• 2 months ago
बिहार का डेहरी डालमियानगर का इलाका कभी विश्व के औधोगिक मानचित्र पर पांच दशकों तक राज किया है। लेकिन बदलते वक्त के साथ साथ यह इलाका अपनी इस पहचान को खोता चला गया। हालात यह हुए की इलाके का उधोग खंडहर में तब्दील हो गया और फैक्ट्रियां कबाड़ हो गई और यहाँ के लोग बेरोजगारी का दंश झेलते झेलते पलायन को मजबूर होने लगे ऐसे में यहाँ के सांसद और बिधायक ने भी कभी इस इलाके को बिकसित करने की बात नही सोची हां इतना जरुर उन्होंने किया की चुनाव में वोट लेने के खातिर इलाके के लोगो को गुमराह जरुर किया सपने जरुर दिखाए।दअरसल एक कारण यह भी रहा की तमाम संसाधनों के बावजूद यह इलाका आर्थिक दृष्टिकोण से पिछड़ता चला गया कही कल कारखाने भी लगने से दूर रहे।


00:00The area of RK Dehri Dalmia Nagar has been in conflict for 5 decades.
00:06But with the changing times, this area has lost its identity.
00:12The situation was such that the area's industry was turned into ruins
00:16and factories were destroyed.
00:19The people of this area were forced to flee due to unemployment.
00:24In such a situation, the MPs and MPs of this area
00:28did not think of developing the area.
00:31Yes, they did so much so that they misled the people of the area
00:35to vote in the elections.
00:38Dreams should definitely be shown.
00:41On the other hand, one reason was that despite all the regulations,
00:45this area continued to be separated from the outside world.
00:49The factories should also stay away from the people.
00:52After a long time, like other districts of the state,
00:55it has started to see a sense of unity.
00:58Where the Rohtas Udyog Samu, Jhula Udyog Ikai
01:02and PPCL industries have been shut down due to unemployment.
01:06On the other hand, the government of the state
01:09has once again created a new movement among the people
01:12to arrange land for small and household units
01:15and to establish factories for various industrial households.
01:18This has once again created a new movement among the people.
01:22In the same way, the Udyog Department,
01:25the officials of the Bihar government and the District Udyog Mahaprabhandak,
01:28DCLI Dehri, DCLI Sasaram,
01:31and the District Officer Dehri,
01:34have conducted a survey of the land by the District Officer Sri Sagar.
01:38According to the District Officer of Dehri,
01:41a proposal of a total of 250 acres has been sent to the Bihar Government
01:45to make the Udyog Department an industrial area.
01:48In the same way, the Bihar Government and the District Office of Dehri
01:51have conducted a survey of the land by the Bihar Government
01:54to make the Udyog Department an industrial area.
01:59On the occasion of the new year,
02:02we have completed the objective of giving 250 acres of land
02:05to the Dehri District Office of Dehri.
02:10We have allocated 250 acres of land in four areas
02:15under the auspices of the representatives of the Bihar Government
02:18and under the auspices of the District Office of Dehri.
02:21It has been field-visited.
02:24Most of the people come to the same area
02:27as the government land under our government scheme.
02:31We have two main tasks from this.
02:34In the government scheme,
02:37less people will have to settle on the government land
02:40because it is far from the dense population.
02:43Bhatoli, Bhalwari, Durgapur and Bhadkuria are our main areas.
02:49It has the most government land
02:52and it will be easier for us to deal with the problems
02:55that will arise in the future.
02:58Under the government scheme,
03:01it will be used for the Dehri District Office of Dehri.
03:04It will be used as an industrial area.
03:08It is located at a distance of 6-7 km from the main road.
03:13It has been field-visited.
03:16We hope that the work will start soon
03:19and the industrial glory of Dehri will be restored.
