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Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 43 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 43 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 43 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 43 Completo HD
00:00I'm sorry to inform you that in the accident, Mr. Portilla lost his life.
00:06Oh my God, no, no, no, no, no, that can't be, that can't be.
00:15I'm very sorry, ma'am.
00:17No, Luis can't be dead.
00:20Ma'am, we need you to come with us.
00:23No, please, no, Luis.
00:26We understand that it is a complicated situation,
00:29but it is necessary for you to recognize Mr. Portilla's body.
00:33Let Nicolas know, please, Rosita.
00:35Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am.
00:44I'm so hungry that I could eat a quesadilla truck.
00:47Hey, Juan, the quesadilla place is a restaurant or is it like a stand?
00:53Well, it's a stand, a stand.
00:56Well, but you have to sit down, right?
00:59Yes, yes, I mean, if we don't eat standing up, nothing happens, right?
01:04I think you're going to like it a lot, man.
01:06It's not bad to try new things.
01:09Okay, let's go.
01:10Come on, you're going to like it.
01:13You know, I would only try new things for you.
01:17My brother?
01:25What are you doing here, Arturo?
01:29I brought Valeria to her house.
01:31Hi, Camila, good night.
01:33And how do you bring her here if she knows perfectly how to move without trucks and the subway?
01:37I wanted to bring her because Valeria is my girlfriend, that's why.
01:39Your girlfriend?
01:41No, look, Arturo.
01:42What are you playing at?
01:43You can't take this girl seriously.
01:45Valeria is my girlfriend.
01:47And that's what your sister-in-law does.
01:49Now, if you realize that I had never taken anything so seriously.
01:52No, no, I can't believe it.
01:54How bad are all the men in my family?
01:56Aya, please don't say that, okay?
01:58No, it's the truth, Arturo.
01:59I thought Leonardo had made the worst decision of his life, but no.
02:02My dad and you are lost.
02:04I don't know what these women see in him.
02:06If they are the misfortune that has fallen on my family.
02:09If they are the misfortune that has fallen on my family.
02:12How dare you say that?
02:14You are going to apologize to Valeria because Valeria is not to blame for what has happened to us.
02:18No, no, no.
02:19Camila, I understand if you don't want to tell me anything.
02:23Yes, surely you didn't expect a woman like me to be dating your brother.
02:29I don't care what he expects.
02:31I'm not going to allow you to disrespect him.
02:34Even if you don't believe it, I understand you.
02:36Camila, instead of reacting like that or apologizing to you because Arturo asks you to,
02:42why don't you get to know me better?
02:45That maybe if you knew me better, you could know if you agree or not with the relationship your brother has with me.
02:51What do you say?
02:53Do we give ourselves the opportunity to get to know each other better because of the love we have for Arturo?
03:05What's going on?
03:08Someone tell me what's going on.
03:10Are you a relative of Mr. Luis Portilla?
03:12Yes, I am his son.
03:14I am very sorry to inform you that Mr. Portilla had an accident on the road.
03:21Is he in the hospital?
03:24Unfortunately he died.
03:27Oh, no.
03:28Oh, my God, no.
03:30Oh, Luis, no, please, no.
03:39Let's see, understand it.
03:40I'm not interested in getting to know you better.
03:42I'm not willing to fall into your game.
03:44What game?
03:45What do I have to know?
03:47If in the end you are just like your mother and your sister.
03:50What do they have to do with it?
03:51That you hurt the people who help you and take advantage of everything and everyone.
03:55You are very wrong.
03:56We are not like that.
03:57Oh, no?
03:58Do you want us to call Gloria or ask Juan who is here?
04:01Camila, let's go now.
04:02No, Juan, wait for me.
04:03Camila, this conversation is not going to get anywhere.
04:06Let's see, Camila.
04:08We don't have to be enemies.
04:10We are already.
04:11I don't want to be here anymore, Juan.
04:12Let's go.
04:15Arturo, Arturo.
04:17Enough, enough, enough.
04:20Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with my sister.
04:24It's okay.
04:26Give her time.
04:27Eventually she will realize that I am not the person she thinks I am.
04:39But, let's see, no, no.
04:41How is my brother dead?
04:43This has to be a mistake.
04:45I'm very sorry, ma'am.
04:46Calm down.
04:47No, that can't be true.
04:49What you are saying makes no sense.
