• 2 months ago
00:00I am a big fan of this century and I feel that the people of Delhi are waiting to vote and when they do, they will do so with a prayer that somehow we get rid of this disaster.
00:15They have also tweeted and they are saying that they will make it public that the Indian people are trying to demolish Juggi Jhopdis.
00:26Oh brother, how many lies will you tell? Where will you run? Sometimes this, sometimes that. I mean, somehow we have to get rid of it.
00:34I used to read Dushyantji's poem.
00:37It's not just my intention to create a ruckus.
00:40My effort is that this face should change.
00:43If not in my heart, then in your heart.
00:46Wherever there is fire, but the fire should burn.
00:49This person is now saying and doing that whether the face changes or not, the face should be worse than worse.
00:57But just keep creating a ruckus.
00:59Keep spreading lies.
01:01Keep deceiving.
01:02Say anything to stay in the headlines every day.
01:05So now they have left a new habit.
01:07They talk about new things every day.
01:09What would have been the real work?
01:12There are so many people who have planted trees.
01:15Rewdis, Murtis, Barfi Laddus.
01:18Is there a need?
01:19The need has arisen because they have understood that their political land has been completely squandered.
01:27Sanjay Singh's allegations are very serious.
01:31He has accused Parvesh Verma of buying a bungalow.
01:35He has also accused Sanjay Singh of illegally making votes.
01:40What do you have to say about this?
01:42Actually, this party is completely confused.
01:45The lies they had before, the fake ones, they are being caught.
01:49And everyone is completely caught.
01:51How did they get the Aadhaar card of those people?
01:53How did they get the voter card?
01:55As of now, if you look at the information you will get from the Delhi Election Office,
02:00more than 80,000 names have received applications for deletion and more than 4 lakh applications for addition.
02:10Now there are booth-level agents of every party.
02:13Now why is Sanjay bhai sir in pain that the booth-level agents of the Bharatiya Janata Party or the Congress Party
02:19are giving invitation letters and saying that this is wrong and everyone has the right to it?
02:24Is this how the system works?
02:26Now every agent of every party writes an application and forms 6, 7, and 8.
02:33For an addition, for a deletion, for a modification.
02:36That if you have changed houses in Delhi or somewhere else, then for that.
02:40And all this work is done by the Election Commission.
02:43Writing an application letter is also completely right by the booth-level agents.
02:49And according to that, the Poll Commission writes the names or removes them.
02:54We need the documents.
02:55Now why is Sanjay Singh in trouble?
02:57Now why is bhai sir so worried?
03:00Now you see for yourself, when his name was mentioned, when his wife's name was mentioned,
03:06then the Election Commission went to the field and saw it.
03:09And the invitation letter was rejected.
03:11And those who said it was wrong, took action against it.
03:14So this is impartiality and this is the honesty of the Election Commission,
03:19which was seen completely with Sanjay Singh.
03:23Now in that, the crow took the ear, the crow took the ear, the crow took the ear.
03:27And now everyone is running after the crow.
03:29Hold it on your ear like this, the ear is here.
03:32So where did the crow take the ear?
03:34Now how much will you lie, brother?
03:36See, there is anticipatory bail.
03:39Every criminal has it from the beginning that brother, I don't know how many days you have to stay in jail.
03:44So he tells the lawyer that anticipatory bail is necessary.
03:47Agrim Zamanat.
03:49Now he has understood the anticipatory, which is his necklace,
03:54before that he has made it anticipatory.
03:57He knows the necklace completely.
03:59The sesame seeds are mixed.
04:00So sometimes take the voter and cry, sometimes make him cry.
04:04Keep shouting in the morning and evening like Rudali.
04:07Keep blabbering.
04:08Put a list of the crows.
04:10Put a list in such a way that you give the crows in it, and give the sesame seeds in it,
04:14and give the besan ladoos in it.
04:16Where will that money come from?
04:18He has no idea or idea.
04:20So this person does what his political land has completely shrunk.
04:26And this is proof of it.
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