• 2 months ago
00:00For the first time in Tirupati, it happened for the first time, it shouldn't have happened, it was a bad omen.
00:08Vishad is the one who expressed it.
00:10May God give strength to the dead and the family.
00:16The same Tirupati God should be given, Venkataraman Swamy.
00:20No one else, as far as I know, no one else.
00:24Are you going to Delhi, sir, for the program?
00:28I am thinking of going to the concert.
00:30I am thinking of going to the concert inauguration program.
00:34Will you give food to the dead, sir?
00:36I have already given, what else will they give?
00:40I have already given.
00:42But your patience is lacking.
00:44What should be left, leave it.
00:48What should be left, you tell it openly.
00:53They have said it very well.
00:59How well did they say it?
01:01They say it very well.
01:05They have said it very well.
01:09They have given a certificate about me.
01:15When Naxalism is still a national issue in Karnataka, it seems to have been eradicated.
01:22See, lot of work has been done in terms of, you know, removing the Naxalism itself in the state.
01:36Several organizations attempted to do this for so many years.
01:42And it was reducing.
01:45One by one it was reducing with various reasons.
01:49Now the last, supposed to be the last six Naxals, we were working on them to surrender.
02:00And Chief Minister gave a call, I gave a call.
02:03And after the demise of, you know, that Gowda, Vikram Gowda, the pressure was mounting.
02:16And we appealed to them that we will give you all sorts of protection, come to the mainstream of the society.
02:22And at the same time, the same appeal, protest, you can do it in a kind of a non-violence way,
02:31so that your life also will be smoothened.
02:36This was the appeal by the Chief Minister and all of us.
02:39Heeding to this appeal, they have surrendered.
02:42And we have a surrendered policy, this Naxal surrendered policy in the state.
02:48According to that, we are supposed to give them, you know, some support to lead their, you know, life in future.
02:56Including legal aid.
02:58And we will do that.
03:00Yesterday, Chief Minister has announced that we will give them all sorts of support.
03:05And two Naxals coming from, one from Kerala and one from Tamil Nadu,
03:10CM has assured them that he will speak to the Chief, both the Chief Ministers of the state,
03:16so that their cases will be taken care of.
03:20So the BJP has brought up two issues.
03:22One is, how appropriate was it to bring them to the Chief Minister's office?
03:28Second is, are they trying to make them urban Naxals?
03:31No, you see, opposition has to be definitely critical.
03:37But a positive criticism will be appreciated.
03:40What was wrong in bringing those Naxalites before the Chief Minister, I don't understand.
03:50Our idea was to bring, you know, before the Chief Minister was to send out a message throughout the state,
03:56you know, by a responsible person, and that is the Chief Minister,
04:00saying that this entire Naxalism should put an end to it.
04:04This was the message we wanted to send out to the public.
04:07And that would happen, or that would have a bigger appeal by the Chief Minister.
04:13And that is why, you know, there is no politics involved in it,
04:17unless BJP is trying to come out with some political, you know, things about it.