04:51These are the plates of the car.
04:53Are they his father's?
04:58Yes, but he can't be dead.
05:00The car had an accident heading to Irapuato.
05:06My dad was going to the farmers' congress.
05:09The impact was very big.
05:11The truck caught fire and the body...
05:13The body.
05:15Unfortunately, he was in very bad condition.
05:22We need someone to accompany us to recognize the body.
05:26I'm going.
05:27I'm going too.
05:29Please come with us.
05:45Rosita, please!
05:47Daughter, for God's sake!
05:48For God's sake!
05:49My God, react!
05:50Mom, for God's sake!
05:51My God, for God's sake!
05:53My God, react!
05:54My God, react!
05:55What's wrong?
05:58The alcohol!
05:59Please, the alcohol!
06:03Wait, Camila!
06:04No, Juan, I can't stand that woman!
06:08You shouldn't have said that to Valeria, okay?
06:10Don't tell me you want to defend that woman
06:12after everything Omar did to you!
06:14What happened to her is another thing, okay?
06:16I know Valeria.
06:17She's a good person.
06:18No, Juan.
06:19I can't take this anymore.
06:21I can't take this anymore.
06:22Especially if you stand by her.
06:24Look, Camila, calm down, please.
06:26Let's forget about this and go have dinner, okay?
06:28Obviously, I'm not hungry anymore.
06:31So, what do you want to do?
06:32I don't know.
06:33I'll go to your house or the other side of the world,
06:35wherever it is.
06:36I don't have to see that woman.
06:46What happened, aunt?
06:49What did you say?
07:01I'm sorry.
07:02Today has been my best day.
07:05I just don't want it to end.
07:07It doesn't have to end.
07:10We can stay here.
07:13I want to enjoy this moment with you.
07:15I want to enjoy this moment with you.
07:25What do you want?
07:28No, if you want, answer.
07:29No, Nicolas.
07:30He probably wants to talk about work.
07:39Knowing Nicolas, he won't stop insisting.
07:41You better answer.
07:43What do you want?
07:45Nicolas, I can't answer right now.
07:54What happened?
07:59Aster, what happened?
08:00My dad.
08:05I can't believe it.
08:07Where is my dad?
08:08My daughter.
08:10She had an accident.
08:11No, don't say anything.
08:12Don't say anything.
08:13My dad is here.
08:24Don't come near
08:27the person you have to control
08:29and console is your wife.
08:35Dad, where are you?
08:38Aunt, where is Arturo?
08:39I have to talk to him.
08:40Where is he?
08:41Your brothers
08:42went to recognize him.
08:44It's not true.
08:45My dad is fine, aunt.
08:47Your dad died on the road.
08:49No, it's not true.
08:50Yes, Camila.
08:51You have to understand.
08:52Let me go.
08:53It's not true.
08:54It's not true.
08:55My dad didn't die.
08:56Calm down, Camila.
08:57Calm down, please.
08:58Calm down.
09:09I know this is difficult for you
09:11because of the conditions in which the body remained.
09:18It doesn't look like him, does it?
09:21No, Leonardo, no.
09:24No, stay with the last memory
09:28we had of him.
09:33The fire left the body unrecognizable,
09:37but here are the belongings that were recovered.
09:42It's my dad's watch.
09:45I'm very sorry.
09:51It's the watch my mom gave my dad.
09:58We can prepare the body for the funeral.
10:01Don't cry, it will be ours, dad.
10:03I'm very sorry.
10:05Don't cry, it's my dad's body.
10:08Why are you crying?
10:09I already told you it's not him.
10:19My dad is not dead.
10:23My dad can't die.
10:27He can't go.
11:02Let's see, honey.
11:04Lie down for a while, okay?
11:09I don't want to lie down.
11:11Well, then sit down.
11:13Can I come in?
11:23Your sister is very bad.
11:25I'm telling you she's very bad.
11:33I'm very sorry.
11:35Yes, we had a plan.
11:38He was taking care of me.
11:41I know, but you are not alone.
11:44I am for you, for what you need.
11:46No, Valeria, you don't know the plans we had.
11:51What am I going to do now that he is not with me?
11:54Oh, my girl, my girl, calm down.
11:58Calm down, everything will be fine, my love.
12:01No, it's not going to be fine, on the contrary.
12:03Without Luis nothing makes sense anymore.
