17:26In a fit of anger, Quinn sent out blood swipe after blood swipe.
00:17:29The earth user tried to raise a wall between them, but the wall was far too weak.
00:17:34The second the blood swipes made an impact, the wall was smashed, and the blood strikes
00:17:38continued to hit the user.
00:17:40Quinn continued to fire out blood swipes until a message had appeared.
00:17:44A level 4 human has been killed, 80 EXP gained.
00:17:48At that moment, Quinn stopped.
00:17:50210 of 200 EXP.
00:17:52Congratulations, you are now level 12.
00:17:5528 of 65 HP.
00:17:57Two free stat points have been added.
00:17:5910 of 400 EXP.
00:18:03Quinn wasn't thinking correctly and purely attacked out of anger.
00:18:06The fact that someone had almost killed him, he just reacted, and what happened was not
00:18:10part of his plan.
00:18:12But just like when he looked at Ian's dead body, Quinn felt nothing looking at the earth
00:18:16user's body, lying there lifeless in the corner.
00:18:19Then from the back of the shadow void, he could hear a groan.
00:18:22Please, save me!
00:18:24It was coming from the wind user, who still had the earth spike lodged in his throat.
00:18:29The color on his face was now turning pale.
00:18:32If Quinn were a healer, then perhaps, he would have been able to have done something.
00:18:36Looking over to the wind user, Quinn looked at him.
00:18:39Your friend did this to you.
00:18:40No, you did this to yourself when you tried attacking me.
00:18:43I will put you out of your pain.
00:18:46Casting his blood swipe from above and at a close range, he managed to cleanly cut off
00:18:50the wind user's head.
00:18:52And now he was no longer in pain.
00:18:54Level 3 user killed, 60 EXP gained, 70 of 400 EXP.
00:19:00So I do get more EXP for killing them.
00:19:03Looking at the bloody mess instead of feeling sick like a regular person, his stomach started
00:19:07to growl.
00:19:08Your hunger grows.
00:19:10During the fight, he had used up a lot of blood, and had been stabbed several times,
00:19:14and right now the sweat smell coming off his body was only getting stronger.
00:19:19But his mind felt conflicted.
00:19:21I guess I'm no longer human.
00:19:2365 of 65 HP.
00:19:25Blood type O has been consumed.
00:19:27One free stat point has been added.
00:19:29Before doing anything else, Quinn checked if the free stat point could be put into his
00:19:33charm skill, and just like he thought, it could.
00:19:37He then went on to the next body, the earth user, and had done the same.
00:19:41After getting everything he needed, he could finally increase his charm points to 10.
00:19:45Charm points 10.
00:19:46New skill, influence has been unlocked.
00:19:49Depending on the user's charm points and the mental strength of the opponent, the user
00:19:53can influence the person or creature to do their bidding.
00:19:57This includes things such as memory loss, information extraction, and so on.
00:20:01Must make direct eye contact with the target.
00:20:05Looking at the bow user on the ground, Quinn was tempted to just end his life there and
00:20:09get the experience points.
00:20:10However, he felt like he really would have lost a grip on himself if he did.
00:20:15In the end, he decided to try out his new powers, and if it didn't work, he would have
00:20:19to go through with it anyway.
00:20:22Lifting the user off the ground, Quinn slapped him across the face a few times until the
00:20:26man eventually woke up.
00:20:28As soon as his eyes opened, Quinn activated his new skill.
00:20:32Skill influence activated.
00:20:34Skill successful.
00:20:36Around the user's eyes, a small red circle could now be seen, and his body went slightly
00:20:41What do I do now?
00:20:42Quinn asked.
00:20:43Just say whatever you want, and it will happen.
00:20:45If you ask him a question, his brain will process the information and answer.
00:20:50If you tell him to forget something, he'll forget it.
00:20:52You can even replace the memory, but that's a little risky to be honest, and doesn't
00:20:56work well if he gets pulled in for questioning.
00:20:59Quinn did as the system said, and gave out his instructions.
00:21:03I want you to forget everything that happened today.
00:21:05You never saw me, and you never met me.
00:21:07You just came out to hunt some beasts, and I want you to go back to sleep.
00:21:11The color around the man's eyes returned to normal, and he quickly went back to sleep
00:21:15as Quinn had ordered.
00:21:17Quinn then tried to cancel the shadow ability, and slowly from above, the shadow started
00:21:22to shrink and disappear.
00:21:23The shadow started to slowly clear and shrink back, until it all went right underneath Quinn's
00:21:29You are being hit by direct sunlight.
00:21:31Your stats have been reduced by 70%.
00:21:35Immediately he felt sluggish, and his head started to hurt.
00:21:38Once his MC points had returned, he was sure to use Shadow Cloak to cover himself and get
00:21:43out of the sun.
00:21:45Then just as Quinn was getting ready to set off, he spotted black smoke off in the distance.
00:21:50Isn't that next to where Peter was?
00:21:54Vorden and the others started to make their way through the dry, harsh desert.
00:21:58Eventually after walking through the desert, they could finally see the small well area
00:22:02in sight.
00:22:03That's where Quinn said to meet them, right?
00:22:05Layla asked.
00:22:06Yeah, they said they would be here.
00:22:08But just then, Vorden stopped and looked down at the ground.
00:22:12Rubble from one of the buildings could be seen everywhere, but what shocked him the
00:22:15most was Peter.
00:22:17He was crawling across the ground towards them.
00:22:19His legs had been hurt, and possibly a few of his ribs broken.
00:22:23The only thing he was using was his forearms to crawl along the floor towards them.
00:22:28Peter, what happened?
00:22:29Layla asked as she came rushing over and knelt by his side.
00:22:33I have to, Peter mumbled.
00:22:37I have to get back those crystals, otherwise those guys will hate me.
00:22:41I can't live anymore, Peter said.
00:22:43Peter, you've done enough, Vorden said as he knelt and placed his hands on his shoulders.
00:22:49Peter was half-conscious the whole time, yet there was one thing in his mind keeping him
00:22:53going forward.
00:22:54He had dealt with the gruesome pain of being tortured, but he couldn't deal with everyone
00:22:58hating him.
00:22:59He looked up and could see Vorden bent over in front of him.
00:23:03Immediately, tears started to run down his face.
00:23:06I'm sorry, Vorden, Peter cried.
00:23:08They took the crystals.
00:23:10I tried.
00:23:11I tried to stop them, I promise.
00:23:13I know you did, Vorden replied.
