• 2 months ago
Doomed huckster Angel Candy tells us his life story as he feels his death approaching. | dG1fWlRHSjRXMzFHckU
00:00You wanna see a movie?
00:04Are you a fan of cinema? I thought so. You and me?
00:08We're gonna get along just fine. The Death of Angel Candy.
00:12That's me. Motion picture event of the year. It's back.
00:16July 28th. July 28th. It's a Thursday night. 7pm.
00:20What are you doing on Thursday? I bet you it's nothing. Me? I'm a simple man.
00:24I like groundbreaking art. I like movies that make me think.
00:28Victoria B.C.'s own. Hollywood South Island.
00:32It's not available on any streaming service.
00:36First in line. Cinecenta. Thursday night. July 28th. What are you doing?
00:40I know. You're gonna go see The Death of Angel Candy, aren't ya?
00:44You know what? Maybe leave the kids at home for this one.
00:48You're gonna like this movie. I'm in it.
00:52I like ya. I like ya a lot. For that?
00:56Twelve bucks. I'll knock it down. Twelve bucks?
01:00Twelve bucks a ticket. Twelve dollars? Steal?
01:04What's that to you? You're a high roller. That's chump change.
01:08When's the last time you cried in a movie theater? Like really let the levy break?
01:12You and me? We're buddies. We're pals. We're amigos.
01:16I wouldn't tell you to do something you shouldn't do. Do it. Do it.
01:20But I've already seen the movie. See it again. Simple as that.
01:24Do yourself a favor. You're thinking about it?
01:28You're gonna try to stop by? You know what?
01:32Don't see it. I don't think you'd get it.
01:36If you don't see it, how are you gonna know what all your friends are talking about?
01:40I just feel like you should support local cinema.
01:44July 28th. Cinecenta. UVic.
01:54Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