12:06No, Mar.
12:08No, don't say that.
12:10He couldn't have left me like that.
12:13Honey, enough.
12:46Please, please tell me it's not dad.
12:49Yes it is.
12:53No, no.
12:55No, no, no.
12:59Oh no, no, no, my brother, why?
13:03They already gave us the body.
13:06It's not going to happen.
13:12No, no, no, no, no.
13:18Dad, dad, no.
13:41It was a tragedy.
13:45I'm going to miss Mr. Luis a lot.
13:57No, no, no, dad.
14:00I'm sure Nicolas and Leonardo are back.
14:04There is no doubt.
14:06Luis is dead.
14:11It's not fair, he was so good.
14:23No, dad.
14:30No, why dad?
14:44Listen to me, daughter.
14:47I know you're very sad right now, me too.
14:51But you have to start thinking about what you're going to do.
14:54I imagine that soon it will be the reading of the will and you have to be there.
14:59Do not allow them to do that reading without you.
15:02Is it serious, mom?
15:04Are you thinking about that now?
15:07My husband just died.
15:08Well, I'm so sorry, honey.
15:11But someone should think about those things.
15:14No, no, no, no, no, don't talk better, please.
15:16No, if you want, I don't speak.
15:18But you're going to have to get ready, my daughter.
15:22How can you think about that?
15:24Because I know what people are like.
15:26I worked for the rich for years.
15:30And listen to me, Mar.
15:32You just got widowed.
15:34That means that everything is yours.
15:38And nobody, you hear me?
15:40Nobody can take you out of here.
15:43Because this whole house is yours.
15:48Daughter, you have to change to go to the funeral.
15:53I don't want to.
15:55Come on, I have to start making some calls.
15:59I can't.
16:01I'm not ready to go.
16:04I know it's very difficult.
16:07Take the time you need, but you have to go with your dad.
16:13Please, I don't want to.
16:17Daughter, if you don't do it, you're going to regret it all your life.
16:25Come, I'll go with you to change.
16:27Let's go.
16:32I'll go up and help you.
16:35I'm sorry.
16:53We need to be strong, Arturo.
16:56To be able to face everything that comes.
16:59Camila and my aunt need us.
17:04That body is not my dad's.
17:06It can't be.
17:07There must be some kind of mistake.
17:09My dad can't die.
17:11He would never have left us alone, Nicolas.
17:13Listen to me.
17:14What happened is a tragedy.
17:16But my dad prepared us for this.
17:19He always prepared us to move on.
17:22Arturo thinks that my dad and my mom are already together.
17:26And that you and I are not alone.
17:29We have each other.
17:32I'm here for whatever you need.
17:35Your family supports you too.
17:53You're colder and crueler than I thought.
17:56I know you say it because you're going through a tragedy.
17:59And you don't care about that.
18:00Of course I care, daughter.
18:02But you have to prepare for the worst.
18:05The worst?
18:06Something worse than this?
18:08Luis is dead.
18:09No, Mar.
18:11The worst thing would be to lose your mother.
18:13Don't make a mistake.
18:14But here I am with you.
18:16To help you face everything that comes.
18:19Mom, Luis was really worried about me.
18:23And now he's not here, do you realize?
18:25Don't be ungrateful.
18:26I've also been worried about you since you were born.
18:31Camila, Camila.
18:32Come here!
18:34Are you sure you're happy?
18:35My dad is dead and now you're going to own this house.
18:38Look, Camila.
18:40I know you're in a lot of pain, but it's best if you leave.
18:44You finally got what you wanted, didn't you?
18:50Don't look at him, look at me!
18:52Juan, please take your husband.
18:56Let go of me, Juan!
18:57No, you're very wrong if you think you're going to keep all this.
19:01What did I tell you?
19:02I'm not going to rest until you leave our lives.
19:08No, no, no.
19:10If you want to keep crying, do it.
19:12I'm not going to cry over a body that's not my father's.
19:15They already told us it was him.
19:17They already confirmed it.
19:18My son couldn't recognize the body.
19:20How can you blindly trust something they're telling you?
19:23Enough, Arturo! Stop doing this! It hurts!
19:27I'm going to do something.
19:29I'm going to do it.
19:46I'm so sorry.
19:52What's wrong with Arturo?
19:54I don't see him well.
19:56He's in denial because he doesn't want to accept that...