00:23:15At that moment, all the energy had left Peter's body and he had completely collapsed and passed
00:23:20out on the floor.
00:23:21What do you think happened to him?
00:23:24Layla asked.
00:23:25Aaron had ignored Peter for the most part and went straight for the bag past him.
00:23:29It was laid on top of the rubble.
00:23:32It's gone, Aaron said.
00:23:33They took our crystals.
00:23:35Well I guess it was pretty clear what happened then, Vorden said.
00:23:39Wait a minute, what about Quinn?
00:23:40I don't see him anywhere, Layla said.
00:23:43Well it's not like we can ask Peter what happened.
00:23:45Vorden replied.
00:23:46They probably took him away too.
00:23:49Although it was possible, the other two doubted it.
00:23:52Out of the bag, Aaron had pulled out a little first aid box.
00:23:55It looked to be made of metal like a small briefcase and had a small standard red cross
00:24:00on it.
00:24:01Then she placed it on the ground and pressed the red cross.
00:24:04The little suitcase started to transform into what looked like a little droid.
00:24:08How can I be of assistance?
00:24:10The droid asked.
00:24:12Meet Peter Chuck over there, administer whatever you can to make him feel better.
00:24:16The little robot then scouted off and started to scan the area until it had eventually found
00:24:21Peter injured on the ground.
00:24:23Will he be okay after this?
00:24:24Layla asked.
00:24:25He should be.
00:24:26That robot can deal with some pretty serious injuries.
00:24:29It's like having a personal doctor with you, Aaron replied.
00:24:32As long as he isn't near death, he should be fine.
00:24:35But I do have to warn you guys, we only have one of those things.
00:24:39I am surprised you let Peter use it then, said Layla.
00:24:43Aaron didn't want to use such a precious item on Peter.
00:24:46But after hearing the words of the others and seeing Peter in pain like that, it made
00:24:50her realize that perhaps the others weren't exaggerating about the mistreatments of others.
00:24:55Just then, Vorden spotted the sign of black smoke off in the distance.
00:25:00Do you think that's them?
00:25:01Probably one of them using their abilities, said Vorden.
00:25:04It doesn't look too far away and we can get our crystals back.
00:25:08But what about Quinn?
00:25:09Layla replied.
00:25:10Why don't we split up, Vorden suggested.
00:25:12We can't just leave Peter out here.
00:25:14I'll stay with him in case anything happens.
00:25:16When he's all healed up, we'll go looking for Quinn.
00:25:19You two can go get our crystals back, but if it looks too tough, then fall back and
00:25:23come to the well.
00:25:24With them agreeing, it was the only thing they could do.
00:25:27Vorden stayed with Peter while the two girls headed off to the area of black smoke.
00:25:32On Earth, on one of the very few pieces of land that still existed, was a reasonably
00:25:37large tower that had been built.
00:25:39The tower was so large and grand in size that if someone was to stand at the top of it,
00:25:44they could reach the clouds.
00:25:46This sole tower's purpose was to monitor the activity of each of the planets on the other
00:25:50side of the portals.
00:25:52It needed a strange source of power, it that only Eno knew of.
00:25:57It was the same source of power used to power the portals.
00:26:00But today, unlike any other day, red alarm bells were ringing inside.
00:26:05The people were rushing all over the place.
00:26:07In a single room, they had about 200 employees all looking at a computer screen of their
00:26:13Sir, it looks like there's been a breach on one of the green portal planets, one of the
00:26:17men at the computer said.
00:26:19Standing at the back of the room was a man who looked to be in his fifties.
00:26:23Although he was not one to seem intimidating just from looking at him, when he spoke, his
00:26:27words gave a certain feeling of trust.
00:26:29Bring up the information on the big screen in front of you, he ordered.
00:26:33They did as asked, and managed to pull up a small video.
00:26:37It was of a black flying object that had entered the planet's atmosphere.
00:26:41It looked to be slightly injured even before arriving on the planet.
00:26:45There are meant to be no Dalki in this area, this is near the start of the solar.
00:26:48The Dalki's planets were mostly at the back.
00:26:51The Dalki and humans shared the planets in this specific solar system.
00:26:55Although not at war with each other currently, the two were in a race with each other to
00:26:59see who could conquer more planets.
00:27:02Send a message out to Dalki Station, ask them if it's from any of their known battalions,
00:27:07and tell them we'll get rid of it at all costs.
00:27:09Yes, sir!
00:27:11Also inform the military base, which is in charge of the planet, to send someone to deal
00:27:15with this immediately.
00:27:17Will do, sir!
00:27:22Hi Quinn here, wondering what happens next?
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00:27:29the Pocket FM app.
00:27:33Out in the desert, the black smoke was now rising into the air more ferocious than ever.
00:27:43It looked like a signal was being cast, and could probably now be seen for miles out in
00:27:47all directions.
00:27:49Although Ben had told his friend to go ahead and run away, they both stood there.
00:27:53As the Dalki got out of the ship, they felt like their eyes couldn't leave such a powerful
00:27:57being for even a second.
00:28:00As Ben looked at the Dalki, he noticed that it had a single spike coming from the back
00:28:04of its spine.
00:28:06This was good news, as they had learned the fewer spikes they had meant, the weaker they
00:28:11Maybe we have a chance!
00:28:13Ben shouted.
00:28:14It's too late to run now, but if we face it together…
00:28:18Ben reached for the club on his back and pulled it out.
00:28:20Are you ready, Hugo?
00:28:22He asked.
00:28:24After asking his question, no words were heard, and a few seconds later, a THUD sound was
00:28:30As he turned his head, he could see his friend's body lying there in the sand, dead.
00:28:36Ben didn't even know what happened.
00:28:38Out of fear, he charged in with his club held in his hand and used all his strength to smash
00:28:43down at the beast, but with a single hand, the Dalki grabbed the club and then crushed
00:28:48it to pieces.
00:28:50This place stinks, Dalki said.
00:28:56The two girls continued to walk through the desert.
00:28:59Wait up!
00:29:00Slow down!
00:29:01It's really hot out here, Layla complained.
00:29:04I can't let them take our crystals.
00:29:06If they hand them in and we lose our points, then that means we could lose our place at
00:29:09number one.
00:29:11So what?
00:29:12It's not worth risking our lives over.
00:29:14Even without those, we should still get a pretty good position.
00:29:17Why do you need to be number one so much?
00:29:19For the first time, Erin had paused and stood still in the sand.
00:29:24Her fist was clenched, and just as she was about to say something, she bit her lip to
00:29:28stop herself.
