• 2 months ago
00:00In India, in the area of education, there was an invitation from the Panchayat, I think one and a half years ago,
00:09and due to my domestic political engagement, I could not attend that.
00:14But on the other hand, I promised I would go to see all of you.
00:19Thank you very much for participating in this 18th Pradhan Sivaji Day.
00:25We, we all, we, we all, it's a very usual to all of you, it is surprising,
00:33but all of you should understand that some of my real friends are there,
00:38their responsibility is bigger for all of you, because they are anyway participant and host.
00:45They are the double group.
00:48And UNICEF is what I have planned to take many days.
00:52It's a good civilization.
00:55There is a very beautiful and sweet language, UNICEF.
00:59And UNICEF is a new growth in India in the history part of our country.
01:05Like in previous times, we joined a war two or three years ago.
01:11Unless and until the development will happen in the history part of India,
01:17there can't be a financial development in our country.
01:21So he is giving emphasis to the history part of India.
01:25Since last ten years, the kind of reform India has seen in India,
01:30the kind of new progressive policy has also been in India.
01:35The major beneficiary is the history part.
01:38Be it Odisha, be it Jharkhand, be it Bihar, be it Afghanistan,
01:44this is the beneficiary area of this proposal.
01:50The person who is monitoring the development of the history part of the country,
01:56people of this part, we are very fortunate to have a very talented person.
02:04And for the first time, let me say, we saved India.
02:11So the growth is on a new trajectory.
02:19We have seen the growth of India.
02:27If I say a few statistics in front of you, today India has a big progress in the world.
02:34You all are too old to know that.
02:38Let's have to send you a little text.
02:41There's a number of you who have not been there.
02:44So India is going to be the third largest economy in the next three to four years.
02:51It will surpass Japan and Germany.
02:54It will be the third nation in the way we are going.
03:00The second point I would like to make is that India is a country of young people.
03:05It's a young country.
03:07The demographic data we all have discussed.
03:10India is the right example of a young country.
03:14Sixty-five percent of its population is American Indians.
03:20I'm in charge of the education department, but I see two statistics in front of you.
03:26Do you know what is the population of whom?
03:30Five million.
03:32Fifty lakhs.
03:34Let me say five million.
03:36Fifty lakhs.
03:38Fifty lakhs.
03:42Let me say fifty lakhs.
03:45You can expect.
03:47Your number is around ten lakhs.
03:50Eighty lakhs.
03:52Eighty lakhs, around two million.
03:54Out of these five, you want one more name.
03:57That's India.
03:59One is the name of India.
04:01So do you know what is the number of students in India?
04:07There are 260 million school students in India.
04:12260 million school students in India.
04:17There are 40 million higher education students in India.
04:23What is the number of students in India?
04:27India is doing a global service.
04:32Not for online.
04:35Not for IT.
04:37Not for services.
04:40All are representing that India is doing a good job by participating in services.
04:49Participating in global manufacturing industry.
04:54Indian engineers, Indian managers, Indian supervisors.
04:58Very qualitative.