20:00that my father...
20:05You know how he is.
20:07He always needs his space.
20:09That's the way he...
20:11endures the pain.
20:23I'm worried.
20:24It's not right for him to be like this.
20:29And you?
20:30How are you going to deal with your pain?
20:38I don't know.
20:39I don't know.
20:41You have to get him out.
20:44I know you've always been your father's support.
20:48You're your siblings' pillar.
20:52Nicolás, when my father died...
20:55I couldn't cry.
20:58I couldn't.
20:59I just...
21:01inside, in silence, for a long time.
21:08Cry. That's it. Get him out.
21:10Get him out.
21:11Nobody is asking you to be strong.
21:13Let him go.
21:22My father, Belen.
21:38I'm so sorry you're going through this.
21:42I've been through this too.
21:43It's very hard to lose your father.
21:46I know how you feel.
21:47Believe me.
21:48Believe me.
21:50It hurts me too,
21:51to have lost Luis.
21:54In your life,
21:55you get close to me again.
21:57You're a hypocrite.
22:04I'll never believe in you, Mar.
22:07I'll do everything I can
22:08so you're not here anymore.
22:11Take your wife somewhere else.
22:14My daughter doesn't deserve this.
22:16She's suffering too.
22:19Come on, let's go.
22:48Get him out.
22:50Everything you feel, get it out.
22:53I'm sorry, but...
22:55I have a lot of work to do.
22:58It doesn't matter. Just don't keep him.
23:00Don't keep him.
23:01Because he'll stay here.
23:02Don't keep him.
23:04I understand you.
23:06I won't judge you.
23:08Let him go. Don't keep him.
23:18Don't keep him.
23:48I wanted with my heart
23:53I didn't listen to my head
23:57I accepted problems and poverty
24:01Believing blindly in your promises
24:06I didn't wish my experience on anyone
24:10I was abandoned and in pain
24:15I put my innocence in the bag
24:20Ambition is now my advisor
24:26No matter what, I'll get up
24:31Today I know I'm worth a lot and now I'll charge
24:35Cash, money, last name
24:40I make my own decision
24:44No matter what, I'll dominate
24:49And everything I want, I'll have
24:53Not for free, borrowed or paid
24:57I want it all in one go
25:02So I can cry
25:04So another can cry
25:06So the world can cry
25:15I'm going to look for Arturo
25:20You can count on me for anything
25:23You know that, right?
25:26Thank you
25:28If I go with him
25:30Arturo needs you a lot
25:34I'm going to get ready and prepare everything
25:45I love you
25:47I love you
26:05I know what you're going through
26:10This is a nightmare
26:12I know
26:14But the fact that you deny it won't change things
26:17Arturo, your brothers need you
26:21I don't think so
26:24You have a different way of overcoming pain
26:29But believe me, right now is when they have to be more united
26:35When I went through this, I relied a lot on Mar
26:39And now you have me too
26:43Yes, Chema
26:45Sadly, Luis Portilla died in an accident
26:48I'm very sorry
26:50Thank you
26:52Yes, we're going to have a private funeral
26:56Well, imagine
26:58With the recent marriage of the young wife and the sudden death
27:01Well, the Portillas no longer want scandals
27:03Yes, otherwise people will start talking and suspect things
27:07I understand
27:11Chema, you know, discretion
27:13I didn't tell you anything
27:15Well, if you find out anything else, I'll keep you posted
27:21Who is it?
27:24Let's see, I don't know how he got this number
27:27But please, I ask you to respect the pain of the family
27:32What happened?
27:34Well, you know, press and journalists talking to ask about your father
27:38I still can't believe it
27:42What are we going to do?
27:44Leo, let's see, things are very complicated, things with your brothers
27:48So I think the best thing would be to have a discreet funeral
27:51You think so?
27:53Of course, what do you want? Give more attention, more importance?
27:57It's true
27:59Well, we also save bad times and problems with Ofelia
28:02Look, surely right now they are already looking for a way to take advantage of all this
28:07It's true
28:15I didn't want to do this
28:17Thank you
28:19Especially in these moments that I have no head to think about anything
28:25My love, you have nothing to thank
28:28I love you and I'm always here for you, for your family
28:33I know
28:35I know, thank you, thank you for thinking about me and us
28:42That always
28:56Continuing with the news, the death of Luis Portilla is confirmed
29:01The powerful businessman and respected father of the family will be buried in an intimate ceremony
29:07His remains will be buried this afternoon
29:11We regret the loss and send a sincere thought to his children and family
29:19I will finally be able to be with you, son
29:21To be continued
29:51I swear to tell you that he even stayed with me to chop onion
29:55Could it be that he got mad about that?
