• 2 months ago


00:00I am in the right, partially.
00:04And the areas that I have,
00:08in a few places,
00:12maybe other parties can win.
00:16But Bhavanipur is our base.
00:20When I had one MP, there were two or three parties.
00:24But Bhavanipur is our stronghold.
00:28We have seen this in the past elections.
00:32We have seen it again and again.
00:34Even now, in the Malharra election, we have seen Bhavanipur.
00:36So Bhavanipur,
00:38apart from Bangla, only Bhavanipur is left.
00:40In no place,
00:42under any opposition,
00:44there is no land.
00:46All of this is in the hands of Mamata Bandopadhyay,
00:48which the people of Bangla believe in.
00:50And the people of Bangla, Mamata,
00:52are everywhere.
00:54It is their good fortune,
00:56but now it has decreased.
00:58It has become 50-50.
01:02all together,
01:04if they get 9-10 seats
01:06out of 296,
01:08like Kolkata,
01:10Pahulwa Sabha,
01:12then Bhavanipur has gained a lot.
01:14This will be their victory
01:16in Bangla in 2026,
01:18if they get 9-10 seats.
01:20Out of 296 seats.
01:22Like here,
01:24Bhavanipur has gained 3 seats.
01:26Out of 144 seats, 3 seats.
01:30Bhavanipur can take the votes.
01:32This is a big thing.
01:34Sudhana Girdhosa,
01:36Ramuja's words,
01:38Empty vessel sounds much.
01:40And I say,
01:44your name has fallen off.
01:46I give a call,
01:48and he
01:50will say something.
