• 2 months ago


00:00We had a Cabinet meeting today here at the Polo Orchid Resort in Sora and this is again
00:24the intention of the Government to get closer to the people in terms of also the Cabinet
00:32moving and having these meetings in different locations and so with that mindset we are
00:39here today in Sora and having this Cabinet meeting and some very very important and crucial
00:46decisions were taken up in the meeting today. There are some administrative simple decisions
00:55but for the sake of information I will share all of that also with you. We had today in
01:03the Cabinet decided regarding the financial powers of the Executive Engineer in the Fisheries
01:09Department. The delegation of financial powers have been given to the Executive Engineer.
01:15It was not there before which means the Executive Engineer could not carry out small works and
01:20had to go for approvals all the time and this is being done as per the provisions in other
01:26departments where the Executive Engineers have certain delegation of financial powers.
01:31So what is there in the other departments, similar delegation of the financial powers
01:35have been given to the Executive Engineer in the Fisheries Department. Second is that
01:41there is a practice in the Government where Government employs in situations where certain
01:50ailments are there, additional leave is given to them depending on the seriousness of the
01:55ailment. So in addition to what is there already, today the Cabinet has decided that for Government
02:05servants undergoing transplantation of human organism, we will give an additional leave
02:13up to 6 months for that particular operation or that particular transplantation to take
02:19place. So this is over and above the other provisions that are there for leave. These
02:24are of course very very complicated and very specific cases and hence it is not a general
02:31case but as you understand these are complicated situations. So they require the necessary
02:37support from the Government and Government today and the Cabinet today has decided to
02:41give up to 6 months additional leave for Government servants undergoing transplantation of human organs.
02:50We have also finalised the list for the salute for the 26th of January, the public day. So
02:57the different VIPs have been nominated for different vocations. Our list will come out
03:02later on. We have also amended the Meghalaya Factories Rules 1980 Act. This is being done
03:19in line with Government of India's ease of doing business provisions where certain
03:26licences which had to be renewed on an annual basis, Government of India has proposed in
03:33those licences that the licences should be extended up to 10 years and of course regular
03:39checks and monitoring must be done by Government. So accordingly in those factory licences we have
03:45made those amendments as per the recommendation of Government of India in line with ease of
03:49doing business. We have also put a provision there where in terms of women staff who are
03:59working, earlier there was no permission for women to work in night shifts and Government
04:05of India as per the ease of doing business and provisions has asked different states to amend
04:12that law and in North East Assam has done that and we are the second state to do that today.
04:18So this will allow and permit women also, following of course certain security measures,
04:26all those measures about 25 of them are laid down including CCTV cameras,
04:31including different mechanisms to monitor. So all the safety measures must be implemented and the
04:39amendment to allow women if they wish to be in night shift in the factories or other workplaces.
04:47Those provisions are being relaxed by the Cabinet as per the mandate given by Government of India.