29:57Well, let him get used to helping in the house, period
30:01Hey, what if they got mad at each other and had a fight or something?
30:05Let's see, they are married, they will have no choice but to settle
30:12What if you call Juan again?
30:14Let's see, we shouldn't get into their lives
30:17Nobody is getting into
30:18It's just to know how they are
30:21Your son Juan is already married, he is a man and he is making his life
30:25There is nothing wrong with you calling him to know that nothing happened to him
30:29Susana, Susana
30:31Come on, old man, it's just so I can stay calm
30:36In fact, I'm going to bring you a glass of milk and I'm going to serve you a piece of shell
30:42Why can I never tell you no?
31:13Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me
31:19Sorry to interrupt
31:23Don't worry, what's going on, Pedro?
31:26The press is out and they want statements
31:29I can't believe it, those people have no respect for anything or anyone
31:33Don't worry, aunt, I'll take care of it
31:36Don't let them make a show, a circus of this
31:41You know how they are, you have to give them what they want
31:45Let's go
31:47Excuse me
31:49Let's go
31:51Thank you
32:02Leave this game of looks with Juan
32:06You can't be doing this at your husband's funeral
32:09If you don't stop, this criminal is going to hear me
32:32No, wait, let them pass
32:34Because the family members are inside, we are talking to the family members
32:37You see, I told you something was happening
32:40If a mother's intuition is never wrong, Jacinto
32:43Poor Camila, you know, let's see if we can go with her, right?
32:47Excuse me
32:49Excuse me, please, excuse me, excuse me
32:52Where are you going?
32:54To the funeral
32:56Yes, we know a member of the family
33:01Well, no, we don't know, we are part of the family
33:04I need authorization, wait for me here
33:08For what?
33:10Let's see, the man who is dead in there is my father-in-law
33:15Let's see, what do you mean your father-in-law?
33:22We are the in-laws, nothing else
33:24Yes, we just came to the funeral
33:26Exactly, nothing else
33:28But do you know if the company went bankrupt?
33:30No, we don't know anything, we don't know anything
33:32Good afternoon
33:34Wait, wait
33:36Step back, please
33:38Thank you
33:40Be careful with the gentlemen
33:42We are Juan's parents
33:44Yes, we are the in-laws
33:46Of the deceased
33:48Come in
33:50Thank you
33:52Thank you
33:54Nicolas, do you have a joss?
33:56Nicolas, can you pass us a joss?
33:58Please have respect
34:01My family and I are going through a very difficult time
34:07But can you send a correspondent something, please?
34:20Excuse me
34:23Excuse me
34:24Excuse me
34:26No, no, it can't be
34:28Of course, he had to come and pretend as if he had known him
34:33You could not criticize anyone right now
34:36But who is criticizing?
34:38Oh no, look at her, she doesn't even know how to stand up
34:43She looks like Pato Espinado
34:46It seems that they gave her the day off
34:50And you wanted her to be your mother-in-law
34:52No, I'm not saying anything anymore
34:54I remind you that we were also servants
34:57Yes, but nothing more than a pastime
34:59That was not our place
35:01Look at us
35:03I know there is part of us because of you
35:05But one thing is to have been born in this family
35:08And another very different thing is to be here thanks to the slip of his son
35:12Rosana, we are in a funeral
35:15We are going to respect this moment for them
35:18We are going to respect their pain, okay?
35:22Respect would be that she was not here
35:24I can't stand her
35:26I can't stand her
35:37Nicolás, what's going to happen now with the company?
35:39Who will be the new director?
35:41Are you going to be your Nicolás?
35:43On behalf of my family, we want to thank you for all the interest
35:46But we also ask you for understanding
35:48This has been a very hard time for all of us
35:51We were just recovering from my mother's death
35:54And now this happens
35:56What happened to your father?
35:58How are things with the wife?
36:00Well, now she's the widow
36:02And Mars Sánchez is now going to be the new heir?
