• 2 months ago
A Star of US show NYPD Blue, Law & Order: SVU, William McNamara, has been assuming heroic traits of characters from the series - driving into parts of LA hit by raging wildfires and risking his life to rescue people and pets left behind.


00:00Wow, this is so strong.
00:28My car is rocking up and down like an earthquake.
00:32Oh my god.
00:49And the other thing that's really weird, I'm in the car
00:51and it's hot, yeah, but my phone is getting really hot.
00:55Like, oh no.
00:56So it's catching, it's going to the other houses now,
00:59even though the wind blows the other direction,
01:01somehow it's, oh, it's probably from that.
01:04That's heading down this way.
01:08So, I mean, you just can't believe this.
01:11And I'm stuck, see?
01:12That's one way up, but there's the fires
01:14down to the street there, it's super hot.
01:16And if I go out that way, same thing.
01:18It's like gusting wind of heat.
01:26Oh my god.
01:43I think these guys need to come up.
01:50And there's another spark fire
01:52right behind the construction right here.
01:55Let's see if I can catch this.
01:59Looks pretty bad.
02:01It was by a very big tree, so if it catches,
02:05it's going to be very bad.
02:16Oh no.
02:20There's no fire almost anywhere.
02:26And this must have been an ember.
02:30It's going to come into this neighborhood now.
02:55Oh, it's better.
03:02Yep, I think I'm back to safety.
03:05So, it's still over there, it's terrible.
03:09But now, there's a lot of people here
03:12and a lot of fire and lots of this stuff.
03:15So, you see behind me is the RV park.
03:22Couple of firemen over there,
03:23but it looks like even they're going to leave.
03:25Here's another one, I hope he's stopping.
03:35So, I told you I'm trying to walk out of here.
03:39And it's super windy, very windy.
03:43And I think I'm at Temescal.
03:48I think that's Temescal.
03:54So, I'm trying to get the hell out of here just by walking.
03:58And I don't know where I am,
04:01but I'm pretty sure that's Temescal.
04:04I think I'm halfway out.
