• 2 months ago
El investigador paranormal Carlos Martínez analiza algunos videos de sucesos paranormales que se han registrado en diferentes partes del país.


00:00We promised Deuda, we told him that we were going to be talking about ghosts,
00:05the paranormal situation that always calls us so much, captivates us so much.
00:09And for that, to talk about this topic, we are with a paranormal investigator,
00:13who is Carlos Martínez. How are you, Carlos?
00:15Here, eager to talk about what I am so passionate about,
00:18are ghosts, energies, the presence of paranormal entities.
00:23Hey, it has like a load, Carlos, right?
00:25No, of course.
00:26Like talking like this, so scary.
00:28You have an important solemnity, how good, I like it.
00:30That's right.
00:31I like it, yes.
00:32Hey, what can we define as a paranormal phenomenon?
00:35Because people always assume everything as between ghosts,
00:38and everything puts it in the same group, so to speak.
00:41What is a paranormal phenomenon?
00:42Exactly, look, I like that question because when we talk about ghosts
00:46or something paranormal, what comes to mind?
00:49The haunted house, the abandoned place, the night cemetery.
00:53And we overlook many things, because the paranormal,
00:56what parapsychology contemplates, which is this pseudoscience that studies the phenomenon,
01:00is within the group.
01:02The tarot, the mancias, the reiki, the energies, the radiesthesia with the pendulum.
01:08Of course, the ghosts, the phenomena, the black magic,
01:12different creeds also, the voodoo, the exorcisms.
01:15So, it is a wide range that is within what one could
01:21categorize as a paranormal phenomenon.
01:24All this, what is science, what is rational, cannot give an explanation.
01:29Hey, Carlos sent us, we were talking with him,
01:33some videos and some photos of paranormal phenomena that we are going to be analyzing.
01:38But before that, you are a paranormal investigator.
01:41What does a paranormal investigator do?
01:43What he does is start from the basis of skepticism.
01:47Go to a place, for example, where we are contacted,
01:50saying that there are paranormal phenomena, that a silhouette appears,
01:53that there are witchcraft, that objects move.
01:56So, what one does is go, talk to the affected person, interview him,
02:01almost as if he were a sociologist, almost also being an investigator,
02:06also an interviewer.
02:09And from there, from that basis, according to what one is capturing
02:14of the affected person, of the victim, one is saying,
02:17there may be something paranormal around here, this has no explanation,
02:21this or that has no logic.
02:23So, that's what an investigator does, try to capture,
02:26investigate if it is indeed something paranormal,
02:29or if it is something rational.
02:32Yes, perfect.
02:33Look, Carlos, here you brought some little things.
02:35I want to tell people that you brought some little machines
02:37that, to me, generate a lot of curiosity.
02:39And I want you to tell us a little bit about what they are,
02:41because they are also part of your process when you are investigating this paranormal event.
02:45Let's also show people so that we can see this.
02:48Look, there it is.
02:49What is that, for example?
02:50What I have here is a spirit box, which is an instrument.
02:53Spirit box.
02:54Exactly, which is to capture psychophonies.
02:57The psychophony in the paranormal is the phenomenon of electronic voice.
03:01When I manage to capture a growl, for example, a cry,
03:04the voice of a deceased person, the message of a ghost.
03:08And you record this and then you record it?
03:10We listen to it in real time.
03:12That is, what this machine does is make a radio frequency sweep,
03:17like when someone takes a radio, for example,
03:20and you start to change quickly without letting a tune be heard.
03:24So, one is asking questions.
03:26For example, one can say, hello, how are you?
03:28And if there is any answer, they will probably answer that question.
03:32Hey, it reminds me of the movie Sixth Sense,
03:34that ghosts were also perceived as in the recorder.
03:38They were captured at a very high frequency.
03:40Do you remember?
03:41Bruce Willis raised the frequency or the capture,
03:44and there you started to hear like cries or things like that.
03:48In the spirit box you can still see it doing psychophonies,
03:51only this is more modern.
03:53And this one, which is more colorful, more vintage.
03:56This is a K2.
03:58What it does is measure the frequency of electromagnetism of the place.
04:02Let's remember that the presence, the ghosts, are mostly energies.
04:06Therefore, when they manifest, they irradiate energy, an electromagnetic field.
04:11And when it captures a paranormal presence, the instrument starts to sound.