36:04I promise you that in due time I will answer the questions
36:07For now we ask you to give us privacy
36:10To be able to say goodbye to my father
36:13Thank you for being here
36:14Thank you
36:31I still can't believe my father is here
36:36The last talk we had was a discussion
36:45I will never forgive myself if this is my last memory with him
36:49Let him go
36:51You have to focus on the beautiful moments
36:54Which are surely much more
36:56And those are the ones that really matter
37:00I don't know if I can
37:06We are going to start the body mass now
37:09Father, my brother Nicolás is missing
37:11I'm going to get him
37:24How are you?
37:26Wow, until you get close to your sister
37:29And you haven't separated from Arturo all day
37:32Mom, stop
37:34It's normal, he's a boyfriend
37:36And he needs her by his side
37:38Yes, yes, but first the family than any boyfriend
37:47Do you remember me?
37:49You were in the hospital
37:51When Arturo had the accident
37:55What are you doing here?
37:57As soon as I knew what happened
37:59I came here to accompany you
38:01I want to be close to you and Arturo
38:03In case you need my support
38:05Thank you for worrying, ma'am
38:07But this is a difficult time for the family
38:10Yes, I know
38:12But I am like Arturo
38:14I am a part of the family
38:16Ma'am, as you understand
38:18It's a difficult time
38:20Please leave
38:22But I have to talk to you and Arturo
38:24I have a lot to explain
38:26Please leave, ma'am
38:28I have a lot to tell you
38:30Son, son
38:32I'm really sorry
38:34I'm really sorry for your loss
38:37Thank you
38:42Let's go
38:45Ma'am, you can't go through
38:47You can't go through
38:49You can't go through
38:51I heard you, but you can't go through
38:53In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
39:14I love you
39:45I don't know what I'm going to do without you
39:48I'm going to miss you a lot, Dad
40:15I saw him
40:17I saw my son
40:19There they were
40:21Thank you, my God
40:23Thank you for letting me be close to him
40:28I just ask you for a little more help
40:31To know which of the two it is
40:34I know
40:36I know
40:38I know
40:40I know
40:42I know
40:44I need to be with my son
40:46And never leave him again
40:49Thank you, my God
40:52Thank you
40:53Thank you
41:13This family will never be the same
41:18Thank you, Dad
41:20You gave me everything and now
41:21I feel like I have too much left
41:24You're the best, Dad
41:26You're the best man I've ever met
41:51Dad, you're finally going to be with Mom again
42:21Thank you
42:52What are you going to do?
42:54You don't have to stay here if you don't want to
42:58Look, they're going to pay me
43:01We could look for an apartment, you and me
43:04We can fix our little house
43:07We can look for options
43:09Whatever you want
43:11Why do you bother your sister with those things
43:15Right now?
43:17Because I worry about her, that's why
43:18I'm sorry for what you're going through
43:21But you don't have to stay if you don't want to, Mar
43:24Don't be silly, Valeria
43:27Hey, your sister is at home
43:32Let me see
43:34Let me see
43:36Honey, you don't have to go anywhere
43:55I'll make you dinner
43:57No, thank you, ma'am, but I'm not hungry
44:00It's not good for you to have an empty stomach
44:03Camila, remember that bread is less painful
44:06I'm going to make you something really good and you'll feel better
44:11No, no, Mom, Camila already told you she's not hungry
44:14She doesn't need it, please
44:16But it's going to hurt her
44:18No, the only thing I really want is to sleep
44:21Really? You're not going to have dinner?
44:23No, and tomorrow I have to get up early to go to the reading of my father's will
44:30But you're not going to go with her?
44:33Mom, I'd rather not get involved, it's a matter of the Portillas
44:37She's your wife, she needs you to not leave her alone in these difficult times
44:44Okay, I'll go with her
44:59It's time to read the will of my dear and great friend Luis Portilla
45:04But before we start, I want you to know that I accompany you in your pain
45:10Thank you very much, Mr. Notary
45:11Mr. Notary
45:16Luis's will is very clear
45:21His heirs are Leonardo, Arturo, Nicolás and Camila
45:30The one who remains in charge of the company as Director General is Nicolás
45:35He also left very clear instructions for a board of directors to be formed
45:45Where his children will be accompanied by the directors who have worked in the company
45:53All his assets will be distributed equally among his children
45:59As well as with his wife Mar
46:05To be continued
