• 2 months ago
00:00important pathway for its globalization and for its rise in the international order.
00:08Now, why is that important?
00:10It is important because if you look at the history of the world, especially the modern world,
00:17no country has grown by itself.
00:21Every country has grown with partners, with global partners.
00:26And at this time, for us, that partnership, a partnership which will supplement resources,
00:35which will infuse technology, which will introduce best practices,
00:40that is absolutely essential if India is to attain its potential.
00:46And that is where NRIs and PIOs can really make a difference.
00:54Now, our Prime Minister often talks of three Ts when it comes to evaluating foreign policy.
01:06In fact, we use the three Ts in the foreign ministry to evaluate our own people as well.
01:13And the three Ts are trade, technology and tourism.
01:20And I want you today to reflect on those three Ts located as you are in Bhubaneswar from the perspective of Odisha.
01:33So, the first T, trade.
01:36I think you have seen through the presentations what a blessing Odisha has in terms of resources.
01:46But resources do not automatically translate into trade.
01:51Resources need investments.
01:54Resources need facilities.
01:56Resources need connectivity.
01:59And today, how to increase, how to do the value add so that what you trade is not just resources but value adds from it.
02:09And how to leverage the location of Odisha.
02:14Because if one looks ahead, you know, the eastern seaboard of India is going to become a crucial exposure, a connect of India to the world.
02:28We have spoken of the Lukis policy.
02:33In many ways, you can say the Lukis policy actually has a historical origin in the state called Bali Yatra.
02:41That connect to Southeast Asia actually started in Odisha.
02:46That today, this eastward connection, and I can visualize it in the coming decades.
02:54When I was last time in Singapore, we have a ministerial mechanism.
03:02One of the important subjects we discussed were green shipping corridors.
03:07So, whether it is, you know, orthodox shipping, whether it is green shipping, whether it is power grids, whether as I said it is resources, the value adds on it,
03:18the potential for trade based from Odisha is really enormous.
03:26The second T, of course, is technology.
03:30But this T is increasingly acquiring a particular connotation in the world today.
03:37Technology is not like a manufactured good.
03:43It has, in the digital era, a very high element of trust.
03:49Countries, people, organizations want to know where is the data, who is processing it, who is harvesting it, who will deploy it.
04:01And technology, therefore, is increasingly associated with trusted talent.
04:08So, when we speak here, and my colleague, the principal secretary spoke about it.
04:13We saw a little bit of it in the slide as well.
04:16The talent of Odisha, the fact that today you have young demography, you have a very strong education backbone of this state.
04:28Today, technology also offers a lot of possibilities for collaboration.
04:34And the third, of course, is tourism.
04:37I, you know, many of you perhaps would be here for the first time.
04:42Some of you come from this state.
04:44But I can tell you, you know, I had an opportunity yesterday to see some of the tourism possibilities for myself.
04:54I think this state is simply incredible in terms of what it has to offer.