• 2 months ago
अंबिकापुर का युवा किसान ने कम जमीन में फूल की खेती करके बड़ा मुनाफा लिया है.आईए जानते हैं खेती का ये तरीका कैसा है.


00:00People make a profit from different ways of farming, but many times people are unable to do agriculture in the absence of land.
00:16Today we are going to tell you about a type of agriculture that you can make a lot of profit in very little land and very little cost.
00:25We are talking about flower farming.
00:27In these flowers, you can make a good profit on very little land than the farming of onions.
00:32Ambikapur's young farmer Vasudev Ram Agariya has made a good profit in this way.
00:38Now he is preparing to do it on a large scale.
00:42According to Vasudev, he has benefited from farming, which has also benefited from the government's plan.
00:49I got 1200 plants from the Udayan department.
00:54Did you collect them?
00:55Yes, I collected the paper stones.
00:57The Udayan department gave me 1200 plants.
01:00And now I have got 6,400 rupees.
01:05Yes, I will do it on a large scale.
01:08I have got a good profit.
01:10It is cheaper than other types of agriculture and it is also good.
01:13There is no problem.
01:15It is a good agriculture.
01:17Anyone can do it.
01:19And everyone is getting benefits.
01:21The government is giving for that.
01:23The government is also providing technical support with a subsidy of 40% from the National Bagwani Mission.
01:31With the help of which you can make a big profit by investing less money.
01:36The government helps the farmers in two ways.
01:39First, they give a subsidy per hectare.
01:42Second, instead of money, they are provided with plants, which are easy to cultivate.
01:49In a hectare of flowers, a subsidy of 40,000 rupees is required.
01:55A subsidy of 40%, i.e. 16,000 rupees, is given under the National Bagwani Mission.
02:02Do you also give plants?
02:04It is not necessary for the farmer to get plants from us.
02:08The farmer can get it from any nursery.
02:12We also have a large seedling unit in our nursery.
02:17We get plants made from it.
02:19And we give the farmers a subsidy of 16,000 rupees per hectare.
02:24So, we do not get a subsidy.
02:26It goes to the government.
02:28There are many people who are interested in agriculture.
02:32But because there is less land, they do not enter the field of agriculture.
02:36The hard work of Vasudev Ram Agarya has opened new doors for such people.
02:41Now, anyone can make a profit by cultivating flowers in less land.
02:46For ETV Bharat, this is Deepak Gupta from Sargoja.
