• 2 months ago


00:00In Garhwadakshani forest, there is a movement of tiger in the forest.
00:10And there have been some incidents in which some cattle have been killed by this tiger.
00:17On this occasion, I request the villagers to be alert.
00:23And do not go to the forest without a reason.
00:29And if you need to go, then go late and be careful.
00:34And do not go to the forest after dark in any situation.
00:39Sir, what all have you got? How did you come to know that the tiger has been killed?
00:45The department has received many information about the tiger.
00:48For example, the pattern of the kill indicates that the tiger has been killed.
01:00In some places, the department has also found footprints.
01:04The footprints indicate that the tiger has been killed.
01:10And today, we have also received a SCAT, which is being sent for further analysis.
01:19Sir, where is this tiger from?
01:22It is difficult to say where the tiger has come from, from Chhattisgarh or PTR.
01:28Because for many months, we have been receiving information about the tiger coming and going on Palamu Tiger Reserve.
01:37So, it is difficult to say where this tiger has come from.