04:16It starts to make a noise.
04:18Look, it has different colors.
04:20For example, if it reaches a certain point, does it mean something?
04:23Of course, because it is seen as a little blue, a little green.
04:25Of course.
04:26And everything yellow.
04:27The intensity goes up.
04:30It means, for example, to explain it in a simple way,
04:34if it reaches the red color, it means that the presence is close, that it has an energetic power.
04:40Now, you have to be super honest with this too.
04:43Everything that irradiates a telephone signal, for example,
04:46or the television channel, the internet signal, for example,
04:51irradiates an electromagnetic field.
04:53So when you are going to investigate a phenomenon,
04:55the first thing you ask the affected person is to disconnect everything that is electronic.
05:01Unplug the refrigerator, the microwave, which is what irradiates electromagnetism the most.
05:06And when everything is unplugged, you can use this instrument.
05:10Well, I imagine that for the same reason it works very well in these haunted houses.
05:14Abandoned places where no one lives, nothing is connected, I think it works there.
05:19Yes, in the night cemeteries, for example, when I had to go to do an investigation,
05:24a night tour, and when we know that there is nothing connected,
05:27that the phones are in airplane mode and it starts to sound.
05:30Does it go crazy?
05:31Yes, it goes crazy and there you practically have to leave the place quickly.
05:34Hey, let's do a test.
05:36This is the sound that the machine makes.
05:39Ah, perfect. Can you hear it?
05:42That squeak is when it starts to capture something.
05:46If you look closely, I don't know if you can capture the monitor well,
05:49there we have a green light.
05:53That means that it is capturing the energy of what is plugged in here.
05:58The phones, the cameras, the monitor.
06:00The camera, the monitor.
06:01So, to be clear with the public, if it starts to sound further away,
06:05it means that something is getting closer, trying to make a paranormal contact.
06:10Well, do you have one more machine?
06:12Exactly. Let's leave it on.
06:16Ah, that thing is going to capture it.
06:18It would start to sound.
06:20This is a thermometer.
06:21What it does is also capture electromagnetic fields,
06:25but it also gives us the temperature, live and in direct.
06:28For example, there one often interacts.
06:31You can make the temperature go down, you can make it go up,
06:34because in a paranormal manifestation, when a ghost manifests, the temperature goes down.
06:40That's why you see in the movies, on television, when this steam starts to emanate.
06:46Because the temperature goes down?
06:48And it also has this antenna.
06:50What this antenna does is like a musical melody.
06:53So, many times, when you are investigating an abandoned place,
06:57you leave the machine like this,
07:00and we start to ask, for example, for the antenna to start playing.
07:05And as something gets closer and starts playing,
07:08it starts to sound like this melody, and the lights of the instrument turn on.
07:13Hey, so far, let's clarify to the people that nothing is perceived.
07:18As if the ghosts have escaped.
07:20They went on vacation.
07:21They went on vacation.
07:23With the staff and with our director, they left.
07:25They have a day off today.
07:27Hey, but we remember you mentioned, Andrés,
07:29that you have some videos of some cases that have been sent to you,
07:33that have been sent to you, and that you have shared on social media,
07:35and that we are going to show here to see, to analyze,
07:37together with Carlos, of course, in all this capacity of paranormal investigator.
07:41So, do you think we should start reviewing these videos?
07:43Of course.
07:44Let's see then these records that we have regarding this topic,
07:48which is so important and that interests me.
07:50I like it.
07:51As if we liked this paranormal issue.
07:52Yes, it has a little something.
07:53So, let's see the first video, Mr. Director.
07:55Look there.
07:57This is a hospital, I guess.
07:59It's a clinic.
08:00Oh, yeah.
08:01I don't think I can say the name of the clinic on television.
08:03No, no, no.
08:04But it's a clinic here in Santiago.
08:06Ah, this is in Santiago.
08:07Recognized, where a nurse from the place sent it to me.
08:11I can't believe it.
08:13That record is going around in the clinic.
08:15Well, there is the date.
08:19If you look, the chair starts to move by itself.
08:22One could say, of course, someone pushed it, which was not seen in the video.
08:25But there is something that happens here, which is an intelligent phenomenon.
08:29The paranormal, an intelligent phenomenon, is when something, a movement, follows a course.
08:36Because it is not the same to push the chair, to move it.
08:38You have to follow the chair in the corridor, in the curve.
