• 2 months ago
The Visitor returns to bring you two more twisted tales of terror, including one about Genevieve: The Killer Doll. | dG1fSGlGZVpLQzlWRG8
00:00Hello kiddies, you're listening to your old pal The Visitor.
00:28This first tale I have for you today is about a sick and twisted man named Ted Morris.
00:34The story goes that one day, he found out that his wife was cheating on him, so he killed
00:42After he ended her life, he skinned her and wrapped the skin around her favorite doll
00:50from her childhood.
00:54Now the soul of his ex-wife possesses the doll.
00:58She is a spirit full of revenge, that he kept locked in his basement at all times.
01:07But he is extremely scared that someday she might escape.
01:13He knows she will come for him, because her spirit will not rest until he is dead.
01:21Her name is Genevieve.
01:31This next tale is about a recent widow named Michelle Goldberg.
01:37Her husband's death has left her extremely depressed.
01:42She finds herself staying up all night in bed as she browses the web, looking for something
01:48to purchase.
01:50But one night, she found herself on the wrong part of the internet, the dark web.
01:57Michelle became full of curiosity as she found a mystery box listed on there.
02:05She debated on whether or not she should buy it, but eventually, she pulled the trigger
02:11and purchased it.
02:13When the package arrived to her house, she was shocked to find what appears to be a mask
02:19made of human flesh inside.
02:22She called the police and they took the mask so they could run a DNA test on it, but they
02:29could not track down the seller.
02:32When the test results came in, it was revealed that the mask was made out of pieces of Michelle's
02:38dead husband.
