• 2 months ago
মহাকুম্ভে অংশ নিতে প্রয়াগরাজে হাজির রুদ্রাক্ষ বাবা! ১১ হাজার রুদ্রাক্ষ পরিহিত এই সন্ন্যাসীকে দেখতে ত্রিবেণী সঙ্গমে ভিড় বাড়ছে পর্যটকদের।

Rudraksha Baba appeared in Prayagraj to participate in the Maha Kumbh! Pilgrims flock to see this monk wearing 11,000 Rudrakshas



00:00The Kumbh Mela starts from the next 13th January.
00:05And that is why the crowd of Purnarthis is being held in Prayagraj.
00:10Sornashirao, who is present at the Mahakumbha Angshanit,
00:13Purnarthis have come here from far and wide for the purpose of worship.
00:18A Rudraksha Baba was seen among them.
00:21Did you get surprised to hear the name?
00:23Actually, this Rudraksha Baba is Digambar Ajayakiri.
00:27There are 11,000 Rudraksha's in his body.
00:30And there is another one, Dugdugi.
00:32She is known as Rudraksha Baba.
00:35She is the form of Mahakumbha Angshanit Purnarthis.
00:40Rudraksha Baba himself knew the reason for keeping so many Rudraksha's in the body.
00:45Rudra means Shiva. Shiva's name is Rudra.
00:49Aksha means fire.
00:52And when a drop of Ashra fell from Shiva's eyes in Shativyog,
00:59on the earth, on Mrityulok,
01:02then from that drop of Ashra, Rudraksha was born.
01:08So, this Bhagavan is Shiva's part.
01:11Shiva's part means Shiva only.
01:14He has different faces.
01:17His body parts are called Mukh.
01:21There are Rudraksha's with faces ranging from 1 to 21 Mukh.
01:24They are also known as different forms of Bhagavan.
01:29And when Rudraksha's mother is Shiva Sejorevi,
01:34she is Shiva's part, Shiva only,
01:37then to chant these mantras,
01:40the sadhus and saints keep them in their hands as a count.
01:45And these Rudraksha's are unique in themselves.
01:49They are divine.
01:51That is why the sadhus and saints keep them.
01:54How many kilos of Rudraksha have you taken?
01:59See, I take 11,000 Rudraksha's.
02:02I am the very first Digambar Sanyasi Naga Baba.
02:06So, all the Digambar Sanyasi's,
02:09all of them get Rudraksha's from Guru Maharaj.
02:14So, all the Rudraksha's,
02:16all the Sanyasi's, Naga Sanyasi's,
02:18all of them take Rudraksha's.
02:20I have specially taken 11,000 Rudraksha's.
02:23There is a special importance of taking 11,000 Rudraksha's.
02:29According to the Shiva Purana,
02:31according to the rules,
02:34to take 11,000 Rudraksha's,
02:36Lord Shiva is considered as Rudra Swaroop.
02:39And I am Digambar, Digambar means Shiva.
02:42Shiva's name itself is Digambar.
02:44So, if I am Shiva's son,
02:46then my attire is also like this.
02:49That is why I also take Rudraksha's.
02:52Prayagraj got up at the end of the Mahakumbha Palakha.
02:55The full bath will start from the 14th of January.
02:59So, the full bath will start from the 14th of January.
03:04This Mahakumbha Palakha will start from the 14th of January
03:08till 26th February.
03:10Bureau Report, One India Bangla.
