• 2 months ago
00:00Lunch is also provided, dinner is also provided, medical team is also here, rescue team also comes.
00:06Fire cylinder, fire cylinder is also provided, water tanker is also provided, water supply is also provided.
00:12Many facilities are provided so that they do not face any problem in this winter season.
00:20As it is getting cold outside, what do you do separately for them?
00:28Actually, sir, there is nothing separate, but the whole thing is provided by the government to provide them.
00:33As many blankets as possible are provided, mattresses are also given, pillows are also given, so that they do not feel cold.
00:38Secondly, the way this tent has been made, there is not much chance of thawa passing through it.
00:43But rain, rain, whatever comes, like it rained 2-3 days ago, about a week ago, it was absolutely safe in that too,
00:48which does not feel cold at all, because I myself stay here, so I feel that thing, so I know, sir.
00:58For more information, visit www.fema.gov