00:29:29Come on, we're not too far off.
00:29:32By now, the black smoke had covered most of the view in front of them.
00:29:36There weren't a lot of things that could be caught on fire, so just what on earth was
00:29:40making that much smoke, Layla thought.
00:29:43Then as they were walking, Layla suddenly sped up as she spotted what looked like a
00:29:47small black spot in the sky.
00:29:50As it got closer, she noticed it looked ball-shaped and saw that something was dripping from the
00:29:54bottom of it.
00:29:55Hey, what is that?
00:29:57Layla asked.
00:29:58I don't know.
00:29:59It might be someone's ability or something, Erin replied.
00:30:02Maybe you can catch it.
00:30:03Finally, when it was a few meters in the air, Layla managed to stop it and slowly brought
00:30:09it over to their location.
00:30:11But a few seconds later, she forgot about everything and immediately dropped the object
00:30:15onto the floor.
00:30:17A thumping sound was heard, and it rolled onto the sand towards them.
00:30:21With it, a trail of red was sinking into the sand.
00:30:25That was a head, Layla said with her voice all shaky.
00:30:28I'm not seeing things right.
00:30:30It was a head?
00:30:31Was it a beast?
00:30:32Or maybe something else even?
00:30:34It could even have something to do with the black smoke, Erin said calmly.
00:30:38How are you not affected by this?
00:30:40Our lives are worth more than some stupid crystals, shouted Layla.
00:30:44Let's get back to the well and tell the others.
00:30:46But Erin stood there, deep in thought.
00:30:49If it's an intermediate beast and I used my full strength, I should still be able to take
00:30:53it out, she thought.
00:30:55But then, in the distance, a tall figure could be seen coming towards them, its tail slowly
00:31:00moved to the left and right.
00:31:02What is that?
00:31:03Layla asked.
00:31:05For the first time, Erin didn't seem like her confident self.
00:31:09However, right now she is different.
00:31:11She had crossed her arms over her body, hugging herself and shivering in the desert heat.
00:31:16Mommy, please save me, she said ever so quietly.
00:31:21Now that the creature was even closer, Layla could finally see what Erin could see.
00:31:26It was a Dalki.
00:31:28But it wasn't alone.
00:31:29As it walked, it seemed to be dragging something along with it.
00:31:33Oh, is that another 2IC?
00:31:35The Dalki said.
00:31:37He then looked at Ben's body, which he had been dragging with him.
00:31:40It now had no head, but the rest of its limbs were still intact.
00:31:44He placed his foot on the body and pulled on the arm, ripping it from its socket.
00:31:49It's a bit closer than last time, but it's not as easy to throw.
00:31:53The Dalki aimed at the two in front of it, leaned back, and speared the arm through the
00:31:58Seeing the arm coming towards them, Layla knew this one was too fast for her to slow
00:32:02down with her ability.
00:32:04They barely managed to dodge it, with Layla pulling Erin away from the area.
00:32:08Erin, we're getting out of here!
00:32:10Drawing her hand back, she slapped Erin across the face, leaving a red mark as she spoke.
00:32:16Ice path!
00:32:17She created an ice path in front of her and then formed blades below her feet.
00:32:21Do you know how to ice skate?
00:32:23Erin asked.
00:32:25Then hold on.
00:32:26Lifting Layla onto her back, Erin started to skate down the ice path at amazing speed.
00:32:31Every time they would reach the end of the path, she would extend the ice in front of
00:32:36Those two girls were probably heading for the shelter.
00:32:38If so, it would be bad news if they warned everyone before I got there.
00:32:42I guess I better stop them.
00:32:45Unluckily for the two girls, if the Dalki knew they were not heading for the shelter,
00:32:49he perhaps would have left them on their own.
00:32:51Their destination was actually for the well, hoping to warn Vorden and the others.
00:32:57Vorden was currently looking at Peter, who was bandaged from head to toe.
00:33:01The little droid had even performed stitches in areas that had an open wound.
00:33:04Did we go too far?
00:33:06Vorden said to himself.
00:33:07Too far?
00:33:08Are you kidding me?
00:33:09Rayton said.
00:33:10You seem to be forgetting that this person sent us off to our death.
00:33:13Rayton, don't you remember why we were created?
00:33:17Vorden asked.
00:33:18Perhaps Peter was going through something similar to Syl, and it was only thanks to
00:33:21us that Syl was able to cope with it all.
00:33:23Have some sympathy for Peter.
00:33:25Just then, Peter started to move a little in his sleep, until eventually he opened up
00:33:29his eyes and slowly lifted the top half of his body off the ground.
00:33:33I would move slowly if I were you, Vorden said.
00:33:36I know you hate me, and you have every right to, but I feel like I need to get something
00:33:40off my chest, Peter said.
00:33:42Vorden continued to look away, avoiding eye contact.
00:33:45I didn't choose the school or the bullies over you two like you might be thinking.
00:33:49I chose my family over you two.
00:33:52You see, I have an older sister, or maybe I should say I had an older sister.
00:33:57She died on an expedition.
00:33:59It was a big shock to us all, but it was an even bigger shock for my parents.
00:34:03They told me not to worry, not to try and work hard like my sister for fear I would
00:34:07perish as well.
00:34:09Sounds like you had a good family, Vorden said.
00:34:11You should have listened to them.
00:34:13Trust me, they are a lot happier with you alive, Peter then lifted himself from the
00:34:17ground and looked at Vorden.
00:34:19I realized that, and that's why I said I picked my family over you guys, but then they started
00:34:23targeting me, threatening me on this expedition.
00:34:27Was it Earl and his underlings?
00:34:29Vorden asked.
00:34:30No, I mean they were a part of it, but it was someone bigger, someone near the top.
00:34:35Peter, tell me, was it one of the teachers, or even one of the sergeants maybe?
00:34:39Peter paused for a second as he was unsure whether he should tell Vorden or not.
00:34:44Vorden strangely looked at him.
00:34:46This made Peter feel scared and made him start to talk.
00:34:49It was…
00:34:51Before Peter could answer, Vorden, Peter, Quinn, Layla shouted at the top of her lungs.
00:34:56The two of them immediately headed outside and could see Layla being carried by Aaron
00:35:00who ice-skated through the desert.
00:35:02Are you okay?
00:35:04Layla asked Aaron.
00:35:05I just used up all my power, I don't think I can help in the fight.
00:35:09Aaron said.
00:35:10What happened?
