• 2 months ago


00:47well as you know this is an interview he gave during the elections and we were a
00:51bit surprised and taken aback I said I used to think I was I was biologically
00:57born but now I'm no longer so sure frankly I mean these kinds of delusions
01:03are best kept to oneself rather than expressed publicly I think you know if
01:09any individual is holding a constitutional position it is because
01:14the people have chosen to put him there whether his view he had the blessings of
01:19God or anyone else that is between him and his maker or his interpretation of
01:24the divine everyone on this planet according to our religion is part of the
01:29same out on the same Brahman we are all serving the same divine and therefore
01:34for us all of us when we say namaskaram or namaste we are saluting the divine in
01:41each other and that much anyone is entitled to feel they have more than
01:45that I genuinely think would have been best kept to the privacy of one's own
01:51inner circle rather than brought into public discourse that's just my personal
01:56view you know this kind of thing is quite shocking I mean honestly in our
02:09country we really have to understand the basic lesson of the freedom struggle
02:14which is that when one set of people said that religion is the basis of their
02:20nationhood and they went away and created Pakistan Mahatma Gandhi onwards
02:25our leader said no we have fought for the freedom of everybody we will create
02:29a country for everybody we will write a constitution for everybody and everybody
02:33will live here with equal rights I must say that people picking on any one
02:38community whether it's against Muslims against Hindus against Christians against
02:42any caste that is all wrong we are all equal individual citizens of India and
02:48that is the only basis on which our country can progress
