• 2 months ago
पूर्व मंत्री व बीजेपी विधायक उषा ठाकुर ने एक बार फिर पैरेंट्स से आह्वान किया है कि अपनी बेटियों को शस्त्र प्रशिक्षण जरूर दें.


00:00The government of Madhya Pradesh has made a strict law to protect the daughters from this conspiracy.
00:11I request all my constituents to educate their children,
00:17to dedicate them to Sanatan Dharma,
00:20and in my 78 panchayats and 38 wards,
00:24I request all my constituents to educate their daughters to use swords and sticks.
00:30I have also requested Dr. Mohan Yadav,
00:35to educate their daughters to use swords and sticks.
00:38All of them should be made compulsory,
00:40because after getting this education, the language of the daughters also changes.
00:45No one can mislead them,
00:47and no one can deceive them and make them do anything wrong.
00:51Before getting jewellery made,
00:53give them weapons to protect themselves,
00:57so that their self-confidence increases,
01:00and along with protecting themselves,
01:02they can also protect the surrounding areas.
01:05Daughters have to prepare themselves with this attitude.