08:43In fact, it makes a curve.
08:45That catches my attention in the video.
08:47The ghosts are running.
08:49I'm going to show it to the other camera.
08:51If you look, there the chair bent.
08:53It turns, exactly.
08:54In the direction of the curve of the corridor.
08:58And there it bends again.
08:59As if it were going backwards.
09:02As if it were moving.
09:03That is to say, probably the energy of the ghost that did this was pushing the wheelchair.
09:10That's what I wanted to ask you.
09:11What is the interpretation that you give to this video?
09:13It is not a phenomenon to draw attention by saying, here I am.
09:16I want you to pay attention to me.
09:18But what I feel about this video is that the presence was pushing the wheelchair.
09:22Maybe without knowing that he had died.
09:24Maybe without knowing that he was no longer in this plane.
09:27And he continued to do the normal course.
09:29Probably, it may have been a local worker.
09:32It may have been a chameleon, a dentist, a nurse, who was doing his round of work.
09:38Or why not?
09:40Probably also some patient.
09:42That there is a sense that he had to be inside, above the chair, moving from one side to the other.
09:47In fact, we have also spoken with another medium, I remember.
09:51And it also happens that the presence, he told us at that moment,
09:54that on many occasions, when there are deaths that are too striking, from one moment to another, unexpected, let's say.
10:01As if the presence is still around the place, it still does not leave.
10:04So it would also make sense with this type of record.
10:07Many times they do not know that they died or are trapped.
10:10This happens when death is very sudden.
10:13For example, we can have a life full of projects, full of dreams.
10:18But if an accident occurs and life is cut off,
10:23it is very likely that we will have pending tasks and we will be wandering, being one of them.
10:29Hey, I liked this.
10:30Do we have the next video, Mr. Director?
10:32For Carlos to analyze it.
10:34A room.
10:37And what do we see here?
10:39This video is quite interesting because when one speaks of a ghost, what comes to mind?
10:44As an image, as a form.
10:45Is this in Chile too?
10:46This is in Central Station.
10:49This happened in Chile, in Central Station.
10:51When one speaks of a ghost, we think of the sheet, right?
10:55Yes, of course.
10:56The white sheet or the black shadow in the form of a human, of a person.
10:59But most of the time a ghost is that.
11:03A ball of energy or a white shape.
11:06In the paranormal, white shadows or white energies are good presences.
11:11They are not evil presences.
11:13Excuse me, this is a security camera that captures movement and that is why it follows it?
11:17The video is longer than what we are seeing here.
11:19But there we have what is known as an orb, which are these spheres of energy.
11:24But it is following a course.
11:26It is not that when it is a particle of dust it follows straight, in a straight line.
11:32It has its curvatures, it goes up.
11:34It even changes the shape a little.
11:36The camera captures the movement.
11:38Can we attribute this energy to a person too?
11:40It can be a person.
11:42A deceased person or even living people.
11:46Because many paranormal phenomena occur in the mind of a person.
11:51Someone who has some telepathic capacity or a psychic capacity.
11:56For example, the Poltergeist phenomena.
11:58Those that can form energies or move objects with the capacity of the mind.
12:03Look, did you notice that there is like a kitten?
12:06Maybe the kitten died.
12:08No, maybe the kitten also had telepathic abilities.
12:12Look, there it is.
12:13Hey, but how shocking.
12:14These records that we are seeing are sent to you so that you can analyze these images.
12:19They are from clients and followers so that we can share and analyze them.
12:23And here, the Central Station sent it to you and told you to solve this because we have no idea what it is.
12:30It is a place where paranormal phenomena always occur.
12:34I also get the impression that when they send the video it is because it has happened more than once.
12:39I have to capture it so that someone analyzes it.
12:42And we are going to see another video so that our researcher Carlos Martínez also analyzes it.
12:47Let's see, we are seeing a village.
12:49It's a condominium.
12:51It is also in Chile.
12:52Did you see?
12:53Did you see how it happened?
12:54Here something interesting happens.
12:56A shadow happened.
12:59There it is.
13:00There it is.
13:01There it returns.
13:02True, a shadow.
13:04The counterpart with the previous video, which was a white light, here we see a black light, a white shadow.
13:11When one talks about phenomena, manifestations of shadows, of energies, when it is dark, when it is black, it is something negative.
13:19People send this type of video a lot.
