• 2 months ago
00:00The youth gave presentations to each other.
00:04The youth gave different presentations in 10 sectors.
00:10And it was mentored.
00:12Today, all day, the youth,
00:15Sustainability, Women Empowerment, Agriculture, Startups, Manufacturing,
00:25When all these sectors are to be developed in India in 2047,
00:31What growth should be done in that?
00:33What should be done in that?
00:35What is the idea of the youth in that?
00:37This was shared by the youth yesterday.
00:39And today, these youth will do more brainstorming in that.
00:43And tomorrow, they will put it in front of the Prime Minister.
00:45All this program is being done by the youth.
00:48All this arrangement is being done by the youth.
00:50We are only supporting it.
00:52The nation is getting ready for the one-nation-one election.
00:59What impact will this have on the youth?
01:02I saw that the youth, yesterday,
01:04After 3 pm,
01:06They visited the office of duty.
01:09The youth saw the new parliament.
01:12They saw the memorial.
01:15They saw the PM museum.
01:19This will inspire the youth.
01:22And it will also inspire them.
01:25Sir, yesterday, you said that the youth will play a part in this.
01:29You said that the youth will play a part in this.
01:32You said that the youth will play a part in this.
01:34Today, out of the 10 verticals,
01:37The youth are also playing a part in this.
01:39The youth are also discussing this.
01:42And the youth will tell the Prime Minister,
01:45In 2047, where will we take sports?
01:49And what should be the pathway for that?
01:52This is also a vision that the youth are exploring.
01:55This is a very big issue.
01:57We have to make a developed India.
01:59So, how do we ensure the participation of the youth?
02:02When today's youth, who are below 29,
02:05When they are above 50 in 2047,
02:09At that time, the developed India will win.
02:14So, how do they want to live in 2047?
02:18How do they want to live in India?
02:20With their vision, they will tell the PM.
02:23Sir, what will be the next step after tomorrow's dialogue with the PM?
02:28After tomorrow's dialogue with the PM,
02:32With the youth every year,
02:36For their development,
02:40Many programs will be held.
02:42They will be engaged.
02:44They will be associated with social services.
02:46They will be given the opportunity to share their ideas through the My India platform.
02:54National and international exposure will be provided.
02:58For a developed India,
03:00They want to make their own career.
03:04So, the My India platform has been integrated with the National Career Service Portal.
03:11It will also benefit them.
03:13So that the youth can make their own career.
03:17To realize their dreams.
03:20A single window system will go to the My India digital platform.
03:25And will be associated with different activities.
03:28Sir, did you start the Sunday on Cycle campaign?
03:30Or did you try to connect with the youth?
03:33I am seeing a very surprising result.
03:37Sunday on Cycle.
03:40The youth of the country have taken up this topic.
03:43On the FIT India platform,
03:45Every Sunday there is a registration.
03:48In more than 2000 places in the country,
03:51By the Cycle Club,
03:53By the youth, by registering,
03:56Sunday on Cycle,
03:58FIT India's Prime Minister's mantra is being fulfilled.
04:03All of you, Sunday morning,
04:06Do cycling for an hour.
04:08Stay fit.
04:09Stay healthy.
04:10And as a healthy citizen,
04:12Contribute to making a prosperous nation.
04:28For more information, visit www.FIT.org