• 2 months ago


00:30But now, soon more to come, but now this one.
00:35I'm forming a society, organization.
00:40So, for my ashram then, I need a board of directors.
00:46The president will be my guruji, so.
00:51And then the public can come in and meet them and learn,
00:56you know, slowly, slowly.
01:00So, I'm not so sure, but I'll do my best.
01:09Shall we go?
01:11Okay, now.
01:18Okay, now I'll take only, no, no,
01:22I'll take only five minutes.
01:23What's your guruji's name?
01:25His name is Shri Mahananda.
01:30Shri Mahananda.
01:32So, guruji, I paid him, he gave it to me.
01:35He gave it to you?
01:36He gave it to me.
01:43He was a pujari at Deltakara,
01:47four years before Sudhapriyaji.
01:50He was there and brought it in.
01:52So, Mokshi, how many years you have attached?
01:56At Deltakara, how many years?
01:58I came here in 2004.
02:01And in 2007 is when I first came.
02:09So, tell us your full name.
02:13My name is Mokshpreet.
02:15Okay, and what is your born name, if I could ask?
02:18Okay, my born name is Michael.
02:23So, Michael and Mokshi, where are you from, basically?
02:28Well, for the start, my name is Moksh now,
02:33because I'm a sadhu, and this name was given to me.
02:38It's an honor to have this name given to me by my guruji.
02:46Where are you from?
02:47I am from
02:53the USA.
02:56I live now part-time in India and part-time in America.
03:02When I'm in America, I live in New Mexico.
03:05It's a state in United States,
03:08and a small town called Truth or Consequences.
03:13So, Mokshi, you have become a sanyasi.
03:16Yes, yes.
03:18Tell us something about your earlier life,
03:19life and earlier life.
03:22You know, why you have decided to become a sanyasi,
03:25and you are here in Prayagraj, in Kumbh, in Juna Khara.
03:29I have seen a dhuni, you know, your guruji is about to come.
03:36And you are a chela.
03:40So, tell us something about your earlier life,
03:41style and earlier life.
03:44Well, my earlier life, I did many things.
03:52I was in the military.
03:56I was a sports fisherman in Hawaii,
04:00working two different boats,
04:04and going from island to island, fishing,
04:08catching big fish.
04:11And I,
04:17I was into snow skiing,
04:22so I lived up in a snow skiing resort,
04:27and worked in a ski lodge,
04:31and also worked on the mountain.
04:38Did that a lot.
04:39Lived in Hawaii and did a lot of things in the water,
04:44with boats and diving and swimming, different things.
04:50So, how you become a nirvinda?
04:55Well, I would have to say that,
