• 2 months ago
35 लाख की लागत से सौर ऊर्जा की प्लेटें लगाई जाएंगी. सौर ऊर्जा से अंडरब्रिज में भरे पानी को निकाला जाएगा.


00:00The solar panels will be of great help.
00:03The Chandra Maurya underbridge is filled with water, especially on rainy days.
00:08To stop this, a water pump was installed in Nagarni,
00:13which was used to draw the water.
00:15On rainy days, when it was too full, it was even more difficult.
00:18To find a solution to this,
00:20we have a proposal for a solar panel.
00:23Mr. Mahaprabhu and others from MIT have approved the proposal.
00:29There is also a technical aspect to this proposal.
00:34How effective will it be?
00:36How much will we save?
00:37How much electricity will we lose?
00:39We will have to see all that.
00:41We will also have to look at the solar panels.
00:44The solar panels run on solar energy.
00:47How much will we lose?
00:48What will we save?
00:49This is a technical aspect, but it will be implemented soon.
