• il y a 2 mois
Jannik Sinner va lancer sa saison à l'Open d'Australie. L'Italien doit avoir les épaules solides : il vient défendre son titre, il se présente en numéro 1 mondial, et surtout, une affaire de dopage plane toujours au-dessus de sa tête. Depuis la sortie de cette affaire, Nick Kyrgios fait un pressing constant sur Sinner. Il est numéro un mondial, c'est un joueur de tennis incroyable. Je n'ai jamais dit le contraire. Je pense simplement que le traitement doit être équitable pour tout le monde. Je pense que cela a été géré de manière horrible dans notre sport. Que deux numéros un mondiaux soient reconnus coupables de dopage, c'est dégoûtant pour notre sport. C'est horrible. L'intégrité du tennis en ce moment, tout le monde le sait, mais personne ne veut en parler, est horrible. C'est vraiment horrible. Et ce n'est pas juste", avait pesté l'Australien. Sinner, en conférence de presse ce vendredi, est revenu sur son affaire et les critiques à son encontre.


00:00How does it feel to be here in Melbourne, where you won your first Grand Slam title
00:09last year?
00:10Yeah, it's a very special place to be back. Many, many things have changed on and off
00:18the court and I'm very glad that this memory is always, or will always be, in my mind for
00:27so many years. So let's see what I can do this year. It's a question that I think nobody
00:33of us can answer, but it's good to be back here and then we'll see what the tournament
00:39is going to say.
00:42English questions first, anyone? Raise your hand and introduce yourself.
00:46First of all, happy new year. Why did you choose to start your season here in Melbourne
00:59and not play any tournament before?
01:04Because last season was very, very long. I played also the Davies Cup, then after you
01:09need some time to rest, to reset everything, and you have to make a certain amount of off-season
01:16to prepare your body in the best possible way. You're making some technical and tactical
01:24changes in your game and you need time. So we decided to not play any tournaments before.
01:31You never know what's going to happen, especially the first round. In a Grand Slam you never
01:37know, but I know how much work we put in and then we'll see how it goes. You need a certain
01:45amount of off-season.
01:47How would you say becoming world number one and winning two Grand Slams last year has
01:57affected your life? I'm thinking about the impact maybe on your personal life and the
02:01things you want to do in your spare time, as well as the impact that all those extra
02:05responsibilities and commitments have on perhaps the amount of time you can put into
02:09your tennis.
02:10Yeah, it was a massive change. Many, many things have changed. Last year there were
02:17so, so many first times. Not only the first time winning Grand Slam, but then also the
02:24year before, the first time of the Davies Cup. And then after becoming world number
02:31one and winning also the year-end finals, there are not so many first times left in
02:38our sport. Obviously there are still two different Grand Slams, what I'm still missing,
02:46but I know exactly what to expect.
02:50We could have managed a couple of things slightly better, yes, of course. This is what we want
02:56to do better this year on, but mostly also off the court. We're 23 years old, you don't
03:06know exactly what the right thing is to do sometimes.
03:10What is it like playing against Carlos Sanchez?
03:27Carlos, that rivalry is such an exciting part of men's tennis at the moment. What it's actually
03:32like playing against him, how different it is playing against him compared to the other
03:38Yeah, you have more tension, you have more eyes on us, because this is a match we, or
03:48most people, want to see. Then obviously there are so many other great, great players who
03:52are in the mix with us.
04:03When this happens, the feeling is, I think he also feels a bit the same way, it's a bit
04:10different. Young players, usually we play a high-quality match, because when two players
04:21face each other and you bring out your best, the quality of the match usually is very high.
04:29I think that's it. At the end of the day, it's a tennis match, we try to do our best
04:35and hopefully the people and the crowd enjoy it.
04:38You mentioned in the off-season technical and tactical changes you wanted to make. You
04:46might not want to share any of that, but is there anything you're prepared to say about
04:50what those changes were?
04:53On every shot, slightly small, small changes, but it's small details. At a certain point
05:01they could make the difference. Of course one part is very important for me, it's trying
05:06to mix up the game a little bit more, trying to move forward a little bit. That's exactly
05:10what we were trying to do in the off-season. Service motion, slightly different. Even if
05:18from outside you cannot see these changes, but as a player you realise it. That's it.
05:26I think tennis is an all-around game, also the physical part is very important, the mental
05:30part is very important. We made some changes, but let's see this year how it goes.
05:38Do you have clarity on when your cast hearing is going to be? I know there's been some speculation
05:46about timing for that. How much has that pending date been affecting your mood or stress
05:53levels at all?
05:54I know exactly as much as you guys know. We are in a stage where we don't know many, many
06:01things. You think about this, of course. I would lie if I told you I forget. It's not
06:11like this because it's something I have with me now already for quite a long time. It is
06:21what it is. I'm here trying to prepare for the Grand Slam. Let's see how it goes.
06:30How do you block that part of it out? There's a word, compartmentalise, where you put the
06:39bad stuff in a box and then you go through this stuff. I'm curious, how do you handle
06:44the noise? Even here, you have Nick with his tweets and referencing it.
06:51I don't think I have to answer this, to be honest. How do I block it? It's not that you
06:58just put it in a part and you just say, I don't think anymore about this, but in my
07:03mind I know exactly what happened. That's how I block it. I haven't done anything wrong.
07:14That's why I'm still here. That's why I'm still playing. I don't want to respond to
07:18what Nick said or what other players say. I think the most important part is to have
07:26my people around me who I can trust. People, they exactly know what happened and that's
07:42I just wanted to ask you about pretty much what Russell said. Did those tests put any
07:52doubt in your head as to whenever you take a medicine or what you eat, are you nervous
07:58about anything post the test last year?
08:02No, because I've done the same thing before. As I approach these things, they haven't changed.
08:14Before I was very, very careful on every single medicine I take or even what I eat, when the
08:21bottle is open, I throw it away, I take a new one. I was always very, very careful about
08:27this stuff and it hasn't changed.