13:21On many occasions they are insects that cannot be focused directly with the camera.
13:27Then it looks like a kind of black nebula, as you are seeing there.
13:31I am Franco Carlos.
13:32We talked about that here on the Triangulo team.
13:34And we said, this could be a fly that got in there in the middle and that is not well focused.
13:41That is the interesting thing about the paranormal, because many times we attribute everything to something irrational,
13:46something from another world, but many times it can happen like this.
13:50When they see shadows like this in cameras, most of the time they are insects that cannot be captured.
13:57In this particular case?
13:58In this particular case, what draws a lot of attention is that it is seen in a transparent tone.
14:04So it is there, in the disjunctive.
14:06It is an insect, it is obviously a paranormal energy.
14:13Without a doubt, people in their homes will have their opinion.
14:16Regarding the client who sent this, indeed in his house and in the condominium itself,
14:21there are many paranormal manifestations of a poltergeist nature.
14:26That's why I was saying, I think when they send the video it is because it has already happened more than once.
14:30They don't send us the shot, but at some point they say, I'm going to capture it,
14:33so that at some point someone analyzes it.
14:35So I think that's why you have to trust these videos, because it's more than one time.
14:39It's when they get tired of the situation and say no.
14:41You have to pay close attention to the situation, because we don't do it anymore.
14:45It strikes me, Carlos, that you refer to them as the clients.
14:48This is because it is your job, obviously.
14:51And you do the analysis once the agreement is closed,
14:55that is, they send you the material and you collect it, and then you do this analysis.
14:59Yes, what I do, the particular thing is many times to go to the place with instruments,
15:04a diversity of instruments, to investigate if it is actually something paranormal or not.
15:09Also sewage with dead loved ones.
15:12And also go to the field, do saumerios, do cleaning, expel entities.
15:17You are like our Chilean version of Warren, let's say.
15:20Something like that.
15:21I work with a medium, with Evelyn González.
15:24Ah, they even make a team.
15:26We make a team and I do everything that Ed Warren would do, for example, with the instruments.
15:31And she is what makes it possible to perceive, to see the ghost, to describe it, to make the sewage.
15:37You don't have medium skills or techniques.
15:40No, no.
15:41Yours is more physical.
15:43Being able to demonstrate the phenomenon or discard it through instruments,
15:48capturing voices, capturing silhouettes, for example, through other instruments that I use.
15:55Look, how interesting.
15:56Well, let's keep watching videos to analyze these paranormal phenomena that have occurred in Chile.
16:02Let's see.
16:04And the trash can is moving.
16:15No, that's a lie.
16:18And that cannot be attributed to a wind, a breeze, a gust.
16:22And this was not captured on Friday because on Friday it rained with wind, watch out.
16:27It was not on Friday.
16:28Let's clarify so that the public tells us, this was recorded on Friday because it rained with wind, watch out.
16:32It was not like that.
16:33When was this?
16:36At a school in La Colonia de Coronel, near Lota,
16:41a teacher sent this to him.
16:43That is, we started from the basis that they did not send it to be agitated,
16:47but they sent it seriously, as you say, because they do not deal with the situation anymore.
16:53I mean, a genuine concern.
16:54So this school is in broad daylight where this teacher says,
16:57we are tired of phenomena that occur not only at night but during the day.
17:02They're having a teacher meeting, for example,
17:05and they move objects from the table.
17:07Or they bother the students, they knock on the doors.
17:10So this is like a sample of everything that happens to them.
17:14And it's a poltergeist phenomenon,
17:17because the trash can is moving,
17:19and it moves with force, not aggressively,
17:21because they don't kick it, they don't push it,
17:22but they do move it in a considerable stretch.
17:25Of course, there is a domain of force,
17:27like it's not out of measure.
17:29Like, boom, of course,
17:30it's like someone is running around taking it, of course.
17:32That tells us that the presence had capacity too,
17:35because generally, to move an object a couple of centimeters,
17:39they get very tired.
17:41And they don't have the domain of force, for example.
17:44Not here.
17:45It has the domain, it moves it with ease,
17:49and it moves it, it must be a few meters,
17:52about three meters to the left,
17:54three meters approximately.
17:56Well, if we compare it with the other videos we've seen,
17:59the second one, for example, the kitten one,
18:01it leaves you with some doubts, it's a transparent light.
18:03The one after, the condominium, is a slightly more opaque light.
