• 2 months ago
റവന്യൂ വകുപ്പ് മന്ത്രി കെ രാജൻ ഉദ്ഘാടനം ചെയ്‌തു.


01:00By delivering the drink on the same day, the customers will have a good experience and those who buy it will be able to get it on the same day.
01:13Along with the delivery of the drink on the same day, we have also prepared a variety of band-aided products such as pickles, tapioca, ready-to-eat, prawns roast and chutney powder.
01:29We are delivering the drinks in a safe and responsible manner.
01:39He is not only good at road and bridge construction, but he is also good at providing good food and help to people in our community.
01:59We have decided to spend the money that we have spent on this vehicle.
02:09We would like to thank him for his hard work.