00:35:11Are you running from the people who stole our crystals?
00:35:13Peter asked with a worried expression on his face.
00:35:16No, it's a Dalki, Layla said.
00:35:19The fear was written on her face.
00:35:22Further in the desert, Quinn was plodding away in the loose sand, walking back towards
00:35:26the water well.
00:35:27Long exposure to the sun has been confirmed.
00:35:29Your body has been weakened further.
00:35:31All stats will now be reduced by 80%.
00:35:35What is this?
00:35:36Quinn shouted.
00:35:38At that moment, Quinn had fallen to his knees as his whole body gradually started to feel
00:35:44What is happening to me?
00:35:45System, help!
00:35:46Please explain!
00:35:48Quinn shouted to himself.
00:35:49Skill activated Shadow Cloak.
00:35:51The shadow at the bottom of his feet began to slowly surround him.
00:35:55He became like a human figure made out of shadows.
00:35:59Stats have returned to normal.
00:36:01His MC points hadn't fully recovered.
00:36:03Quinn wasn't bothered about this.
00:36:05Quinn and Vorden could protect him until his MC points fully recovered.
00:36:09A Dalki, are you sure?
00:36:11Vorden asked.
00:36:12They suddenly saw a black figure flying in the sky.
00:36:16It was coming in their direction.
00:36:17It crashed into the large metal machinery, causing it to break apart.
00:36:21The Dalki standing right in the middle of the wreckage could be seen.
00:36:25You should tell me where the shelter is, now, Dalki said, pointing to the piece of scrap
00:36:30metal beside Layla.
00:36:34She stammered.
00:36:36It's over there, she pointed.
00:36:38Thank you, but I'm afraid no one can know that I was here.
00:36:41He then straightened the piece of metal in his hands with his claws.
00:36:45Then using his fingertips, he sliced the top half of it to create a makeshift spear.
00:36:50I must not fail my mission, he says as he chucked the spear toward the students.
00:36:55Vorden immediately arrived in front of the group and conjured an ice barrier.
00:36:59No, that won't be enough, Aaron said while still lying on the ground.
00:37:04She then lifted her hand and helped Vorden cast another wall behind it, making it as
00:37:08thick as possible, using the last bits of her power.
00:37:12I need to help, Layla thought as she focused her mind, doing her best to slow down the
00:37:16spear's movements.
00:37:17Also, Peter rushed forward to where the ice wall was.
00:37:20Peter, what are you doing?
00:37:22Watch out, Vorden shouted.
00:37:24I can help too, Peter shouted back.
00:37:27Peter placed both of his hands on the ground, and in that spot, a piece of earth started
00:37:31to slowly rise, eventually creating a third barrier.
00:37:34Then finally, the spear had stopped moving.
00:37:37Oh, perhaps we need to start waging this war again before you earthlings grow even stronger.
00:37:43Syl, we need your help now, Vorden said.
00:37:46No, Syl shouted back.
00:37:48If you don't, we will all die.
00:37:50You said you would take me to see Quinn.
00:37:52I don't even see any Quinn around here.
00:37:54Why would you lie to me?
00:37:55Syl asked.
00:37:56Just ignore the brat, Raiden said.
00:37:58Let me take over.
00:37:59We don't have time.
00:38:01Vorden immediately left the chair and allowed Raiden to take over.
00:38:05The Dahlke then rushed forward, and at that moment, Raiden placed both of his hands on
00:38:09the ground, and a trail of ice materialized, heading straight for the Dahlke's feet.
00:38:14Hey, ugly!
00:38:15Raiden shouted at the Dahlke in an attempt to provoke it.
00:38:18When that ugly thing stops moving, fire all the arrows you have at it, he shouted to Layla.
00:38:23In the end, she aimed the arrow to go directly into the Dahlke's thigh.
00:38:27However, the arrow simply bounced off, not even leaving a scratch on it.
00:38:31Damn it!
00:38:32Raiden shouted.
00:38:33Let's have some lizard barbecue!
00:38:35Using both of his palms, he fired a huge stream of fire toward the lizard.
00:38:39But then, the intensity of the flames started to decrease at an alarming rate, as if they
00:38:44were being sucked away by something.
00:38:47All of the flames were flowing towards the Dahlke, like it was a vacuum, traveling in
00:38:51one stream directly towards the Dahlke's mouth.
00:38:54Thank you for the meal, it said.
00:38:56I haven't had anything this tasty in years.
00:38:58It's hopeless, Eren said.
00:39:01It's too strong.
00:39:02We're all going to die.
00:39:04Skill activated, Shadow Void.
00:39:06The area around them started to be encased in a dark shadow.
00:39:09Is this the Dahlke's power?
00:39:11Layla asked.
00:39:12The Dahlke himself was equally confused as them.
00:39:16Just what was it that was surrounding the entire area with them in it?
00:39:20Hi, Quinn here.
00:39:27Wondering what happens next?
00:39:28If you want to jump the queue and unleash all episodes, click on the link here and install
00:39:33the Pocket FM app.
00:39:39The black shadow started to surround all of them.
00:39:42It slowly encased the group until finally, the whole area around them was filled with
00:39:46purple shadows.
00:39:47But then Eren noticed that the Dahlke was also looking around in confusion at the shadows
00:39:51as if it was something unknown to it.
00:39:54Then from behind a claw-like shape of red lines came flying toward the Dahlke.
00:39:58It turned around, sensing the power of the attack.
00:40:01It lifted both of its arms to protect itself, and it placed its arms in an X-shape right
00:40:05in front of its face.
00:40:07Just as it was about to look up, four more of the same attack came at it.
00:40:11Although the attacks didn't hurt the Dahlke, for the first time in a long while, it had
00:40:15been pushed back from its position by an attack.
00:40:18As soon as Quinn had released his first attack, his shadow cloak had disappeared, and this
00:40:23had revealed him to everyone.
00:40:25The problem was he was low on MC points.
00:40:27He only had 30 of his MC points left, and he needed to use them wisely.
00:40:32Then Eren spotted Quinn's watch.
00:40:34To her surprise, it currently displayed the number 6.
00:40:37Was he hiding his strength the whole time?
00:40:39She shouted.
00:40:40He must have had his reasons, Leila said.
00:40:42How's the little one doing?
00:40:44Reitan asked.
00:40:45He's still sleeping, Borden replied.
00:40:48So it looks like I'll have to deal with this one, Reitan said.
00:40:51The Dahlke then went and picked up another piece of scrap metal from the ground that
00:40:55was part of the well's machinery.
