• 2 months ago
👉 El Presidente asegura que su acuerdo ideal sería "ir juntos y arrasar al kirchnerismo en las próximas elecciones". Sin embargo, también menciona la necesidad de una investigación seria sobre las denuncias graves que involucran tanto a los kirchneristas como al macrismo.

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00:00Some time ago, Milley said,
00:01either we go together, or we don't.
00:04He said, this is about alliances, in different places.
00:07I said, no, we all go together and that's it.
00:09Otherwise, out.
00:11I still avoid Javier Milley regarding this topic.
00:16To go or not to go in alliance with the pro.
00:18Today I have a definition.
00:19Let's go together and destroy Kirchnerism in the elections.
00:23If you want, we'll listen to it,
00:25but this statement has a trap.
00:26Let's see.
00:27Let's listen to it first and then we'll analyze it.
00:30How would your ideal agreement with Mauricio Macri be?
00:34Let's go together and destroy Kirchnerism in the next elections.
00:38And how would it be expressed?
00:40With Macri as a senator for the city of Buenos Aires, for example?
00:43No, we would have to see what intentions he has
00:45to actively get involved in party politics and politics of office.
00:55But I, again, I...
00:57But that would be a good way.
01:00He goes as a senator and...
01:02I am willing to talk about these issues with President Macri.
01:06I am open to his proposals.
01:09That is, with which, that does not, let's say,
01:12that, the office discussion for me is not an interesting discussion.
01:16No, but you closed the political discussion a few days ago
01:21when he told the Forbes journalist,
01:23either we all go together or we go separated throughout the country.
01:26No, that of lying to the electorate, cheating, no.
01:31No, let's say, who are we who are in freedom?
01:36This, well, let's all go together.
01:38Although it has nuances in some...
01:40Oh, and what do you want?
01:41Let's say, I also have nuances with Milton Friedman,
01:44but I would not dare to question that he is a liberal.
01:47Milton Friedman himself says there are three types of liberals.
01:50There are the classic liberals,
01:51that is, like Milton Friedman, like Adam Smith, if you want.
01:54They are classic.
01:55The liberal is my anarchist, let's say,
01:58Hayek, Mises, or the philosophers Nozick or Ayn Rand.
02:04And then there are the anarchists, like Rothbard.
02:06No, no, and then there is you,
02:08who is the anarchist of the anarchists.
02:12It is not believed that I am so alone and so far away.
02:15No, no, no, it's fine.
02:16But it's a technological issue.
02:18It's fine, it's fine.
02:18But, let's see, I have...
02:21Let's see, there is something important to understand.
02:24The government plays all the cards for these general elections.
02:29Not the presidential ones.
02:31They are the, in this case, legislators of the month of October.
02:35In what sense?
02:36In that if it wins against Kirchnerism,
02:40and makes it descend much more from expectations,
02:44it will complement all the economic potential
02:47that it has planned for not only 2025,
02:50but for 2026 and 2027.
02:53Some economists, who are affiliated with the government,
02:55what they say is,
02:56if Kirchnerism returned,
02:58or Kirchnerism ascended a little in the favoritism of the people,
03:03the economic plan would begin to have some kind of problems.
03:08The confidence, of course, in the government,
03:10or in the Argentine economy.
03:12That's why my law, the government,
03:14needs Macri to join,
03:17not to make alliances in different places.
03:19Well, there are two libraries in the government at the moment.
03:22One has to do with something that you are raising,
03:26which is, what happens if Cristina Kirchner wins the 2025 elections?
03:30And the other says,
03:31stop, Macri won the 2017 one,
03:34and two months later they threw 14 tons of stone at Congress.
03:40Macri won the 2017 elections,
03:42and could not retain the presidency in 2019.
03:45And in fact, from 2005 to now,
03:47no one who won the midterm elections
03:51could be president, or could retain the space.
03:54Therefore, let's not make a fuss.
03:57The important thing is to maintain the identity of the space.
04:01But remember that this is another type of government.
04:06Another type of president who is not a politician.
04:09It comes from politics.
04:10It is seen as a consequence of politics.
