What's your first thought when you hear "Ancient Aliens?" Yes, it's a History Channel show that claims aliens are responsible for, well, everything in history, but there is one man you associate with the show. His name might not be familiar to you, but his hair is, and that's because Giorgio A. Tsoukalos has become the unofficial face of Ancient Aliens. What makes him such an expert on alien technology, though? It's probably unsurprising that he believes he has had an alien encounter, but there's a lot more you likely don't know about the man, so let's take a look at the untold truth of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos.
00:00You recognize the man, even if you don't recognize the name.
00:04Here, let's refresh your memory.
00:07Yep, that's Giorgio Tsoukalos.
00:10Ever since he appeared on Ancient Aliens, the show that presupposes that almost all
00:14our ancient tech was created outside our atmosphere, Tsoukalos has become an inescapable internet
00:22But how much do you actually know about the man behind the meme?
00:26Other than the fact he kinda looks ridiculous.
00:28Here's the untold truth of aliens.
00:32Actual alien encounter
00:34You ready to get your socks blown off?
00:36Well, get this.
00:37The man who goes on TV to rant about how Ancient Aliens built everything from the pyramids
00:43to our DNA?
00:44He actually had an alien encounter.
00:47Uh, maybe.
00:49Here's what he says happened.
00:54In the desert near Joshua Tree, he and 26 other people saw stars moving in odd ways.
01:00Shortly thereafter, the group concluded that the two stars were actually UFOs, and totally
01:06not an effect of staring into the darkness in the hopes of seeing a UFO.
01:10Of course, not seeing a UFO doesn't mean anything, because Tsoukalos has actually proposed that
01:16part of the reason we haven't found aliens yet is because they can make themselves invisible.
01:23Except for a bunch of bald people outside hanging around a tree, apparently.
01:27This means something.
01:29This is important.
01:33Sci-fi fan
01:34You'd think that someone who believes in actual aliens would be a little critical of things
01:37like X-Files and Star Wars.
01:40Sure we enjoy them, but many sci-fi series show aliens as bloodthirsty creatures whose
01:45encounters with humans usually end badly, like forcing you to do push-ups in a swamp.
01:51However, despite his belief in real aliens, Giorgio absolutely adores science fiction
01:59Though it's not clear how much of that joy comes from shouting,
02:01"'Oh, you idiots!
02:03That's not what Alph really looks like!
02:05Come on now!'
02:06He attends history cons."
02:10Yes, the man who made his fame from the History Channel actually likes history, and even attends
02:17history conventions.
02:19This is doubly amazing, because the History Channel is less about history and more about
02:24swamp people, ice road truckers, and whatever the hell the curse of Oak Island is supposed
02:29to be.
02:30But learning that someone who makes his living by widely debunking the majority of written
02:35human history actually likes history?
02:38That's kind of surprising.
02:39Of course, we should mention that he usually attends them as a paid guest on behalf of
02:44ancient aliens.
02:46And those cons also feature cast members from porn stars, so we're not sure how much actual
02:52history takes place at those cons anyway.
02:54Though it would explain Chun-Li, Super Hot Wife.
02:59Suclose's wife's name is Crix Beeble, and we have absolutely no idea why she's with
03:04this man, other than the fact that she herself seems to have an alien name.
03:08Though to be fair, they seem to do all sorts of adorkable things together, and they look
03:13like they're totally in love.
03:14And when she's not standing next to Giorgio looking all happy, she's making glass art
03:19that she sells on Etsy using techniques she learned from aliens.
03:25He's into bodybuilding
03:27Suclose wasn't always a wild-haired alien obsessive.
03:31He actually graduated from college with degrees in sports information and communications,
03:36and despite the biggest thing on his body being his hair, he was big into bodybuilding.
03:42He didn't lift much himself, but he promoted many bodybuilding competitions, including
03:47Mr. Olympia, the same event that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a well-known name.
03:52The two have even been photographed together, though that might just be because Arnold is
03:58almost certainly from outer space.
04:01The Swiss
04:02Suclose came by his name the honest way, by being born in Switzerland.
04:05But he's not even the most famous expert on aliens from that country.
04:10That honor goes to Erik von Darnican, author of Chariots of the Gods, which has more or
04:15less created the contemporary idea of ancient aliens.
04:19In fact, the two know each other, with Darnican even showing up in Suclose's magazine, Legendary
04:25Times, a magazine devoted to… what else?
04:29Exploration of ancient aliens.
04:31Though how much they've actually figured out about alien motivation is questionable.
04:35"...Come on!
04:36I mean, we've been coming here for 50 years and performing anal probes, and all that we
04:41have learned is that one in ten doesn't really seem to mind."
04:44So what explains a tiny country like Switzerland having two of the most famous alien experts
04:49in the world?
04:50It could be something in the chocolate, but we're betting it's actually coincidence.
04:55Or aliens, probably.
04:57He styles his crazy hair
04:59When Suclose did a Reddit AMA, there was but one question on everyone's mind.
05:05What the heck is up with his hair?
05:06And the answer is, he styles it.
05:09With hairspray.
05:10He's a psychotic nerd!
05:11That's right, his hair isn't a freak accident, a punishment for running over a magical fairy
05:16in the road, or an ancient family curse.
05:19He makes it look like that on purpose.
05:22So is he just really, really bad at styling?
05:25Does an ancient alien distract him every time he hits the bathroom to try and look his best?
05:30Or was he not joking when he told one Redditor that his hair is being slowly abducted?
05:36The universe may never know.
05:38He likes being a meme
05:40This may not surprise you, but Suclose claims he doesn't hate the memes of his face.
05:46Instead, he says he actually likes them, despite the fact that they're blatantly making fun
05:50of him and how he looks.
05:52He even posts them himself on his Instagram feed.
05:55Which seems kind of weird, but then again, if you were an internet meme, wouldn't you
06:00use it whenever you could?
06:02The mystery book
06:04Suclose isn't known just for working on ancient aliens.
06:08After all, you wouldn't just grab a guy with goofy hair off the bodybuilding stage to ramble
06:12about aliens and pain.
06:13And beyond his role as editor of Legendary Times, Suclose supposedly wrote something
06:19called Gods or Ancient Aliens.
06:22Most people assume it's a book, but no one can find a copy of it anywhere, though there
06:29is a YouTube video of him giving a PowerPoint presentation by that name, and that's it.
06:34Despite this book being his number one claim to being qualified to working on ancient aliens,
06:39there's no proof it actually exists.
06:42So what happened to it?
06:44Well, there's one theory.