18:06A shadow.
18:07It's a shadow too, it leaves you with some doubts.
18:09But when you see something like this,
18:10where the movement is so evident,
18:13the skeptics, those who doubt,
18:16here they have a faithful proof
18:18that there are paranormal phenomena, right?
18:21Yes, no, and an interesting fact,
18:23because they have sent me many videos
18:25of, for example, poltergeist phenomenon,
18:27of cups with tea or coffee
18:30that move from one moment to another on the table.
18:33When that happens, it is generally a physical issue.
18:35The heat, with the friction of the place, makes the movement.
18:39But here there is nothing hot,
18:42it is an apparently empty plastic trash can
18:45that moves intelligently.
18:48Have you had the opportunity to go to Coronel?
18:50I have been to Coronel.
18:51Have you been to this school?
18:52Not in particular, but soon I will be on tour in Lota,
18:55so I will probably have to go.
18:57Hey, but in this case,
18:58I was struck by the fact that they send you the videos.
19:00What do you do when they send you the video?
19:02Do you send them the explanation?
19:04How is the dynamic?
19:06Because of course, they send you these videos
19:07looking for an explanation, a rational way or not,
19:10also of the phenomena they are capturing.
19:12How is the modus operandi
19:14that you have at the time of receiving this type of record?
19:17Well, there are two parts.
19:19For example, there are people who send me the video
19:21so that I can give an explanation,
19:23so that it goes instead of doing a saumer, a cleaning.
19:26And there are others who simply send it
19:27so that I can show it to the people who follow my work.
19:31Ah, fantastic.
19:32The next video we have.
19:36Here we are, in a store.
19:38Is this Chile too?
19:39This is in a commercial store
19:43of hair products
19:45in the Arauco mall in Maipú.
19:48Ah, in Maipú.
19:50Exactly, this is the winery.
19:52In fact, those who send it are workers
19:55of this store.
19:58And in fact, when you can hear the audio of this video,
20:02you see how they take it naturally,
20:04how they are already moving the object again.
20:05They laugh because it is everyday bread.
20:08It is something not new for them,
20:10but they already know that they are manifesting
20:12by throwing objects,
20:13throwing things from the shelves, from the winery.
20:17This is not quality, boom, they throw it.
20:19Yes, yes.
20:21Hey, wait, and the spirits here,
20:23what are they supposed to be?
20:24Are they mischievous spirits, toys?
20:27Because you have to talk about it,
20:28that many times, as you know about these topics
20:31by watching fiction,
20:32by watching movies, series,
20:34then you say,
20:35many times, of course, there are ghosts or presences
20:37that are toys, but there are others
20:38that are always shown in fiction as evil.
20:41There are some that are more white, so to speak,
20:45and others more black, evil.
20:46There are intentions.
20:47Exactly, there are intentions behind each of these representations.
20:50Many times there is conscience, there is intention.
20:52I always say, there are the white presences,
20:55good presences that can be of a loved one who has died,
20:58for example, there are the negative presences
21:00that irradiate a negativity,
21:02but without the intention of doing harm.
21:04For example, someone who died with a lot of pain,
21:06with a lot of sorrow, in loneliness,
21:08was probably not a bad person,
21:10but that, the context that led him to his death,
21:13leaves him with a negativity.
21:15And when he dies, there is that negativity,
21:17that energy manifesting itself.
21:19And there are those who are evil,
21:20who only have the intention of harming, of destroying.
21:24So there are those three categories.
21:26Of course, the phenomena caused by someone's own mind,
21:30who has some psychic ability.
21:32You, Carlos, not only analyze videos,
21:34you also analyze photographs.
21:37We have some photographs also to talk and analyze.
21:40I don't know if...
21:41Well, here, it's on a grill.
21:43I don't know if it looks very good,
21:44maybe on full screen it looks better,
21:46but there it is, there is the approach.
21:51There is the grill and the arrow.
21:52Ah, it's like a person passing by.
21:55But it's absolutely transparent.
21:57But the clothes are well identified.
21:59The clothes, it's clear.
22:00If you look, the clothes are modern.
22:04We are not talking about a dress from the 1800s,
22:07nor colonial, nor the beginning of the last century,
22:09but it is something modern.
22:11So what it gives to know, in the first instance,
22:14is that it would be someone who died recently.