04:13Precisely what they say,
04:14in an important line of the government, is,
04:17the discussion of the legislature is the discussion of the caste.
04:20And we can't get involved in the discussion of the caste.
04:23What does my law say in another section of the interview?
04:26We didn't get to see it.
04:28It says, I like it a lot, I love the pro.
04:31That's why we have to go together, as he said before.
04:33Look, Patricia Woolrich is in my government.
04:36Luis Petri, who is from Juntos por el Cambio, is in my government.
04:39Turcenegres del Proe is in my government.
04:40Luis Caputo is in my government.
04:42What does Macrism say?
04:43Yes, of course, but we want to put on the lists
04:46those who say Macri,
04:47not those who today are seeing how they move on to advanced freedom.
04:51That's the discussion.
04:53Who is going to decide, in case there is an alliance,
04:56who is going to decide what names are put on and where.
04:59For now, the pro insists,
05:01at this time we are going to go on our own lists,
05:04throughout the country, and perhaps with Macri leading
05:08as national senator in the city of Buenos Aires.
05:10He got into another controversy, my law,
05:12which has to do with these cross-references
05:14about whether Mauricio Macri's FIP
05:17somehow benefited Kirchnerist businessmen.
05:20Listen to it.
05:23Do we have the audio?
05:26Let's see.
05:27Not only from Cristina, but also from Macri,
05:31we saw it in these works,
05:33there was a list of untouchables,
05:35I hope you understand the question,
05:36not investigable for the FIP,
05:38and sources from the Macrism sector,
05:41insist that the now new head of the FIP, Andres Vazquez,
05:46was the one who protected the K,
05:48and that he has to explain how he made his fortune.
05:51You understand all these issues, right?
05:52Let's see.
05:57Let's see.
05:58In this case, it is an extremely serious complaint,
06:02and the Kirchnerists and the Macrism are involved.
06:06Uncle, because it may also be that there are people who complain,
06:10because they know that this existed.
06:14For example, people from the Macrism did not deny this.
06:17The former head of the FIP, Abad, said that it was an infamy.
06:22Well, and there are other people who say that the list existed,
06:25but that when it was pointed out, they ran away.
06:29So, I think it is something of such a great institutional gravity,
06:34that it deserves a very serious investigation.
06:37Very serious.
06:38A technical and political investigation, right?
06:40Because there is the one who put his finger and wanted to find out.
06:43Yes, let's say.
06:44First, let's go through the strictly technical issue.
06:47Because when you make the technical issue very clear,
06:50when you don't start to close the technical issue,
06:53then you will find, let's say, the hand of the politicians in there.
06:56Do you think there could be people who,
06:58within the Macrism government, working in the FIP,
07:01protected Kirchnerists and others?
07:04I'm not going to make an accusation of such calibre and gravity without proof.
07:09I think we have to investigate it.
07:11It is a very delicate issue,
07:14and I think that one cannot be making statements...
07:20Well, there he left it. It's for Abad, right?
07:23Yes, Abad and Cucciori, both, let's say,
07:26both would be involved according to the government.
07:29Today Abad answered through an interview,
07:31but we didn't protect anyone, it's all a lie, Abad.
07:34Yes, they have been categorically rejecting all this kind of manoeuvres.
07:38We will have to see if it advances in justice.
07:41Another topic that was mentioned in the interview
07:43has to do with the economic issue.
07:45And a very strong debate that is taking place among economists
07:48at this moment, which has to do with
07:50whether the type of change is delayed or delayed.
07:54One of those who got into the controversy was Domingo Cavallo,
07:57who has been insisting on the idea
07:59that the type of change is delayed.
08:01Milley says no, that we are fine.
08:04And he puts as a comparison, he says,
08:06in the worst moment of the tequila effect,
08:08where Cavallo was desperate to keep the one-to-one,
08:12the real type of change of that moment
08:14was the equivalent of 700 pesos today.
08:17Therefore, Milley says, Cavallo,
08:19words more, words less,
08:21that old man who remains silent
08:23and does not get involved in today's economic policy.
08:26In a little while we will show the statement
08:28of Javier Milley against Domingo Cavallo.