00:40:57Let's see how strong you are!
00:40:59The Dahlke shouted, as he chucked the spear-like object towards Quinn.
00:41:02No, there's no way he can block that on his own, Leila said.
00:41:06Peter stayed by Eren's side, while Borden and Leila rushed towards Quinn.
00:41:10Shadow control!
00:41:12Using his shadow control skill, Quinn was able to create a black circular shield.
00:41:17But for Borden, seeing Quinn's action made something click in his head.
00:41:21The spear flew, going at lightning speed, until the tip had touched the black circular
00:41:26At that moment, the spear looked like it had stopped in midair.
00:41:29Once the spear slowed, Quinn moved to the side.
00:41:32He took the shadow away, and allowed the spear to continue moving forward and out of
00:41:36the shadow void.
00:41:37This is perfect, Borden said.
00:41:40Quinn, as a vampire, was the perfect counter to the Dahlke.
00:41:43Borden threw an ice spear at the Dahlke.
00:41:45It shattered into a million pieces once it hit the Dahlke's body.
00:41:49However, it did catch Dahlke's attention, which was what Borden was aiming for.
00:41:53You are boring, the Dahlke said.
00:41:55I'm far more interested in that one.
00:41:57Hey, brat!
00:41:59Borden shouted.
00:42:00Mine is too tough.
00:42:01Use an attack that can hurt it on the inside.
00:42:03On the inside?
00:42:04Quinn thought.
00:42:05When the Dahlke was a few meters away, it leapt up into the air with its claws out,
00:42:10and with both of its hands above its head, ready to smash down.
00:42:13MC 20 of 100.
00:42:15The Dahlke could feel its attack slowing down as soon as it touched the strange, shadow-like
00:42:21But by using its considerable strength, it was able to pull its hands from the shadow.
00:42:26MC 10 of 100.
00:42:27His attacks are so strong.
00:42:29I can only take one more, Quinn thought.
00:42:31As the Dahlke threw another punch towards him, Quinn moved the shadow and wrapped it
00:42:35around the Dahlke's fist.
00:42:37MC 0 of 100.
00:42:39Quinn could see the Dahlke's other hand coming straight at him.
00:42:42He looked the Dahlke in the eyes.
00:42:44Skill days.
00:42:45Day successful.
00:42:47Your opponent has been stunned.
00:42:48He stepped behind the Dahlke and prepared all the motions for the hammer strike.
00:42:52He added blood spray to the last part, turning it into the most powerful attack he had, a
00:42:57blood hammer.
00:42:58The Dahlke still hadn't moved from his spot, but after a few seconds, he fell on one knee.
00:43:04This was Quinn's answer.
00:43:06An internal attack.
00:43:07When Quinn thought everything was over, a large fist had come out of nowhere, swinging
00:43:12out and hitting him right in the ribs, sending him flying through the air.
00:43:16Critical hit.
00:43:17Your ribs have been broken.
00:43:18The Dahlke stood up from the ground and smiled, wiping away the green blood from its mouth.
00:43:23MC 20 of 100.
00:43:24I'm not done with you yet, boy.
00:43:25As Quinn hit the building, his body crashed through the wall and he fell to the floor.
00:43:30Now that was impressive, the Dahlke said with a smile on his face.
00:43:34Did you know the more a Dahlke gets hurt, the stronger they get?
00:43:37When the Dahlke tried to take another step forward, it felt something akin to a force
00:43:41field that was pulling him back and slowing him down.
00:43:45Sill had taken over.
00:43:46Are you trying to take Quinn away from me?
00:43:48He yelled.
00:43:49You earthlings are nothing like we were told.
00:43:51And you're not even adults.
00:43:52You're just students.
00:43:53The Dahlke said.
00:43:55The whole situation was filling the battle-crazy Dahlke with happiness.
00:43:59At that moment, Quinn was just lifting himself off the ground, 100 millimeters of blood used.
00:44:05Blood bank is now empty.
00:44:06Vorden, how long do you think you can hold him?
00:44:09Layla asked.
00:44:10At the same time, she saw Quinn lifting himself off the ground and the sun continuing to set
00:44:15behind him.
00:44:16Even if it turns to night, how is Quinn going to be able to fight such a thing?
00:44:20It's just too strong, Layla thought.
00:44:23Then she seemed to recall something Quinn had told her in the past, that he seemed to
00:44:27get stronger with each person's blood he drank.
00:44:30The next thing Layla did, she grabbed one of the arrows from her quiver and used the
00:44:34tip to make a small cut on the palm of Aaron's hands.
00:44:37Then using the bowl of ice, she allowed the blood to drip into it.
00:44:41Once there was a good amount of blood, she continued to do the same using her blood.
00:44:45Next up was Peter.
00:44:46The Dahlke continued to move towards them and the sweat was running down Sill's face.
00:44:51The stupid dinosaur is strong, Sill said to Vorden and Rayton.
00:44:55Suddenly, Layla appeared by his side.
00:44:57She created a small cut on the back of Vorden's leg.
00:45:00When the bowl was finally full, she started to make her way towards Quinn.
00:45:04Just what is that girl doing, the Dahlke thought.
00:45:07Here, drink this, Layla said as she handed over the bowl full of blood.
00:45:11He took the bowl and gulped it down in one go.
00:45:1465 of 65 HP.
00:45:17Blood bank has been filled.
00:45:18Two points have been added into agility.
00:45:20One free stat point has been added.
00:45:22You are no longer affected by sunlight.
00:45:24All stats have returned to normal.
00:45:27After consuming the blood in the bowl, Quinn felt like a whole new person.
00:45:31I can't hold on any longer, I'm too tired, Sill whined.
00:45:34The struggle against the Dahlke was too much for him.
00:45:37He wasn't fighting obsessed like Rayton, so he gave up control and left Vorden in charge
00:45:41once again.
00:45:43The Dahlke could suddenly move one foot in front of the other again.
00:45:46The amount of force it felt being exerted on itself was like nothing compared to before.
00:45:51Quinn, seeing this happen, knew he was in trouble.
00:45:54He put the free stat point into agility without hesitation.
00:45:57It now brought his agility stat up to a total of 23.
00:46:01Then using all the speed he could and activating his boots wind walk ability, he rushed over
00:46:06to where the Dahlke was.
00:46:08Moving at an incredible speed, Quinn managed to cover the distance from the building to
00:46:12where the others were in only a few seconds.
00:46:15As soon as he was in range, he cast another blood swipe.
