• 2 months ago
00:00that the decision should be made by the high command.
00:03I asked him to tell me if there is any decision.
00:05He said, no, we raise our hands and give you the right to decide.
00:10So I feel that the way we have the government,
00:14there are 41 people,
00:16so the mayor of Gurugi Nagri will be of the Congress party.
00:20But there is a continuous joining of people in the party
00:23and they are saying that they will make their mayor.
00:25So I feel that nothing like this has happened in Amritsar.
00:27Wherever they go, they feel that there is no government there.
00:32There are some people who have left their jobs in one or two places.
00:36But there is no such thing in Amritsar.
00:38In Amritsar, one person has come to us.
00:41But the notification has not been issued yet.
00:43The notification is not being issued because they do not have enough people.
00:46They feel that we do not have enough people.
00:48Now they have notified the Patiala.
00:51They have looted and made the mayor.
00:55Our election has been looted.
00:57They have cancelled the papers.
00:59They have looted.
01:00They have made their mayor in an unconstitutional way.
01:03The notification has been issued there.
01:05Here, there is no government.
01:06They know that the Congress will make it.
01:08They are ready to loot here.
01:10All the police officers, all the officials want to loot our election.
01:14But they will not let them loot.
01:16The mayor of Amritsar will be of the Congress party.
01:19You have come to Amritsar and held a meeting.
01:21What can you say to the mayor?
01:23It is like this.
01:24This is the second meeting.
01:26There is no third meeting.
01:27You can have a third meeting.
01:30If you are satisfied with this, you can have a fifth meeting.
01:32Leave aside the third meeting.
01:33As long as the party is not notified, we will meet ten times.
01:36These are our own members.
01:38In the first meeting, there were 41 instead of 40.
01:41In today's meeting, there are 41 instead of 40.
01:44And we have a few more.
01:46We have kept them hidden.
01:48As long as there is no notification,
01:51we are meeting our own family members.
01:53You tell me, do you meet your family members every day?
01:57Tell me this.
01:58I am a stranger here.
02:00You should ask this question.
02:02Why are you meeting them?
02:03They are our own.
02:04But the Amadmi Party is continuously including free councillors.
02:09They say that the mayor will be of the Amadmi Party.
02:12Let me tell you something straightforward.
02:14In the past, you took out the data of all the governments.
02:18Whenever there was an election of a corporation,
02:21or an election of a village head, or a municipality,
02:2499% of the votes were taken by the ruling party.
02:29Last time, you took out the data of the Congress government.
02:32Every corporation was under the Congress government.
02:35Do you understand?
02:36They did not get a clean cut majority anywhere.
02:39They are using the system of the police, money,
02:42mischief, and hooliganism.
02:45They are threatening people.
02:47Some people who did not have a case,
02:49cases are being registered against them.
02:52They are being told that if they do not come to them,
02:55they will arrest them in this case.
02:58In spite of that, you are talking about Amritsar.
03:02If you have elected a mayor in Patiala,
03:06you are not notifying people where you do not have a majority.
03:11This is also a way of the government.
03:14If they had a majority, we would have called for an election.
03:18But they do not have anything.
03:20They have nothing.
03:23Sir, how do you see the legal system of Punjab?
03:26The way it is happening all the time.
03:29Do you agree that there is law here?
03:32Gangsters rule here.
03:34You do not rule here.
03:36Who believes in God here?
03:38Gangsters in the jails,
03:41they threaten people every day.
03:44They send letters and telephones.
03:47If people go to the police,
03:49they say, deal with them yourself.
03:52Otherwise, tell us.
03:54We will get rid of the gangsters.
03:57The situation in Punjab is getting worse day by day.
04:02There is no chief minister here.
04:05There is a fire in Punjab.
04:07There is a fire in Rome.
04:09And the ruler of Rome, Nero,
