• 2 months ago
पूरे उत्तर भारत में इन दिनों कंपकंपाती ठंड से हर कोई परेशान है. रामगढ़ और देवघर में अधिकारियों ने गरीबों को ऊनी कपड़े, कंबल बांटे.


00:00The weather department has issued an alert that the cold has increased a lot, and there is no better service than human service.
00:23That is why I have been asked by the police to keep blankets in their vehicles.
00:28And wherever old women and helpless people are seen, they have to distribute blankets in the cold and save them from the cold.
00:37And there is also an appeal from the public that if you have old warm clothes, then distribute them to the people around you and serve them.
00:45And save them from the cold, especially the elderly who are more than 60 years old.
00:52The temperature in Ramgarh is continuously falling, and in the morning there is a lot of frost and hail.
00:59In such a situation, we appeal to all people to take care of their health and the health of their family members.
01:04Especially the elderly and children need to be taken care of more.
01:09In the same way, I, the SP, and the entire district administration have left.
01:15We are inspecting all the public places to ensure that there are no uninsured people outside.
01:21And that there is no shortage of blankets in the cold.
01:26If they are genuinely in need, then they can be provided with a shelter or a space.
