• 2 months ago
Neil Tappin takes a look at the 8 weird things golfers do from putting gloves in back pockets to plumb-bobbing and strange swing rehearsals. Take a look at our list of what we think are the most 8 common and see how many you do! To non-golfers many of these things look truly strange but there is often a logic behind the weird things we do.
00:00Hello everyone, Neil Tappan here from Golf Monthly and welcome to the London Club and this video in
00:04which we are looking at eight weird things that golfers do. These are the sorts of things that
00:09many of us do subconsciously or even consciously that doesn't make a lot of sense to non-golfers
00:15but that we all have in common. We're going to run through our list now of the eight weird
00:19things that golfers do. Now have you ever done that where you've hit a shot and used your body
00:37to lean to help bring the ball back into play? It's something many of us golfers do and I'm not
00:42sure it works. I'm not sure that you can use the force to bring the ball back to play. The other
00:46one that falls into this category is when you hit a putt that's looking like it might go in but it
00:51also might miss the little knee bend just to help the ball on its way. I'm not 100% sure they work.
00:57I think for the non-golfer that would look pretty weird. Now the next one on my list relates to
01:10putting with your glove hanging out of your back pocket. Now I think this emanates from the tour
01:15but exactly where I'm not sure. If you do know please do leave comments below.
01:19It's something that the vast majority of golfers do and I'm struggling to think of any other walk
01:23of life where you would have your glove hanging out of your back pocket. It might seem like a
01:28strange thing to do but it does make sense to us golfers. Get up, get up, get up, sit, sit.
01:44Why do golfers stand like that?
02:04Now golfers like most sports people have their own superstitions. I've seen a whole host over
02:09the years whether that's lucky ball markers or only using certain numbered golf balls whether
02:15that's odds or evens or ones or threes whatever it might be. I've seen quite a few. Now I don't
02:20have a particular number of golf ball that I always use but I do always mark my ball the same
02:24way. I always put a circle around the number. What's your superstition? Please do leave comments
02:29below. The more unusual the better. So the next one on the list is plumb bobbing. Now it might
02:40look strange but actually for a lot of those people who do it they really swear by it and
02:45it's particularly useful I think on these putts that are fairly straight that could break either
02:50from the left or from the right. You use the plumb bobbing technique just to give you that little bit
02:54more assurance that little bit more knowledge about what might happen to the putt. Now you see
02:59quite a lot of times players doing it on tour you might have even had a stint doing it yourself
03:03and as I say for those players that do use it a lot of them swear by it.
03:12The next one on the list refers to using inanimate objects to help you practice your golf swing.
03:17I'm talking about things like umbrellas or remote controls, broomsticks, hoses, anything that you
03:23can put your hands on to practice your grip and then have a little waggle and check where you are
03:27in the golf swing. It's something that a lot of us do partly because we're sort of always obsessing
03:32about trying to get better at golf and I think non-golfers probably would look at us in that
03:35scenario and wonder what was going on but it's something that many of us do. What's the strangest
03:40thing you've used to help you practice your golf swing? We'd be interested to hear.
03:44Now when it comes to the practice swing you might have thought that the best thing to do
03:49would be to try and create a direct replica of the swing that you'd be looking to make
03:53as you stood behind the ball but for a lot of golfers actually what they're trying to do with
03:57their practice swing is to groove a certain movement in the swing and that can lead to some
04:03quite unusual looking practice swings. I think for the non-golfer it looks quite
04:07weird but actually it does make a lot of sense. So I'm going to show you how to do that.
04:14If you're trying to get the club in a certain position in the swing to create the feeling
04:18that you're looking for. So there you have it that's our list of eight weird things that golfers
04:23do. I'm sure that we've missed something. If we have please do post them below. Ideas about the
04:29strange things that you've seen on the golf course we'd be very interested to hear your thoughts and
04:34also don't forget to hit the subscribe button to make sure that you don't miss any of our videos
04:38and hit that little notification bell so that you know whenever one of our videos is published.
04:43But for now that's it from the London Club we will see you next time.