• 2 months ago
விளைநிலத்தில் புகுந்து நாசம் செய்யும் காட்டுப்பன்றிகளால் தொடர் பொருளாதார இழப்பை சந்தித்து வருவதாகவும், சில நேரங்களில் அவற்றால் உயிரிழப்பும் நேரிடுவதாக வேதனை தெரிவிக்கும் விவசாயிகள், வனத்துறையும், மாவட்ட நிர்வாகமும் நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க கோரிக்கை வைத்துள்ளனர்.


00:00My name is Arco. I am a farmer. I farm paddy.
00:05When the paddy is sown, the paddy is completely mixed with the soil.
00:11That is why the income is lost.
00:13The land is affected a lot.
00:15When it rains, the land is covered with grass.
00:18The paddy is mixed with the soil and all the land is affected.
00:24That is why the income is lost.
00:26The paddy farming is not working.
00:29Where are you from?
00:30I am from Kerala Kanchanagalam.
00:32Where are you from?
00:33I am from P. Puthupatti village.
00:35I am from Muruganagalam, Birka.
00:37Do you have any collective farm?
00:40Yes, I have a collective farm.
00:42What kind of farm do you have?
00:43I have a collective farm.
00:47Are all the farmers affected by this?
00:50Yes, all the farmers are affected.
00:51How many villages are affected?
00:52There are about 20 villages here.
00:54Kerala Kanchanagalam, Mela Kanchanagalam, Chettiyagalam, S. S. Malayalam, Vallabham Patti, Uruppakulam, Aavaram Patti, Malayalam Patti, Puthupatti, Muruganagalam, Kallamurugam, Panikpuram, Suthupattam, all the villages are affected by this paddy.
01:04In which months is it affected?
01:06We don't know where it is.
01:08If we want to do agriculture, we have to destroy the paddy.
01:11It will come automatically.
01:13How much does the agriculture cost?
01:14It will cost only 1 crore.
01:15It will cost 1 crore for the sea.
01:16The paddy is affecting the sea a lot.
01:20Good morning!
01:21My name is Karpasamy.
01:24I am here to do agriculture.
01:26We are here to show you how to do agriculture.
01:28We are here to show you how to do agriculture.
01:32In which months are we affected?
01:33The paddy, land and sea are affected.
01:35I planted 1.5 acres of land.
01:37In that 1.5 acres of land, the paddy has grown up to 30 acres.
01:39I planted 1 acres of paddy.
01:41Half of it has grown up to 30 acres.
01:43They gave us a place to live and allowed us to hunt.
01:50Did you say that someone died because of this pig?
01:52My father-in-law committed suicide.
01:55When we were coming to Nellikavallu, he killed a pig.
02:02We couldn't save him.
02:04He committed suicide.
02:06That's why we are suffering.
02:10When we went to Nellikavallu for hunting, we found a pig and a dog.
02:20When we brought it home, the villagers caught it.
02:24We didn't ask them how much they would pay us.
02:27We asked the people in the village.
02:30They didn't let us go.
02:32We got Rs.30,000 from the collector.
02:34They let us go.
02:36They threatened to lock us up for 6 months.
02:40You tell us about your story.
02:43Hello, my name is Mohan.
02:45I am a farmer.
02:47I live in Kariyavatti, Nadipuli and Tiruchilai.
02:51I have been farming here for the past 5 years.
03:01Farmers are facing a lot of problems because of pigs.
03:12They are facing a lot of losses.
03:19The pigs are destroying their crops.
03:30The Tamil Nadu government and the district government need to take a good decision.
03:35Only then can we get more pigs in the future.
03:39We need to focus on farming.
