• 2 weeks ago
लखनऊ, उत्तर प्रदेश: मंत्री चौधरी लक्ष्मी नारायण सिंह ने कहा, अखिलेश यादव को कुंभ पर टिप्पणी करने के बजाय हज यात्रा पर चर्चा करनी चाहिए। मेरा मानना है कि उन्हें पहले अपनी हज यात्रा पूरी करनी चाहिए और वापस आकर मदरसों में भाषण देना चाहिए। उन्होंने आगे कहा, जो लोग भ्रष्ट होते हैं उन्हें हर जगह भ्रष्टाचार ही नज़र आता है। ठीक वैसे ही जैसे एक अंधे व्यक्ति को हर चीज़ हरी-भरी नज़र आती है। धार्मिक आयोजनों के बारे में ऐसी टिप्पणी करना निराशाजनक है। कभी-कभी मुझे आश्चर्य होता है कि क्या इन लोगों में भारत का डीएनए भी है।

#ChaudharyLaxmiNarayan #KumbhComment #HajjJourney #ReligiousEvents #CorruptionViews


00:00The blind man sees green, the corrupt man sees corruption.
00:06Talking like this for a religious organization like Kumbh,
00:12I would say that sometimes it seems that these people have the DNA of India or not.
00:21They have no right to comment on Kumbh.
00:27They should talk about Haj Yatra.
00:30I would say that they should perform Haj first,
00:34and then come here and give their statement in Madrasas.
00:39Then it will be better.
00:41Look, I say that the corrupt man only sees Waqf and Waqf board.
00:50The corrupt man only sees Madrasas.
00:54The corrupt man only sees Namaz.
00:58Apart from this, the corrupt man does not see anything else.
01:02This is the land of India.
01:05Waqf board is from yesterday.
01:08Everyone knows this very well.
01:11Where there is Mahadev's Taboosthali,
01:14where there are Mahadev's temples,
01:17where there are temples of Sanatan religion,
01:22what is the meaning of Waqf board in those places?
01:25Many such documents have come forward,
01:31where temples were registered in 2014,
01:35and Waqf board was registered by getting them cut.
01:39They were cut and buried.
01:42There are many such examples.
01:44If there is no Kumbh on the land of India,
01:47then what else?
01:48There will be Kumbh in Arab countries.
01:52There will be Kumbh on the land of India.
