• 2 months ago
八点最热报 | 大马旅游局日前在社交媒体上载了一支短短41秒的宣传影片,然而这只影片遭到国盟部分领袖的猛烈炮轰。对此,旅游部长张庆信强调,这支41秒的影片,只是一个简短的“推介影片”。而他也不点名批评那些不负责任的人,试图在玩弄种族和宗教情绪,乘机分裂社会。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.A. website.
00:31But there is no Qing Zhen Temple.
00:34And the Youth League of Tudou also wants the Ministry of Tourism to apologize and add Qing Zhen Temple in the promotional video.
00:39In the face of doubt, Zhang Qingxin also immediately posted an article yesterday to explain.
00:42This 41-second video is just a short recommendation video.
00:46Because the video can't be too long, so they only focus on the beauty of the multi-cultural beauty of Taiwan.
00:52And she also does not point out and criticize those irresponsible people who are trying to play with racial and religious emotions and take the opportunity to divide society.
00:59In any case, Zhang Qingxin emphasized that there must be a scene of Qing Zhen Temple in the official promotional video of the tourist year.
01:06And when Zhang Qingxin attended the Ministry of Tourism today, she also reiterated this again.
01:10She believes that the tourism industry in our country has finally recovered from the epidemic.
01:15If Taiwan is full of political disputes every day, how would foreigners want to come to Malaysia to travel?
01:20Then how should Taiwan's economy and tourism industry develop?
01:29How can we promote tourism in our country?
01:33Where do tourists want to go?
01:37I'll give you another example.
01:39In politics every day, they are angry with China.
01:41Why do you bring people from China every day?
01:44But if we look at the whole country,
01:47in China, 1 in 4 billion people
01:53who are foreigners, 0.5% are foreigners.
01:58When Zhang Qingxin attended the Ministry of Tourism event today,
02:01she reminded everyone not to politicize the video released by the Ministry of Tourism in 2026.
02:05Zhang Qingxin said that if you have any comments on the related video,
02:08you can directly go to the office to find her, and the Ministry of Tourism will listen to your suggestions.
02:12Don't buy politics and don't buy religion.
02:17If we really make a mistake,
02:19please, the Ministry of Tourism,
02:23we will discuss, we will divide.
02:26We sort it out, we censor it.
02:28Zhang Qingxin also reiterated at the press conference after the event,
02:31the 41-second video was just a recommendation video.
02:34The actual promotional video is still being prepared.
02:36It will be divided into two or three provinces,
02:38and produced into a regional promotional video.
02:40Therefore, she urged everyone not to pick bones in the eggs,
02:43which will eventually cause social chaos.
02:45Don't politicize the video.
02:50Don't politicize everything,
02:53and then we will create tension in our society.