22:18In Chile, this happened in Quisco,
22:19in the camping of a compensation box
22:22where paranormal phenomena occur every day.
22:25And you are sure in your research
22:26that no one with those characteristics,
22:28with that clothing, has been in the place?
22:30I mean, I imagine that the research
22:32involves that kind of question.
22:33Exactly, not only psychophony,
22:35but also the analysis of how the person is expressed,
22:38because many times one, with the gestures,
22:40can identify if they are nervous,
22:43if the memory discourse is known.
22:45Exactly, of course.
22:46As it happened in other countries,
22:48that movies have also been made with paranormal fraud.
22:51But the particular thing about this,
22:54I saw a worker too,
22:56where they are bothered daily at work.
23:00They have come to me, when I uploaded this record,
23:02people who have gone to this camping,
23:04to these cabins,
23:06and they told me, they knocked on the door of the cabin,
23:08they knocked on the window,
23:10I saw a girl inside the cabin,
23:12I was only with my partner.
23:14So it is something that happens daily
23:17in terms of manifestations in this camp,
23:19that remain in the record.
23:21You, for working in this kind of thing,
23:25do you usually live paranormal situations?
23:28I mean, do you often see this kind of thing?
23:31Many times.
23:32Many times they contact me saying
23:35that everything happens in their houses,
23:36one goes and it turns out that there is nothing paranormal,
23:39only the psychosis of a person,
23:42the suggestion that plays a lot against this,
23:45or the idea of wanting to relate to the paranormal,
23:50everything that can happen to us.
23:51For example, I lose my wallet,
23:55it was the elf.
23:56The shot, typical.
23:57Remote control, no, here is the elf.
23:59It can be one's disorder.
24:01So, in fact, in many cases,
24:03it doesn't have something paranormal,
24:05so there is our work,
24:07but in other situations, phenomena do occur.
24:10Have you seen them, have you felt them?
24:11There are very strong phenomena,
24:12where one is left with scratches,
24:14bloody nose, discomfited.
24:16Do we have any photos?
24:17Let's keep looking at the photos, of course,
24:19that Carlos brought us.
24:20Here, right, look.
24:23What is that?
24:23It's a stick, more basically.
24:25It's a back, right?
24:27This happened in La Serena,
24:28a follower of my work sent it,
24:31she went with her brother-in-law to vacation in La Serena,
24:35and from one moment to another,
24:38for example, she goes to bed at night,
24:39the next day,
24:41at the time of going to shower,
24:42of changing clothes,
24:43his partner sees these hands marked on his back.
24:47Oh, poor guy must have been scared,
24:49because, well, he was accused of a night of passion.
24:52There is also the possibility that she made up this story,
24:54like everything paranormal,
24:56precisely to justify some delirium.
24:59Like what happened with the trauco,
25:01with some possessions.
25:02Oh no, the trauco kidnapped me.
25:05Carmen Marin, for example,
25:06who was accused of possession,
25:08and some scientists there said no,
25:11that it was a type of hysteria.
25:13But of course, many times we lack the one who tries to get away
25:17from some complex situation,
25:19attributing it to something paranormal.
25:21My love was the ghost that brought me together.
25:24The lipstick on the shirt was a ghost.
25:27The case of abduction was also known.
25:29Well, of course, it's true,
25:31there are some abductions out there too.
25:33Does it have its turn, Ferrandolera?
25:34It has its turn, yes.
25:36Very good.
25:36But this was supposedly something paranormal in this case.
25:39Yes, yes.
25:40When, I don't know,
25:42you get hit in the back or a scratch,
25:45you feel it.
25:47The pain comes, the burn,
25:48but when something paranormal is due,
25:49there is no pain,
25:50there is no pain,
25:51it does not burn,
25:52the place does not feel warm,
25:54you just realize when someone sees you,
25:57the mark.
25:58Of course.
25:59It's almost like a stigma,
26:00when someone sees you,
26:01the mark,
26:02or when you yourself see that you have a scratch,
26:04a marked finger.
26:06You talked about the cemeteries,
26:07we have a photo of a cemetery too.
26:10This is like a sequence,
26:11look at this,
26:12because it moves forward,
26:13we see two people here in a cemetery walking and look.
26:15Yes, the person who is inside the circle is me.
26:18Is it you?
26:19It's me.
26:20We went last year to record a capital cemetery at night
26:25with Crónicas de Bolsillo TV,
26:26which is another group of paranormal investigators.
