• 2 months ago


00:00All the orders that come from the Education Department regarding the quality of education of the students
00:05There is a project impact, there is an effort program
00:09And how to motivate the students to come to school every day
00:13For this, at the SMC level, SMC members, directors, villagers are gathered
00:19Many programs are organized at the government level to teach the children in the syllabus
00:26So that the children have a place to come to school
00:32And their guardians send them to school every day
00:37For this, many programs are organized at the school level
00:41In rural areas, children are seen roaming around
00:45Complaints are received that they do not get mid-day meal on time
00:48Is this also a reason why children do not go to school?
00:52This is not in my knowledge, if you see it somewhere, do tell us
00:58But at the school level, the routine is followed
01:02The routine is made by our government and it is followed
01:05Education is done according to the curriculum
01:11And the first effort is that the children come to school in large numbers
01:15And they are given mid-day meal according to the menu
01:18An important question in the district is Afeem
01:20Many times complaints are received, it has also been seen in many places
01:24That children cut Afeem in the fields
01:26In such a situation, the level of education has fallen somewhere
01:29Children are not going to school and are working in the fields of Afeem
01:34So somewhere this is not a good message
01:36So how can you try to connect children with education?
01:42In this regard, I would like to say one thing
01:47There is a meeting of the NCOD in the district at least twice a month
01:52In the meeting of the NCOD, it has been clearly instructed by the District Commissioner
01:57To all the producers that Afeem or Madak should make sufficient efforts
02:03To stop the consumption or production of any product
02:07To increase alternative agriculture
02:10And to run a public awareness program from the district to the district level
02:14In the same context, the education department should also encourage its school principals
02:19Especially in our high schools, plus 2 schools and middle schools
02:24To encourage teachers, children and their guardians for this public awareness program
02:30And to take advantage of the government's plans
02:33How alternative agriculture can be benefited
02:36For this, in the meeting of the NCOD, our District Commissioner has clearly instructed
02:40Which we are following
02:42Is there any hope that children will not go to the fields?
02:45There is no such matter in my knowledge
02:48But still, as per the meeting of the NCOD, we will work in the future
02:51In many places, the building is rumbling and complaints of rumbling have been received
02:57How many schools and buildings have been identified so far?
03:01We have sent a proposal of about 9 schools to the state office through Mr. Upayat
03:09And we have also sent a proposal of some schools to our district
03:13In some places, schools are being run by a team
03:16We have sent the proposal to our district planning department
03:21What is the hope?
03:24The work is going on and we will make it very soon
03:27In the new year, there is hope that children will get new homes
03:32The NCOD has been told that a survey is being conducted by them
03:39And the administration is trying to improve it
03:45And in this context, we are also doing correspondence with the department
03:50And we are also providing some schools with funds from the district
03:59We are also doing administrative work on a few schools
04:04And gradually we will create more schools
04:09There is a school here but it is not a building
04:12It is said that the school is being run by a team
04:15The school is being run by a team
04:19We are going to start a two-room classroom avalanche
04:27And we are trying to build a school in some other places