00:46:18The attack ripped through the sand and was heading straight for his target.
00:46:22The Dahlke pulled his head back at the last second, and the attack skimmed right past
00:46:26its nose.
00:46:27But how is this possible?
00:46:28I'm certain you should be at the death's door by now, the Dahlke said.
00:46:32The Dahlke charged towards him.
00:46:34A swing made its way to his head.
00:46:36Quinn ducked down and threw out a punch performing blood spray at the same time, taking advantage
00:46:41of the close range.
00:46:4260 of 65 HP.
00:46:45The fight continued in this fashion, with Quinn avoiding each of the Dahlke's attacks.
00:46:49And whenever it would get too close, he would use his blood abilities to push it away.
00:46:5448 of 65 HP.
00:46:56Quinn had to be sure not to get a hit from the Dahlke.
00:46:59Another claw was coming at him, and it looked like he was about to get hit.
00:47:02He had no choice but to perform the flash step and appear directly behind the Dahlke.
00:47:07Damn, I can only use the flash step one more time, Quinn thought.
00:47:11But the Dahlke was getting equally frustrated.
00:47:14You little Kenan, I will squash you!
00:47:17It lifted both fists and smashed them into the ground.
00:47:20It didn't seem like an attack made to hurt anyone.
00:47:23The rocks just lifted into the air and quickly fell back to the floor.
00:47:27It was just a way for it to let out a little bit of frustration.
00:47:30Quinn had taken a few steps back away from the Dahlke and quickly opened up his status
00:47:35MC points 40 of 100.
00:47:37This was what Quinn was waiting for.
00:47:39He was waiting for his MC points to return so he could use the shadow ability again.
00:47:44The Dahlke was surprised to see that Quinn was the one coming towards it.
00:47:48So, you finally decided to attack, I see, it shouted.
00:47:52Quinn flung his hand out with his fingers held together, casting a single red line of
00:47:57Then before it could move away from him, the shadow underneath his feet started to move.
00:48:02The shadow reached out and grabbed the blood aura holding it in place, and now the other
00:48:06end of the shadow was attached to Quinn's hand.
00:48:09The two opponents were still quite a distance away from each other, but Quinn still swung
00:48:13out the shadow scythe.
00:48:15Seeing this, the Dahlke wasn't afraid.
00:48:18It was slightly confused actually, as the scythe would be able to reach him.
00:48:22Suddenly as the scythe was swung outwards, it seemed like it was starting to extend.
00:48:26With Quinn's new attack, combining his shadow control with the blood swipe, hit the Dahlke's
00:48:3147 of 65 HP, 35 of 100 MC.
00:48:36The Dahlke's blood continued to drip from its side and fall into the sand, but now the
00:48:40spike on its back was pulsating faster and glowing brighter.
00:48:44Seeing the Dahlke injured and bleeding made Quinn feel excited.
00:48:48He charged forward once again.
00:48:50Come on, attack me again, the Dahlke shouted.
00:48:53And Quinn did just that.
00:48:55The attack was a success, and it caused the Dahlke to fall onto the ground.
00:49:00Its forearms were dripping with green blood, but it ignored its wounds.
00:49:03It just stood up once again and charged forward.
00:49:06At this point, even Quinn was starting to worry.
00:49:09He went to attack once again with his shadow scythe.
00:49:12Only this time, the Dahlke managed to jump and avoid the blow.
00:49:15Did it just get faster?
00:49:17Quinn said.
00:49:18You seem to have forgotten, the Dahlke said.
00:49:20I told you already, the more we are hurt, the stronger we become.
00:49:23I can't win, Quinn said.
00:49:25Even with my full power, it's still too strong.
00:49:28Snap out of it, Quinn, the system shouted in his head.
00:49:31You only became a vampire a couple of weeks ago, and you think you can already take out
00:49:35an enemy like this?
00:49:36You will grow in due time, but the important thing right now is to survive.
00:49:40I can do this, I have to do this, Quinn shouted.
00:49:44Running forward and not changing his direction, he went straight ahead.
00:49:48Then, just as the Dahlke was prepared to attack, flash death.
00:49:52He used his skill, allowing him to avoid the strike and go right past the Dahlke.
00:49:57What is he doing, Layla thought.
00:49:59Should we run?
00:50:00Are the Dahlkes coming towards us?
00:50:01I need blood, Quinn yelled.
00:50:03I can't fight the Dahlke like this, I need more blood.
00:50:06Layla didn't ask any questions, and immediately started to make another cut on the palm of
00:50:10her hand, and Aaron had already formed another ice bowl.
00:50:14But when they all looked up, their faces had dropped entirely, for the Dahlke was already
00:50:18right behind Quinn.
00:50:20Not only had its strength gotten higher, but so had its speed.
00:50:24Everything about the Dahlke had improved.
00:50:26It was too late for Quinn to notice, and the Dahlke was already mid-attack.
00:50:30The fist flew forward and penetrated right through flesh and bone, going straight through
00:50:35his body and out to the other side.
00:50:38Bright red blood could be seen dripping onto the ground with a fist through his body.
00:50:42But it wasn't Quinn's body that was penetrated.
00:50:45The person who had been hit was Peter.
00:50:47Quinn, Peter said weakly, coughing out blood that filled his mouth.
00:50:52Please, forgive me.
00:50:55His body fell to the ground and hit the soft sand.
00:50:58His blood continued to soak the sand, turning it red.
00:51:01At the moment, Quinn needed help the most.
00:51:03The only one brave enough to step up and come to Quinn's side was Peter.
00:51:08However, it came at a terrible price.
00:51:11Hi, Quinn here.
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00:51:26As Quinn saw Peter's body hit the ground, a certain reality hit him.
00:51:32He had seen people die before, but this was the first time that someone he knew personally
00:51:37had died.
00:51:39He shouted.
00:51:40When did he get over there?
00:51:41Layla asked after hearing Quinn shout.
00:51:43He must have started moving towards Quinn as soon as he saw the Dahlke, Vorden said.
00:51:48The Dahlke looked at Peter on the floor.
00:51:50That's quite noble of you.
00:51:52It's a shame, though, since you will all be dying with him.
00:51:54I'll kill you, Quinn shouted, even if it means killing myself.
00:51:59Quinn rapidly fired out multiple blood sprays.
00:52:01Hey, it seems to be working, Layla shouted out.
00:52:05I'll kill you, Quinn shouted, and once I'm done with you, I'll suck out your blood until
00:52:09you're nothing but a walking skeleton.