26:30After doing a psychophony that was quite intense,
26:33we were walking towards the hot spot of the cemetery,
26:36which is where the most phenomena occurred,
26:38and someone,
26:39part of the team takes photos,
26:42and on my back you can see this cloud,
26:46this black spot.
26:48But it looks like a person even.
26:52It has arms, legs.
26:53Well, there is a saying in the paranormal that says
26:56that one is carrying a dead person,
26:57which is when one begins with back pain,
26:59neck pain, shoulder pain.
27:01The back pain was unbearable,
27:03it was as if I had been carrying something heavy all day,
27:06but it came from one moment to another,
27:08from one second to another.
27:09And that, of course, we said,
27:11our backs hurt,
27:12I complained a lot about back pain,
27:14and when they take the photo,
27:15that is captured,
27:16that it is as if I was carrying a presence on my shoulders.
27:21How strong, of course,
27:22it's like a black shadow,
27:23like, of course, like big,
27:24like it hugs you,
27:25like it's hooked to you.
27:27Yes, and what they do is absorb the energy.
27:30And with what purpose?
27:31Why does this kind of thing happen?
27:32Because they often feed off of energy,
27:35of the environment,
27:36of electrical devices,
27:38or body energy as well.
27:39And in the case of what happened to you,
27:41how do you free yourself after?
27:42That's what I was going to ask you.
27:44Well, that's super important,
27:47I always say that protection is personal.
27:51For example, I am very religious to protect myself,
27:53Saint Benito, Saint Cyprian,
27:55but there are those who are esoteric,
27:56so they have their own method of protection.
27:59There are the pagans who have their own rites.
28:01So it depends on the faith of each one.
28:04The important thing is that one does not go with that doubtful faith,
28:07but that one goes with conviction.
28:10Nothing is going to happen to me.
28:11Whenever I go to a case, I say,
28:13here I finish my job,
28:15nothing follows me,
28:16and I end up having my normal life at home.
28:19I completely detach myself.
28:21Edu, the one that comes now is the typical manifestation of a presence in the mirror.
28:28A little girl whose head is much lower than this.
28:34She captures a form here.
28:36Like a woman, right?
28:37A human form, of course.
28:39Well, this is also in Santiago,
28:40who sends this photograph.
28:42He mentioned that paranormal phenomena occurred in his house,
28:45already tiring.
28:47Aggressive phenomena,
28:49situations that threw glasses,
28:51for example, the door.
28:53And this girl at one point has the initiative
28:55to take a photograph in the mirror
28:58and in the reflection of the mirror
29:00this face appears from behind.
29:02Be careful.
29:03Many times when one sees faces in a photograph,
29:07there is the situation that one knows as pareidolia.
29:10Pareidolia is when our brain
29:12relates surfaces or spots, for example,
29:16to faces.
29:18For example, a cloud.
29:20That when a child did not start looking at the clouds,
29:23to see what shape a cloud had,
29:25or the knots of wood.
29:26Also, right.
29:27This classic religious image in toast bread,
29:30that one can find on the internet, very famous.
29:32That is pareidolia.
29:34But in this situation, there were phenomena in the place.
29:37There is a face with the eye sockets,
29:39the nose is perceived, the mouth.
29:41It looks like the face of the desperate cry.
29:44The scream.
29:45The scream.
29:47No, and there it seems,
29:48they have not been renovated yet,
29:49because they are with these old cameras.
29:52I remember taking pictures with that.
29:54Did you go to his house?
29:55I investigated it from a distance,
29:57with the medium I work with.
29:59There were paranormal phenomena.
30:01And in that case, for example, sorry.
30:04What do you do?
30:05Do you already find paranormal phenomena?
30:06Do you have to do some ritual, something?
30:08I mean, to get them out of there,
30:10or do you only detect them?
30:11How is the system in that case,
30:13in that specific one,
30:14when you find something that goes beyond
30:16the real, that is, paranormal?
30:18Well, there are people who only want to know what there is.
30:21There are others who want to know what there is,
30:23and also get the presence out.
30:25The K2 sounded a little.
30:26Get the presence out.
30:27What sounded?
30:29Which is on.
30:30They are talking about us.
30:32So, of course,
30:33there it depends a lot on each situation.
