• 2 months ago
নিউয়ৰ্ক টাইমছত প্ৰকাশ পাইছে অসমৰ পৰ্যটনৰ বাবে এক আশাব্যঞ্জক খবৰ । তালিকাত স্থান লাভ কৰিছে বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্যক্ষেত্ৰ কাজিৰঙা ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় উদ্যানে ।


00:00So, it is a great day for us, because New York Times, which is considered one of the
00:05finest media houses in the world, has declared Assam as one of the fourth best tourism destinations
00:14in the world.
00:15And within that also, and within Assam, they have specifically pointed out the Moidams
00:22and the Kaziranga World Heritage Sites, which must be a must-see destination for the global
00:29And that is very good news for us, because we knew that Kaziranga is one of the, is the
00:36best in the country, but now it has got the global recognition as one of the best in terms
00:43of wildlife conservation, in terms of community participation, and also in terms of the tourism
00:50I think the main reason behind this has been the consistently, the efforts which has been
00:58put by the government, which other park in the country has two presidents consequently
01:06visiting the park, we had the Royal King of Bhutan and the Honorable Prime Minister of
01:12India visiting the park and spending time here.
01:16So that speaks in bounty about the Honorable Chief Minister's vision for the park, for
01:24the state, and the government's policy and the will to take forward the tourism in Kaziranga
01:31beyond its national boundaries.
01:35In the last three months, we have had more than 1,62,000 tourists visiting inside the
01:42And the good news is that over the last three months, we have had foreigners coming in consistently
01:50every month.
01:51Earlier, they used to be confined within December and January, but this year, we have had foreigners
01:57coming in, which indicates that it is becoming a very popular destination.
02:03The accessibility, the awareness, and the, in terms of the seamless tourism aspect has
02:12been brought forward by everybody.
02:17The revenue collection is almost 4,32,000,000 in the last three months, and this is basically
02:25the entry fee revenue collection.
02:28So as you all know that in Kaziranga, entirely the tourism is managed by the communities,
02:34by the private, the people around the forest fringe people.
02:40So I would say that this revenue is just a tip of the iceberg, and there is certainly
02:46a very big, in terms of income generation in the community areas.
02:51Yes, so for example, now we are going to take up the bird count in the next two days.
02:58And many areas, as you are aware, that Bura-Sapuri-Laukhua, which is part of the Kaziranga Tiger Reserve,
03:05their rhinos have returned after 40 years.
03:08We have sightings of Ghariyal, which is for the last 50, 100 years, nobody had seen in
03:16We are consistently seeing one Ghariyal sighting in the North Bank.
03:21So all this is an indication that it's an excellent habitat, the wildlife is there,
03:27and our plan is to promote many of these areas as part of the tourism.