00:52:12He continued to shout out words of abuse, but he wasn't sure what he was saying.
00:52:16Fortunately, a nice surprise came to him amidst his combat.
00:52:20Blood spray has leveled up.
00:52:22Blood spray is now level 2.
00:52:24As it hit the Dahlke this time, its wounds seemed to be opening up as more green blood
00:52:28was leaking out of it than before.
00:52:30Now that the two of them were a distance away, the group ran up to Peter to check on him.
00:52:35Surprisingly, even though he had such a big wound, he was still breathing.
00:52:39Layla cried out.
00:52:40He'll bleed to death like this.
00:52:41It might be best if we kill him here, Vorden said all of a sudden.
00:52:45The two girls looked at Vorden with expressions of shock.
00:52:48Look at him, he's in pain.
00:52:50He's been bleeding for the last 2 minutes, and at most he only has another 3 before he's
00:52:53completely gone.
00:52:54It'll be more peaceful to get rid of him now.
00:52:57But the group didn't have time to decide, for they were distracted by something else.
00:53:02When they looked over, they saw Quinn kneeling on one knee while the Dahlke was still standing,
00:53:06but green blood was oozing from the multiple wounds on his body.
00:53:10Quinn hadn't paid much attention to it, but he had unfortunately ran out of stamina.
00:53:15With the increase of firepower in the blood spray, it also took up more energy to use
00:53:20He looked at the Dahlke that was still standing, unbelieving that it was still alive after
00:53:24it had received so much damage.
00:53:26The Dahlke soon started walking over while Quinn looked at it directly in the eyes.
00:53:32Days still unaffected.
00:53:34And just like that, the last thing he could do had been tossed out the window.
00:53:38Damn it, if Peter can go forward, then at least I can as well, Vorden shouted all of
00:53:43a sudden as he charged in with what little power he had left.
00:53:47But all of a sudden, a large metallic object went flying right by Vorden's head, landing
00:53:51directly between Quinn and the Dahlke.
00:53:54You kids get back, get out of here now, that's an order.
00:53:57It was a mech.
00:53:59The mechs had humongous strength, and were equivalent to that of the Dahlke they were
00:54:02currently facing.
00:54:03Come, Quinn, Vorden yelled, putting Peter on top of his shoulder, let's get out of here.
00:54:09And with that, the two of them went over to where the others were by Peter's side.
00:54:13By now, his face was much paler than before, and not to mention, his eyelids were drooping
00:54:18as well.
00:54:19Quinn knelt by his side and looked him in the eyes.
00:54:21I'm sorry, Peter, you saved me.
00:54:24If you wish to save him, you must act quickly, the system said.
00:54:27I can save him?
00:54:28But these wounds are impossible to heal with no healer around.
00:54:32That is indeed the case, but if he was no longer human, and a supply of blood from each
00:54:36of you, he would be able to overcome this fatal wound.
00:54:39Would you like to activate the blood ritual?
00:54:42The system had given him an option at the most crucial time, whether to make Peter into
00:54:46a blooded one or not.
00:54:48Surely becoming a vampire was better than dying, right?
00:54:51I'll do it, Quinn said.
00:54:53Quinn, what's up with your eyes?
00:54:55Layla asked.
00:54:56Quinn didn't know it himself, but as soon as he had accepted to activate the skill of
00:55:00his blood ritual, his eyes started to glow.
00:55:03Right after, he started to follow the instructions one by one.
00:55:07Please proceed by inserting the host's blood into the mouth of the target, then using one
00:55:11of the tips of Layla's arrow, he inflicted a cut on his hand, creating a brand new wound.
00:55:16He held his hand just above Peter's mouth, who was now barely breathing, and allowed
00:55:20for the blood to drip in.
00:55:22Peter's eyes then opened wide, and now he had red rings around his eyes.
00:55:26Quinn, this isn't enough, the transformation has only just begun, but he now needs the
00:55:31blood of the others to live, the system shouted.
00:55:33Guys, please, I need you all to do the same, Quinn asked.
00:55:37Just then, Peter's body started shaking uncontrollably.
00:55:41Quinn quickly grabbed both of his hands.
00:55:43Someone hold his mouth open, Quinn shouted.
00:55:46Borden quickly moved to the top of Peter's head and held his mouth open wide.
00:55:51The others did as instructed, and each one squeezed out the blood from the previous wound
00:55:55they had made before, reopening them.
00:55:57Finally, a result.
00:55:59The wound around Peter's stomach started to heal as his cells slowly patched them together.
00:56:04It was at a speed unseen unless one was using a healing ability.
00:56:09What magic is this, Aaron said out loud.
00:56:12Peter started to struggle less and less, until he eventually calmed down, and his eyes were
00:56:16finally closed.
00:56:18Is he still alive, Layla asked.
00:56:20At that moment, Quinn received another message.
00:56:23The ritual was a success, the human has successfully been blooded one half.
00:56:28A vampire ghoul has been created, a new family has been created, what would you like to name
00:56:33your family?
00:56:35Now that you have turned someone, he falls under your ranks, he has your blood, so he
00:56:39is part of your family.
00:56:41Every vampire that turns someone has the responsibility to look after their family, the system explained.
00:56:47Right now, Quinn could only think of one thing, although he had gotten stronger thanks to
00:56:50the ability, he now relied on one thing, blood.
00:56:54Without it, he didn't know how he would survive.
00:56:57Family name, The Cursed.
00:56:59This was how Quinn felt at this moment in time.
00:57:02Just then, a loud crash was heard.
00:57:05As the group turned their head, they could see a Dalki on top of one of the mechs, ripping
00:57:09off one of its arms.
00:57:10Well, well, looks like we lucked out and it's only a single spike.
00:57:14A voice was heard from behind the group of students, and when they turned to look, they
00:57:19could see Leo standing there.
00:57:20But right now, he had a light set of black and red beast gear on, and his chest had the
00:57:25design of a Japanese demon, an Oni with horns.
00:57:29There will be no need to call the others, or use my soul weapon for something like this.
00:57:36At the second military base inside one of the schools, another meeting was taking place.
00:57:40There has been a report of a Dalki ship crash landing on the planet Kaladi, Nathan reported.
00:57:46The tower made communications with the Dalki and of course, they said it was a member who
00:57:50had gone rogue.
00:57:52Before Nathan could even finish his sentence, Leo stood up from his seat and bowed down
00:57:56in front of Nathan.