30:36There are paranormal presences or situations
30:38that can be calmed with a candle,
30:40a little white candle,
30:41which has its ritual,
30:42if it has its procedure,
30:43or with a saumerio.
30:44There are other presences
30:45that you have to go straight
30:46into battle with the entity
30:47to be able to get it out.
30:48Can I take it out?
30:50This is the machine
30:51that is scaring us.
30:52It's scaring me now,
30:54It just sounded a little.
30:55It sounded a little?
30:57And when it sounds a little,
30:58what would it be?
30:59Most of the moment was on,
31:03and it only sounded a couple of seconds.
31:05That means
31:06that it is not the energy
31:07of the electricity of the place,
31:08because otherwise
31:09it would have been sounding
31:10all the time.
31:12if it sounded,
31:13it may be that some energy
31:14has approached us.
31:16out there.
31:17Oh, no.
31:18You're telling me
31:19that I'm a ghost.
31:21Hey, but how interesting
31:22in general.
31:23We have one last photo.
31:24One last photo, yes.
31:25That we are going to review
31:26together with Carlos
31:27so that we can review it,
31:28analyze it
31:29before this
31:30so interesting conversation.
31:31We could do something
31:32like this
31:33together with your collaborator,
31:36Go somewhere
31:37and record it, right?
31:38Would you be interested?
31:39Yes, I would love to.
31:40Capture it on screen.
31:41All this work
31:42that you do together
31:43would be interesting.
31:44We have the last photo
31:45out there, right?
31:47to be able to do it.
31:48That photo, look.
31:49This is like a stain.
31:52There is not a very clear body.
31:54What is the story behind it?
31:55This is a house
31:56in Santiago too.
31:57There you can see
31:58the face more.
31:59Oh, yes.
32:01A face.
32:03This is a house
32:04where paranormal phenomena
32:05of demonic nature
32:07The pets died.
32:08They were taken to the vet.
32:09The vet said,
32:10they are in perfect condition.
32:11The tests came out well.
32:12They scratched.
32:13There were grunts.
32:14And there was also something
32:15that is known
32:16as a ghost.
32:17A ghost.
32:18A ghost.
32:19A ghost.
32:20It is also known
32:21as spectrophilia.
32:23the paranormal,
32:24is when there is
32:25some kind of abuse
32:26of a demonic entity
32:27towards a person
32:28or a living entity.
32:29And it happened a lot
32:30in this house.
32:31They were exorcists.
32:33They were priests.
32:34They were evangelical pastors.
32:35They were spiritists
32:36to clean the place.
32:37None could have
32:38the optimal result
32:39because after a while
32:40this entity returned.
32:41And at one point,
32:42the niece of the owner
32:43of the house
32:44begins to take photos
32:45and this entity
32:47And this entity
32:49They recognized it
32:50as the demonic entity
32:51that bothered the home.
32:52There, if you look at it,
32:53it is like a face
32:54upside down.
32:55But in the next one,
32:56it is like this face
32:57turns around
32:58and gives a smile.
32:59An entity,
33:00an incubus
33:01as it is known.
33:02Like an evil face.
33:04Oh, how strong.
33:05There is a movie
33:06called El Ente.
33:07Maybe it looked
33:08a little like that.
33:10There were phenomena
33:11very similar
33:12to what happened
33:13to this family.
33:14Hey, first I invite
33:15you to watch
33:16the movie
33:17El Ente.
33:18First invitation
33:19to Carlos.
33:20I think this invitation
33:21will be repeated.
33:22We want to analyze them more.
33:23In fact, we could
33:24tell our audience
33:25to send us
33:26videos and things.
33:27It would be interesting
33:28to be able to analyze them.
33:29Analyze them on screen.
33:30With the medium
33:31and teach how
33:32to protect yourself too.
33:33I think what yes
33:34or yes we have to do
33:35is, of course,
33:36how to protect ourselves
33:37and also go to the field.
33:38We could go
33:39to the files
33:40of channel 13
33:41and see if there is
33:42something there too.
33:43Marce Carrillo
33:44in the field.
33:45Marce, our notary
33:46can go.
33:47You can go
33:48on a holiday
33:49and go
33:50because I meditate.
33:51Because I am scared.
33:52She is our
33:53evil entity too.
33:54So maybe
33:55the machine
33:56will ring
33:59It was her.
34:00Thank you very much
34:02Thank you very much
34:03Carlos for being
34:04part of this.