00:57:58Please allow me to go, those students are too young to experience something like this,
00:58:01especially on their first outing, they must be protected.
00:58:05As long as the Dalki had no more than three spikes, then Nathan was confident in him.
00:58:10Faye, Haley, I want two of you on standby just outside the portal for their return.
00:58:15If any backup is needed, then you go straight through.
00:58:18Haley, heal anyone who needs immediate medical attention.
00:58:22It seems like Del's class is having it tough this year, Haley said.
00:58:25I couldn't agree more, it's almost as if bad luck has been following them around wherever
00:58:29they go, Faye replied.
00:58:31Leo was eventually ready, unhesitatingly entering the portal soon after.
00:58:37The shelter had responded to the emergency response and had closed all shelter gates.
00:58:43Two mechs had been sent out to look for the Dalki, with both of them arriving at the crash
00:58:48But once the mechs had discovered their location, they were able to tell Leo exactly where they
00:58:54I didn't fall back!
00:58:55Leo shouted.
00:58:56The two guys and the mechs did as ordered.
00:58:58Another one, the Dalki said as he saw Leo walking towards him with his hand on his sheath.
00:59:05The Dalki looked like he was heavily injured, but that didn't fool Leo.
00:59:09Using his ability, he could see the strong aura emanating from him.
00:59:13Why did you fight us?
00:59:14Leo asked.
00:59:15In response to his question, the Dalki ignored him and went in for a strike.
00:59:20Leo responded to his actions by pivoting forward and using a quick draw, pulling out
00:59:24the katana from its sheath and putting it back in an instant.
00:59:27The Dalki felt nothing, as his arm had been cleanly sliced off.
00:59:31There was no resistance like everything else before had, it was as if the sword was able
00:59:36to ignore all attributes.
00:59:39The Dalki pointed with his other hand.
00:59:41I know who you are!
00:59:42The others had warned me about you!
00:59:44Unfortunately for him, before he could finish talking, its head had also been cleanly cut
00:59:50Was this the only one?
00:59:51Leo asked.
00:59:52For a moment, the students had forgotten to speak as they were too amazed at what they
00:59:56had just seen.
00:59:58Um, yes, that's the only one we saw, Leila replied.
01:00:02The two mechs soon ran forward and went down on their knees.
01:00:06Thank you for protecting us, Sergeant Leo.
01:00:08Don't thank me, Leo replied.
01:00:10Thankfully, the Dalki was already on its last legs.
01:00:13You two must have done a good job in injuring the Dalki before I got here.
01:00:17The two soldiers looked at each other in response.
01:00:20They hadn't even managed to land a hit, even once.
01:00:23Nearly all of the wounds that were on the Dalki were on it before they had even gotten
01:00:28It couldn't have been the students, could it?
01:00:30They simultaneously thought.
01:00:33In contrast, Quinn's attention was focused on something else.
01:00:36His eyes were fixated on the Dalki's hand that was not too far away from them.
01:00:41He started walking over, and Vorden soon noticed what he was looking at as well.
01:00:47A half-human, half-beast race.
01:00:50Half-human, half-beast?
01:00:51Quinn looked at it with a confused expression.
01:00:53Aren't the Dalki aliens?
01:00:57Dalki blood.
01:00:58Consuming the blood will have unknown effects on the host.
01:01:01System, do you know what the Dalki blood will do?
01:01:04Quinn asked.
01:01:05No, the system replied bluntly.
01:01:07But I will tell you this.
01:01:08If it did harm to your body, the system would warn you.
01:01:12Should I?
01:01:13Quinn thought.
01:01:14You said it wouldn't hurt me, right?
01:01:16Well, here it goes.
01:01:18As the blood touched his tongue, a mint sensation entered his body.
01:01:23Level one Dalki blood has been consumed.
01:01:25A ten percent increase in all stats.
01:01:27Will last one hour.
01:01:29The tingling feeling Quinn felt through his body was hard to describe, and the buff that
01:01:34he got from obtaining it was amazing.
01:01:37Quinn looked at the arm again and thought if there was any way of him taking it back
01:01:41with him.
01:01:42Unfortunately, it seemed like non-living matter was unable to enter the dimensional space.
01:01:48But by that time, Leo and the other two were already done with checking out the dead Dalki
01:01:53These two will escort you back to the school.
01:01:55Make sure that all your injuries are dealt with.
01:01:58As the others walked off with the soldiers, Leo grabbed onto Quinn's wrist.
01:02:02It looks like you stayed true to your word and you protected them, Leo said.
01:02:06I guess you are on our side after all.
01:02:09But as Leo looked past Quinn, he noticed Peter, and he looked slightly different and
01:02:14had a slight tint of purple to his aura, similar to Quinn.
01:02:17I'm still keeping my eye on you two, Leo said, but for now go rest.
01:02:23Just then, as the group continued to carry Peter on their shoulders, it seemed like he
01:02:27was starting to wake up.
01:02:29As he opened his eyes, Vorden and Layla slowly allowed him to stand on his own two feet.
01:02:35What happened?
01:02:36He asked.
01:02:37I think you should talk to Quinn once we have the time and this is all over, Vorden replied.
01:02:42Anyway, how are you feeling?
01:02:44Layla asked.
01:02:45I'm feeling good, Peter replied.
01:02:47Better than usual actually, although I am a bit hungry.
01:02:52Somewhere in an unknown place in a large room, there was a large rectangle table that stretched
01:02:57out far and wide.
01:02:58On the table, there were a total of thirteen seats and each one had a person sitting in
01:03:03them all apart from one.
01:03:05It was a mixture of men and women, and they all looked all sorts of ages, but they all
01:03:10had one thing in common as they sat in their seats, and that was their red-colored eyes.
01:03:16Behind each of the seats was a single purple-colored flame just behind them attached to the wall,
01:03:21and behind the empty seat, there was one that had been lit up as well.
01:03:25A single man sat at the head of the table and started the conversation.
01:03:29As you can see, the flame has been lit above the tenth chair.
01:03:32Does that mean he's back?
01:03:34But I thought he had died.
01:03:36No, I believe he managed to somehow find someone before he left this world, and they have officially
01:03:41bloodied their first, creating a new family.
01:03:44But why now?
01:03:45It's been a hundred years!
01:03:47I don't know, but what I do know is we must find this new family and bring them in as
01:03:51soon as possible.
01:03:53Make sure they uphold our laws, and if not, we shall get rid of them all.
01:03:57Hi, Quinn here.
01:04:04Wondering what happens next?
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